Monday 30 March 2015

Shooting Star - Willi Noelle was there where the action was - and - one night in Beirut was the most dangerous of all!

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Shooting Star! - Willi Noelle

Willi Noelle is a man of great vision. He's an artist and writer, and until recently was a cameraman for Austrian television news. And, his job was not always easy. The sets that he worked on were often the hot spots of trouble, and, more often than not there was more of a story behind the getting of a story than the story itself! And what happened one night in war-torn Beirut was probably the most perilous of all!

It was the early 70s of last century.

Willi Noelle and his team had gone to Beirut to interview Yasser Arafat. And actually getting to meet Yasser Arafat was no easy matter. It was a mixture of suspense, waiting and patience. And, all on a budget of limited time. 4 days was their maximum. Staying longer in Beirut was simply too dangerous. Many journalists who had stepped over this mark were never seen again. The kidnapping and shooting of foreign journalists was very good business!
And so, there they were waiting in the most guarded hotel in the most dangerous city on earth for an interview that might or might not happen, and, for them, time was running out quickly. Their four days would be up in the morning. And then, just after convincing themselves that nothing would happen the telephone rang. They put down their drinks and left the hotel. And there, outside in the dark was a car, and, it was waiting for them.

It was pitch black as they were driven through the streets full of shadows and danger. They knew nothing about where they were going. And, only Willi Noelle who was sitting in the front was able to make out the signals that the driver was flashing with his headlights. The shadows were guarding their route. But, nonetheless, they couldn't help wondering if they would still be alive when the morning grey came! The air was electric and charged with suspense. But then the car came to a halt. They had arrived. But where?

They were in a small dimly lit courtyard. The ground was full of glass splinters; there had been recent fighting. There were uniformed soldiers who were smoking and hanging around in small groups. And, Willi Noelle and his team were afraid, but didn't dare show it!

But then through the menacing still of the night came a sound. It was a clack clack clack. And, there was the officer. A small lame man with a hunchback and wearing an oversized uniform which made him ridiculous! No words were exchanged. Only signs. And then, doing as was ordered, they followed the clack – clack – clack of the officer's right foot hitting the ground. And, still not knowing where they were going.

And then came a door in a wall. There was a very dim light. The door opened and down and down they went. And there was a bunker.

It was comfortable. There was a red leather three piece suite, a wall which was covered with a print of a mountainous landscape. And, the offer of a strong Lebanese coffee and an even stronger Turkish cigarette was just that was needed. But, where was Yasser Arafat? The answer was not long in coming.

It was whilst Willi Noelle's camera was being examined by an Hungarian photography student that Willi Noelle thought he saw the wall move! Had the day been too much? But, he was right. The wall wasn't a wall, it was a screen, and there behind it was the unshaven and smiling and ready to speak Yasser Arafat. He had been there all the time. And he spoke and the interview happened.

And, Willi Noelle and his team got back to their hotel without any mishaps, and, as planned, they left Beirut a few hours later. And then, high up in the sky it all became clear.

No passwords had been used to enter the bunker, the key had been the clack – clack – clack of the officer's right foot. If they had been taken or captured, they would have had nothing to reveal. They had heard and seen nothing at all!

And the Hungarian? He was really no student at all. All he had been doing was checking the camera, it could have been a gun. And their four day wait became clear as well. That was the time for checking and watching. There is no such thing as trust in a war!

Of course, Willi Noelle didn't stop there, he completed many more missions, some dangerous, some not, and it was later that he turned his eye towards art. And, he succeeded which is hardly surprising. Both filming and painting require an eye that is trained, and it is the same understanding that's needed for the filming of people and the painting of nature!

And so, Willi Noelle's vision goes on – but now, in a way that's no longer filled with suspense! His life is now being being himself. He no longer shoots with his camera, but his eyes are still seeing. And, looking death in the eye is no longer a part of his work!


convincing – überzeugend
lame – hinkend
mishap - Unglück/Mißgeschik
no matter what egal was
nonetheless – nichts desto weniger
patience – Geduld
perilous – gefährlich
reveal - enthüllen
suspense – Spannung


Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
Mountains, rivers, lakes and much more.
Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky


Friday 27 March 2015

Easy Text (Lexmatica) - Fishing with John - Great for starters and good for vocabulary and pronunciation -

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Fishing with John

John's hobby is fishing. He goes every Sunday. John fishes in rivers, streams, brooks and lakes. On average, he catches 8 fish every Sunday. John uses maggots and worms for bait.

And, Mary his wife? Whilst John is fishing she is cooking and cleaning. And, what is she cooking? The answer is simple. It's John's favourite meal. And, what is John's favourite meal? Fish and chips, what else!


average – Durchschnitt
bait – Köder
brook – Bach
catches (to catch/caught/caught) – fangen
cleaning – putzen
lake – See
maggot - Made/Larve
river – Fluss
stream – Bach
what else – was sonst
whilst – während
Questions -

What is your hobby?
Where does John fish?
What does John use for bait?
How many fish does John catch every Sunday?
What is John's favourite meal?
What is John's wife's name?
Does John's wife like fishing?
Why do people like fishing?

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
Mountains, rivers, lakes and much more.
Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky

More Lexmatica Texts!

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Diariklub - Intermediate Text - Fritz Jambrich - He changed his life for the better - at the speed of a snail at speed!

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Fritz Jambrich's Snail Farm - photo by Nigel A JAMES

Diariklub – Josef Jambrich

Josef Jambrich is a farmer. His farm is in Upper Austria, and, although his farm is only small, he earns enough money to be comfortable. And, the reason is simple. Things have changed for the better.

Up until 8 years ago, Josef Jambrich kept cattle and pigs and grew corn and potatoes, and he never had money. Life was hard. He used to get up at 4 every morning and toil until 6 every evening. Work and nothing but work. Then things became different. Josef Jambrich became a farmer of snails. And now, 4 or 5 hours of work every day are more than enough. And, his farm has still room for expansion. And, that is good so. Many people, it seems, love snails for dinner!

And, his life has changed in other ways, too. Next year, Josef Jambrich will be marrying Susi, his girl friend from Gmunden. They met whilst he was delivering snails to her father's hotel. Successful men attract beautiful women. And, the future?

Josef Jambrich has proved there's a future for very small farms. Imagination and daring and products to sell are all that's required, and, if all goes to plan there will be children to carry on the business. A thought that 8 years ago was out of the question. Snails may be slimy, but they bring in the money! And, where's there's money there's chance!

PS. Many people believe that you are what you eat! Be careful! Don't eat too many snails!


although obwohl
earns (to earn/earned/earned) – verdienen
get up (to get up/got up/got up) – aufstehen
snails- Schnecken
thought - Gedanken
toil (toil/toiled/toiled) – arbeite
Upper Austria Oberösterreich

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
Mountains, rivers, lakes and much more.
Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky

Monday 23 March 2015

Heike Jahns - The MarchingYears - How every DDR child sang to the very same tune!

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The Marching Years
Heike Jahns

Everyone remembers their childhood. Some of us did this, and some of us did that. But, everyone did exactly the same where Heike Jahns grew up! Everyone was a pioneer, and that's how it was in the GDR!

And, Heike Jahns looks back upon this time with pleasure. The pioneers were life both in and out of school, and the fun began in the very first class. It was there that all the children were ceremoniously accepted into the organisation, and from then on the wearing of the uniform became a part of everyday life. And, Heike Jahns still remembers how proud she used to be in her white blouse and blue scarf.

And, Heike Jahns especially remembers Wednesday afternoons. These were activity afternoons, and everything was provided and organized by the pioneers. There were visits to the cinema, dancing lessons, theatre workshops, musical evenings, and every other kind of club imaginable, and mostly at no cost at all. Everyone was in with a chance, which of course, made it easy for families to manage. But, there was sport, too. And sport was especially encouraged. And, encouraged, too, were the camps.

And, these were every child's dream. Summer with friends in the country with everything laid on.

There was good food, and activities from morning until night. And, not only that. Camps were the perfect place for making new friends. There were children from not only the GDR, but, other socialist countries as well.

But, of course, the evenings were always the best. They were the perfect way of ending each day, and, the pioneer songs which were sung round the fire after dark were special and full of wonderful emotional feelings. And, these were the moments of magic.
But, it would be wrong to believe that the pioneers were only good fun. There were dull moments, too. And Heike Jahns remembers Mondays as being the worst. Mondays were Flag Days and started at seven in the morning. There was an assembly in the school yard and everyone was there. And then, after the unenthusiastic singing of one or two songs and the reading of notices concerning achievements and coming events, allegiance was sworn to the flag. Flag Days were not a nice way of starting the week!

But, of course, the pioneers were there to provide a pattern for life, and so a system was needed. Primary school children were known as pioneers, and their uniform was a white shirt or blouse with a blue scarf. And then, in the 5th class, the children went up to the Thälmann Pioneers and the blue scarf was swapped for a red one. Ernst Thälmann, by the way, was the chairman of the German Communist party before the 2nd World War.

And, success was very important for all pioneers. Achievements were recognized in the form of badges which were sewn onto uniforms. And, each time a new badge was achieved, it was awarded with ceremony.

And, ceremony was a very important part of pioneer life, and the most important ceremony of all was the going-up to the highest. At the end of the 7th class, the white shirt was exchanged for a blue one. Childhood had now been left behind, and everyone was now a member of the Free German Youth (FDJ). The perfect conclusion of a wonderful period as a proud pioneer!

But, there's a sad irony in this childhood story. It's a story that can never be repeated. Neither Heike Jahns's grandchildren, nor her great-grand children will ever become pioneers. Heike Jahns's childhood vanished into a past that will never return. The pioneers no longer exist – and – even more dramatically - nor does the country she grew up in! The GDR, as everyone knows, is now part of the German Republic. And, whether that's good or bad, is a question for history!

But, the past was the present at the time, and Heike Jahns remembers it well!


achieved (to achieve/achieved/achieved) - vollbringen
awarded (to award/awarded/awarded) – verleihen
badge – Abzeichen
childhood – Kindheit
GDR – (German Democratic Republic) - DDR
grew up – (to grow up/grew up/grown up) - aufwachsen
laid on (to lay on/laid on/laid on) - organized
sewn (to sew/sewed/sewn) – annähen
sworn (to swear/swore/sworn) - schwören

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
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Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky

Wednesday 18 March 2015

(Diariklub) - Intermediate Text - Erich Zimmerman - Eating the last of the Schnitzels!

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Schnitels in Austria - by Nigel A JAMES

Erich Zimmermann

Lunch for Erich Zimmerman is always the same. At exactly 12-o-clock he leaves his home and walks the 50 meters or so to his regular Gasthaus. And, Erich Zimmerman’s regular Gasthaus isn't very special. It hasn't been redecorated for years, the hard wooden seats are very uncomfortable, and the whole place stinks of very old smoke! But, it's the food that's important, and Erich Zimmerman loves Viennese food.

But, there's one thing that Erich Zimmerman doesn’t understand. Viennese food is in danger of becoming extinct. In future years there will be no more sausages or schnitzels! And the reason is simple. It's the young of today!

Most young Viennese don't even know their own special kitchen. Nowadays it's noodles and pizza and Chinese and Indian that's being eaten. The future of eating in Austria is coming from the east, and, it's the same all over the world!

Globalisation and eating have merged into one, and, it's hardly surprising. There is, after-all, something exciting about hot spicy meals, and schnitzels and sausages, although sometimes delicious, have become very boring. It's no longer just a question of taste, it's now a question of choice. And, there is plenty to chose from.

But, of course, there is one European Kitchen that will always survive. The French. There is nothing on earth that can beat it, not even the noodles from Asia. The world is becoming smaller and smaller, but France will always stay French!

And, the Viennese kitchen? It will soon be a thing of the past, that is, unless people start teaching the young to fry schnitzels and sausages! And why not? Schnitzels, too, are my favourite meal!


delicious – schmackhaft
extinction – aussterben
fry – braten in ein Bratpfanne
it's become – it has become
merged (merge/merged/merged) – fusioniert
redecorated – neu angestrichen
survive – überleben

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
Mountains, rivers, lakes and much more.
Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky

More Lexmatica Texts!

Tuesday 17 March 2015

(Lexmatica - Easy Text) - Andre Kertesz - He took a photo of a bridge and made it to the top!

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Snap! By Nigel A JAMES

Andre Kertesz

Andre Kertesz was a famous photographer. He was born in Budapest in 1894, and later moved to Paris. His most famous photo is the one he took in Meudon.

It shows a steam train going over a viaduct, an old run-down house, a smartly dressed man carrying a parcel, a mother and her child, and a group of men walking towards a building site.

Andre Kertesz worked all over the world, and in 1936 he emigrated to the USA.

Andre Kertesz died in New York in 1985.


building site – Baustelle
famous – berühmt
moved (move/moved/moved) – übersiedelt
run-down – schlechter Zustand
shows (show/showed/showed) – zeigen
took (take/took/taken) aufnehmen – (to take a picture)
towards – richtunghin
was born – würde geboren


Where was Andre Kertesz born?
In which city was Andre Kertesz born?
When was Andre Kertesz born?
What does Andre Kertesz's most famous picture show us?
Where did Andre Kertesz emigrate to?
Where is Budapest?
When did Andre Kertesz die?

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
Mountains, rivers, lakes and much more.
Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky

More Lexmatica Texts!


Monday 16 March 2015

Armin Spitzer - A trip to foreign lands led him to himself!

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Travelling - by Nigel A JAMES

Cutting with the Grain – Armin Spitzer

Whilst speaking to Austrian sculptor Armin Spitzer, I couldn't help noticing the very soft English he was speaking. And, he speaks Spanish and French in the same way as well. And, it was the 10 countries he lived in which gave him his languages. And, living for him was living to get by.

He worked in hotels and restaurants, he sweated over pots in miniature galleys of yachts in the Med, and, in other places he taught German in schools. But, when he found Costa Rica he found somewhere special. For it was there that Armin Spitzer discovered his love for the colourful beauty of Costa Rican wood. It was unlike anything he had ever seen or experienced. And, he not only knew all about wood, he knew how to work it as well. And, before long he was making his name with wonderful wooden inlay pictures and other exquisite works, too. And, Armin Spitzer felt good in Costa Rica. But, of course, there is no place like home.

And home was Austria. And, Armin Spitzer's roots were the forests of his home. And, there, as a young boy, he discovered the magic of wood. And, at a still very young age he was already making fine items from the finest of woods. And, so it was, that back in Austria from Costa Rica, Armin Spitzer started producing wooden animals which were big enough for children to play on.

And, they became very popular. And, now Armin Spitzer's wonderful wooden snakes, pigs, turtles, donkies and elephants can be found at many Austrian playgrounds. And, the children love them. For them, they seem as real as their fantasies lets them.

And, of course, wood is a beautiful material to work with. It has a soul of its own. And, this is the thing that Armin Spitzer likes very much. His works, when complete, go back to where they feel best: the elements of wind, rain, sunshine and snow, and, most importantly, the sounds of children singing and playing.

And, all this, because Armin Spitzer went travelling to far away places and came home with himself.

Selected Vocabulary
discover (discover/discovered/discovered) – entdecke
galley – KücheGaleere
get by – durch schlagen
Med – Mediterranean Sea – Mittelmeer
playground – Spielplatz

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
Mountains, rivers, lakes and much more.
Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky

More Lexmatica Texts!

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Lexmatica Easy Text - The Tram to Oslo - A tram leaves Vienna for Norway every evening at 7!

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 The Tram from Vienna to Oslo

Listen to the text -

There is a tram that goes from Vienna to Oslo. It's the D Tram. It departs from St. Stephen's Cathedral at 7 every evening, and arrives in Oslo at 8 the next morning. This is a very special tram. Many people travel on it. There is dinner at 8, and at 9 is a film. Of course, everyone has a comfortable bed. And, for breakfast is fried egg and fish (a typical Norwegian breakfast). It is served and cooked by a friendly Norwegian from Oslo, and, her name is Olga. But, of course, the tram has a driver. His name is Fritz and he comes from Vienna.


arrives – kommt an
breakfast – Frühstück
centre of town – Stadt Zentrum
comfortable – bequem
depart – fährt ab
evening – Abend
fried egg – Spiegel Ei
goes -(go/went/gone) – fährt
Norwegian – Norwegisch
of course – natürlich
St. Stephen's Cathedral – Stephans Dom
tram – Straßenbahn
travel – (travel/traveled/traveled) - reisen
Vienna – Wien


Where is St. Stephen's Cathedral?
From where does the tram depart?
Who cooks breakfast?
What is served for breakfast?
Who is the driver?
When does the tram leave Vienna?
When does it arrive in Oslo?
Why would you like to go on this tram?

And, now the text once again!

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber


Monday 9 March 2015

Elisabeth Razumovsky - Change was waiting for her - and - she took it!

READ - LISTEN - LEARN - ENJOY  - For full AUDIO/VISUAL PAGE - please clicj HERE or onto picture or text - Good Luck!

On the Edge of Beauty
Elisabeth Razumovsky

Change is something that's part of our lives. Sometimes it's planned and expected, sometimes it's gradual, and sometimes it comes on its own. And, this is Elisabeth Razumovsky's story.

Elisabeth Razumovsky and her family were on holiday in Wales and their home in Vienna was a long way-a-way. And, it was just by chance that they happened on Barmouth, a town on the coast. And, so taken were they by its beauty and feeling that they decided to stay for one or two days. And, that was the start of the change.

Whilst exploring Barmouth, Elisabeth Razumovsky discovered a small hotel. It was for sale, and so she knocked on the door and went in. And, she knew it at once. This was her life. Elisabeth Razumovsky had come home. So great was the feeling.

And, there were no second thoughts and no turning back. Elisabeth Razumovsky bought the hotel. And now, she has the best of two worlds.

She has Vienna with its Central European flair, and Barmouth with its magnificent scenery and a beach that is possibly one of the most beautiful in Europe. Elisabeth Razumovsky is happy. Barmouth is a beautiful place, and its people, she says, are the kindest and nicest on earth. They are friendly and helpful, and they love welcoming guests. And so, too, does Elisabeth Razumovsky.

Her little hotel is a great place to stay. It's bang in the centre of Barmouth and is not far from the beach. And, of course there are the hills, the mountains and the wonderful country-side, too! And, Elisabeth Razumovsky has another little secret as well. Her little coffee house with its home made cakes provides a welcome taste of Vienna for those far from home.

And, Charles Darwin discovered Barmouth as well. And, in 1828 he wrote his famous words, “I like Barmouth very much, I only wish I could spend every summer so pleasantly”

So, if you feel like a change and a nice summer holiday, why not take the train to the end of the line and get out at Barmouth?

Full details –

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber


Diariklub - Intermediate Text - Homeless - Questions of life in the Open!

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Homelessness - Does someone still love him? A sad part of everyday life

There's a man who's sleeping in the park. It's the middle of the night and it's winter. He has no where to go. He's homeless.

So, why is he homeless? What went wrong in his life? Why did this once respected professor of economics lose all that he had? And, what was it that drove him onto the streets? And, how does he feel at the end of each day? Where has his dignity gone? And, who does he think of? How many doors have been shut in his face? Does someone still love him?

And, what about his nightly fear of being attacked? And, his daily battle for food? And, where does he get his small pleasures in life? Maybe from a bottle? And, his companions? Luckily or unluckily, this man is not alone with his plight. There are many more just like him. Homelessness is now the biggest urban problem we have. So, how can we help? And, is there a permanent solution?

On the surface, at least, the answers to these questions are relatively simple. We can build homes and do all sorts of things. It's mainly a question of money. But, it's the cause of the problem that's the question. And, this is no simple matter.

In fact, it's impossible. There is no single solution for the causes of homelessness. Each case is different. And this is the irony of the situation. Whatever the reason, the results are always the same. A bed on a bench in a park. Everyone's the same on the streets. And, it could happen to us all! It's all to do with circumstances!

So, before you go to your bed, just think how lucky you are. You have somewhere to sleep; there are many who haven't. And they were once better than you!

Turn out the light and have pleasant dreams!


cause – Ursache
circumstances – Umstände
dignity – Menschliche würde
drove – (drive/drove/driven) -trieb (treiben)
homeless – Obdachlos
plight – Notlager
reason –Grunde
results – Wirkungen
solution – Lösung
surface – Oberfläche
whatever was immer
Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber


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I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...