Sunday 27 June 2010

Music in Vienna

I have just received a call from Bert Millinger. His band, The Vienna House Master Project is putting on some great music! I know this band - they are great! For more, go to thier site,

Karlsplatz - Vienna

Not to be Beaten! There are certain places that cities have that attract the creative spirits of their citizens; and Vienna, in its centre, has St. Charles's square (Karlsplatz), and it is to this square that all sorts of different people with all their varied interests come.
It was just the other afternoon, whilst going accross the square and dodging the cyclists, that I passed a line of artists painting the magnificent St. Charles's church complete with its mini lake and Henry Moore master piece in the forground; and, still being in the learning phase of their artisitic careers, they were being carefully watched over, and, every now and again, even being instructed by a not so young teacher with long grey hair, a beard, and dressed completely in black.
But what attracted me even more was a group of about 15 drummers who were peacefully beating away to the conducted rhythm of total harmony. There were very small kids, their parents, and people of every other age as well. So mesmerizing was this group, I had to sit down and let mysel go with the beat as well!
There was something very beat speacial about this drumming. Just listening to it made me slow down completely, and a quarter of an hour was all that I needed to feel completely refreshed. Maybe drumming is the answer to stress, and also the famous burn-out that everyone's talking about!

Friday 18 June 2010

A Very Short Break

Dear friends of Diarikom! We are going away for about the next ten days. We will, however, be back with some even more interesting "short but to the point" biographies, and a lot of good pictures; and some other surprises, as well. See you again soon, Nigel A. JAMES
My e-mail address is,

Friday 11 June 2010

Nina Brutti

We Are All But Players on The Stage of Life

A Blood Sucking Role! Yesterday, I had the pleasure of talking to Nina Brutti, a charming young lady who has one foot set firmly in a fantasy world of her own, and the other in the realities of life as it is; and both of these sides are as real and as true as each other!

On the one side, she’s a very realistic and down-to-earth student whose eyes are well and truly fixed on a future as a teacher, and, on the other side, her life consists of singing, dancing and acting; and, both sides together contain the depths and the shades that make her the exciting person that she is!

Nina admits that her real love is the stage, and this is clear when one sees her in action. Just very recently, she was very instrumental in the putting on of a highly successful revue in Vienna, Musical Meets Breitensee; and it was there, to the sheer delight of two packed houses, that she allowed her talents to rise to the surface as she cut her way through roles which had been taken from Dracula, Hercules, Pocahontas, The Rudolf Affair, the King of the Lions, Tutankhamen, Gustav Klimt and We Will Rock You! Musicals that are as diverse as they are beautiful – and the role that she enjoyed the most was that of the blood-sucking Dracula!

But, maybe, it is Nina’s love of creativity and the theatre that lead her to her choice of becoming a primary school teacher! There are, after all, striking similarities! Both require an incredible confidence; and both demand a high level of creativity in depth. Nina is at home in both – and both of these professions are amongst the most important that there are.

Teaching establishes intellectual interests and sets people upon their way through life; and the theatre exists because of this base. So, without the right teachers, our society would be a lot worse off! And some of tomorrows children will have Nina to thank for their success; and, a lot of us now can be grateful to her for the fun that she’s giving us!

My e-mail address is,


Sunday 6 June 2010

Green so Green

Colour Gem - Green - Picture by Nigel A. JAMES

Green, it is said, is the colour that stands for eternity and inner peace! This may be so, but I believe that green, primarily, is the colour of nature. Just look out side. Our forests are full of ever-greens, trees that keep thier needles the whole year round. They are able to survive the coldest of winters and the hottest of summers! They simply last for ever. Maybe green, after-all, is the right colour for eternity; and, forests, too, do provide us with a deep inner peace!

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...