Thursday 29 October 2009

Illustrated Life

I have called this picture Call Girl. It is in fact a Lufthansa advert in a telephone box.

Monday 5 October 2009

Maria Schmidt

Photo by Nigel James

Maria Schmidt - A whole in One.
With German - English language aid at the end of the text.

Only people who are whole can heal, and only people who have found themselves are complete; and Maria Schmidt has discovered the strength that is within her – and Maria Schmidt can heal!

Maria Schmidt is a Shiatsu practitioner, and it is the harmony and sympathy that is within her that flows and renews the dynamic balance of the person she is treating - thus freeing the natural channels of energy to circulate once again through the now enlivened body. Shiatsu restores the whole, and it is from this that the power of recovery and the will for perfect health comes.

Of course, good health also comes from the pleasure of the small but happy things which we eat. This is how I got to know Maria Schmidt. I was given a small pack of Christmas cookies by Waltraud Bushenreiter, a teacher who I know, and these cookies, or Weihnachts Bäckerei as the Austrians call them, were the best I had ever tasted.

And this is another side of Maria Schmidt. She is an expert at making these small but fine Christmas cookies, and these, because she only uses the finest of natural ingredients, are temptations that one is allowed, or should even be encouraged, to give in to! It’s a shame that Christmas is only once a year!

But of course life is all the year round. And we are all part of the great whole of the earth upon which we live. And it is not only us who live here; there is nature in its entirety too. And the one thing that greatly disturbs Maria Schmidt is the destruction of the environment and the selfish killing of some of our co-inhabitants, in particular, the dolphins of the sea.

Maria Schmidt discovered the peaceful and mighty power of the ocean when she was living in Cornwall in England. And one day, whilst gazing out upon the greatness of the Atlantic, she experienced the indifference of size as we understand it. However small or big we may be, in terms of the universe we are all the same, and, whether man or animal – just as important.

Life is steps, and thanks to the steps Maria Schmidt has taken , she is able to help us to find our way to the health, harmony, and the true happiness that we deserve. Each second that we have is valuable; and each passing minute is like an Atlantic wave that is breaking upon the Cornish shore!

For full details of Christmas cookies and Shiatsu treatment,
Maria Schmidt – tel (from Vienna) 0680 207 8 207

Maria Schmidt - German – English Language Aid

Whole – ganz.
To heal – heilen.
Complete – ganz.

2 –
Harmony – Harmonie.
Sympathy – Sympathie.
To flow – fliesen. (flow/flowed/flowed)
To renew – erneuen. (renew/renewed/renewed)
Balance – Gleichgewicht.
To circulate – kreisen. (circulate/circulated/circulated)
To enliven – beleben. (enliven/enlivened/enlivened)
To restore – wieder herzustellen.
Recovery – Erholung.
Health – Gesundheit.

3 –
Pleasure – Vergnügung.

4 –
Ingredients – Zutaten.
Temptations – Versuchungen.
Allowed – erlauben. (allow/allowed/allowed)
To encourage – ermutigen. (encourage/encouraged/encouraged)
To give in to – etwas nach geben. (give in to/gave in to/given in to)
Shame – Schade.

5 -
To disturb – stören. (disturb/disturbed/disturbed)
Destruction – Zerstören.
Environment – Umwelt.
Selfish – unachtsam.

6 –
Peaceful – friedlich.
Mighty – mächtig.
To gaze – blicken. (gaze/gazed/gazed)
Indifference - Gleichgültigkeit.
Whether – ob.

7 –
Deserve – verdienen.

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I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...