Saturday 30 May 2015

Easy Text - (Lexmatica) - The River Vienna - An important part of Viennese life!

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The River Vienna

The River Vienna (Wienfluß) is a very important part of Viennese life. It rises in the Vienna Woods, then flows through the centre of Vienna until it reaches the River Danube. The Viennese love their river. Along its beautiful banks, one can cycle, fish, walk and jog.

But, the River Vienna is not always friendly. It can also be dangerous. Sometimes it floods and its current grows stronger.

But, all in all, the River Vienna, which is marvellously clean, is a wonderful river for people and nature alike.


all in all – alles im allem
banks – Ufern
current – Strömung
Danube – Donau
flow – (to flow/flowed/flowed) – fließen
one can – Man kann
marvellously – erstaunlicherweise
rises – (to rise/rose/risen) – springen
Vienna WoodsWienerwald


Where does the River Vienna rise?
Does the River Vienna flow to the Rhine?
Why do the Viennese love their river?
Is the River Vienna's water clean?
Is the River Vienna always friendly?
Why do many people like fishing?

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Poem - Leisure - By William Henry Davies - A poem for us all!

by William Henry Davies

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stop and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait/ till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Intermediate Text - (Diariklub) - Ida Leo of Canada - Bookmarks for all!

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Ida Leo
Leaving her Mark

Finding something to do in retirement has never been a problem for Ida Leo of Canada. She's always enough on her plate, and, reading's at the top of her list. And, biographies are the books she loves most. She finds people interesting. And, many people who read think she's interesting, too! And, all for a very good reason.

It all began on a cold winter evening. It was 2001. Ida was sitting in front of the fire with a very good book and every page was exciting. And, then the telephone rang, and, without even thinking, she picked up a photo of her daughter to use as a bookmark. And then, after saying goodbye on the phone she went back to her book. And, there it was and waiting for her! Her daughter's wonderful smile. And, Ida Leo felt happy and had an idea. And that was the start.

Soon, Ida Leo was turning old photos into bookmarks and the results were amazing. There, once again, were all the people she knew, and, they were once again part of her life. And, Ida stopped feeling alone. And, if Ida felt great, then why not the others as well?

And soon the rest of her family were catching up on their pasts with bookmarks by Ida. And, it didn't stop there. Word spread, and within just a very short space of time, Ida was getting pictures through the post to turn into bookmarks. Ida Leo was in business.

And now, remembering has become something more liquid. Ida Leo now makes personalized coasters as well. There is something for everyone! And this is the best that could happen to old family snaps. They have come back to the heart of the family, back to where they belong.

And, Ida's long winter evenings? They are no longer long. Ida has too much to do! Her personalized bookmarks are in everyone's books. There is no one in Canada without one! Aida Leo is leaving her mark. And now, thanks to her, people are not only thinking of those from long, long ago, but, spending time reading with those that they love! What a great way to read! And, what could be better?

Vocabulary -

coaster - Untersetzer
enough on (her) plate – immer genug zu tun
turning – umwandeln

Diarikom's PodcastA985

Friends of Diarikom

Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone
Mariahilfer Straße 110 A 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 111
Fax: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 191

Diarikom and Lexmatica are sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
Mountains, rivers, lakes and much more.
Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky
Texts about people, places and surprises!

More Lexmatica Texts!


Sunday 24 May 2015

Regular Text - Gerda Zimmer-Nussbaumer - Household Happiness - How a change changed her life!

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Household Happiness - Gerda Zimmer-Nussbaumer

Once upon a time, Gerda Zimmer-Nussbaumer used to suffer from housework! She found it brain killingly tedious, monotonous and non challenging. It was always the same. The washing up was boringly bubbly and was only good fun when something fell on the floor and broke. And the dusting, the worst chore of all, was a permanent fight against nature. And the ironing? Funnily enough, Gerda enjoyed it. She could do it whilst watching TV. But, otherwise, housework was dreadful and dull. But, then something changed for the better.

One day, Gerda and her husband were going out for dinner, and Gerda was wearing her brand new red dress. And she looked and felt like a brand new woman. She had become different. And, then a light came on in her head! If she could become a different person for going out to dinner, then, maybe, she could become a different person for housework as well! And, the very next day she began.

To begin with, Gerda changed her identity. Her name, just for housework of course, became Sally, and Sally wore only the best. Sally was a very proud cleaner. And so, there was Gerda in her very best clothes being Sally. And it was Sally that started to work.

And it was fun! Sally loved her work, and being keen, was very quick and did a wonderful job. And now, thanks to Sally, Gerda's flat has never looked better.

And, who does the cooking? Gerda, of course. Cooking and entertaining have always been important for Gerda, and she's and excellent cook. And, now, thanks to Sally, having guest over for dinner has become more fun as well. After all, there is no more cleaning and washing up to be done. Sally does all!

So, if you're suffering from the humdrum life of monotonous housework, why not take a leaf out of Gerda’s book? Invent yourself  anew, and, you, too could soon be dancing around with a duster in one hand and a broom in the other! What could be better? And another thing, relaxing is more enjoyable, too!

anew – von neuem
boringly – langweilig
bubbly schaumig.
chore lästige Pflicht (Hausarbeit)
dreary – langweilig
dusting Stauben

entertaining - Gäste haben

necessary- notwendig
take a leaf out of Gerda’s bookdass selber machen
tedious – langweilig


Diarikom's PodcastA985

Friends of Diarikom

Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone
Mariahilfer Straße 110 A 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 111
Fax: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 191

Diarikom and Lexmatica are sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
Mountains, rivers, lakes and much more.
Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky
Texts about people, places and surprises!

Saturday 23 May 2015

Poem - Little Boy Blue - by Eugene Field - A work that has moved many to tears!

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Little Boy Blue
by Eugene Field (1850 – 1895)

The little toy dog is covered with dust,
But sturdy and staunch he stands;
And the little toy soldier is red with rust,
And his musket moulds in his hands.
Time was when the little toy dog was new,
And the soldier was passing fair;
And that was the time when our Little Boy Blue
Kissed them and put them there.

Now, don't you go till I come,” he said,
And don't you make any noise!”
So, toddling off to his trundle bed,
He dreamt of his pretty toys;
And, as he was dreaming, an Angel song
Awakened our Little Boy Blue.
Oh! the years are many, and the years are long,
But the little toy friends are true!

And, faithful to Little Boy Blue they stand,
Each in the same old place
Awaiting the touch of a little hand,
And the smile of a little face;
And they wonder, as waiting the long years through
In the dust of that little chair,
What has become of our Little Boy Blue,
Since he kissed them and put them there.


Welcome to Diarikom

Welcome to Diarikom!

Diarikom is all about people, places, and much more, too. So, Whether you're learning English or simply enjoying the language, we have something for you! With full audio support, our texts are presented in different learning levels - easy(a) to regular plus (c+). So, please enjoy Diarikom, and, if you like it, please tell a friend. Our easy address is – Just right for passing around!

Thank you for clicking our way, my name is Nigel A. JAMES

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Wednesday 20 May 2015

Intermediate Text (Diariklub) - The Brunnenmarkt in Vienna - A great place to shop - whatever the weather!

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The Brunnenmarket - by Nigel A JAMES

Market Forces
The Brunnenmarkt in Vienna!

It's a cold snowy Viennese morning. There are many people outside, and for them the weather's no problem. They are at Vienna's Brunnenmarkt. A place that the Viennese love. And, the reason is simple. It's all in its character.

The Brunnenmarkt has a charm of its own. It's not only life in the open with spirit, colour, and the smells of far away tastes, but plenty to purchase as well. There are fruits and vegetables from all over the world, there are spices and herbs from the orient, and its meat and fish are second to none. In other words, there is something for everyone's taste! And tastes are not only edibles!

Items for sale range from clothes to shoes to pots to brushes to brooms and everything else you can think of. And, everything's exciting. Here is the world! There are people from everywhere. But, at the same time, the Brunnenmarkt has very much in common with all markets all over the world.

Whether indoors or out, all markets have the thrill of real life contact. Behind every stall is a person, and these people are the same where ever one goes! They not only say the same things in many different languages, but also wear the same clothes.There are no real differences. And, that's why markets are still very popular.

They are the souls of our cities and towns and everyone's welcome. And, because people like people, there will always be markets. Shopping in the open – for only the best - and even in winter. What could be better?

Selected Vocabulary

edibles Genießbares
essence - Wesentliche
in commongemeinsames
purchase – (purchase/purchased/purchased) kaufen
second to none – die Besten
soul – Seele
thrill – Aufregung

Diarikom's PodcastA985

Friends of Diarikom

Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone
Mariahilfer Straße 110 A 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 111
Fax: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 191

Diarikom and Lexmatica are sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
Mountains, rivers, lakes and much more.
Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky
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More Lexmatica Texts!

Monday 18 May 2015

Easy Text - (Lexmatica) - The Flying Dutchman - A ghost or a ship? Many have seen her!

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The Flying Dutchman

The Flying Dutchman is a ghost ship that sails the seven seas. The ship is ghostly white, and, if hailed, the crew try to send messages to land or to people who are already dead. The Flying Dutchman can never make port. She is set to sail for ever. All sailors believe that it is bad luck to see the Flying Dutchman!

bad luck - Pech
beleive – glauben
ghost shipGeistes Schiff
sail/s – (to sail/sailed/sailed) fahren
try – (to try/tried/tried) - versuchen
hailed – (to hail/hailed/hailed) – rufen
make port (to make port/made port/made port) – ein Hafen anlaufen
messages (message) – Nachrichten - Botschaft
set tobestimmt


What is the Flying Dutchman?
How would you describe the Flying Dutchman?
What can the Flying Dutchman never do?
What is the Flying Dutchman set to do?
Why do sailors believe that it is good luck to see the Flying Dutchman?
What does the crew of the Flying Dutchman try to do when hailed?
Why would you like to see the Flying Dutchman?


Sunday 17 May 2015

Regular Text - Anita Fodrasz - A Cut Above the Rest - How it all came to her!

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A Cut above the Rest - Anita Fodrasz
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Independence in life is one of the greatest treasures that exists. And, that’s exactly what Anita Fodrasz had in mind when she set out in life on the path of a hairdresser. Her dream was her very own saloon, and for her there was no other way. And, she worked hard at her trade and she learned. And, the time of having to say yes to a boss was just par for the course. Anita Fodrasz was following her very own path.
But, instead of going in search of a saloon, the saloon came to her!And, it happened one day after work.
Anita Fodrasz was just emptying her post box when she noticed that the door to a ground floor room that used to be a shop was open. And there was her neighbour. He explained that the room used to be a workshop for sewing, but, had been closed for the last 20 years. And, now he was getting it ready to rent out again. And, that was all that was needed. That evening Anita Fodrasz went home with her future. She had signed up for the room. Her saloon now had an address, and in the same block of flats where she lived.
And then came the work. With family and friends joining in, this once home to old boxes and unwanted junk became Anita's saloon! It took hours of hard work with brushes and paint and rolled up sleeves. But, the effort was worth every minute, the business took off. Within just a short space of time, the people of Veszprem, the small town in Hungary where Anita lives, were beating a path to her door. Anita was a cut above the rest, and word had gone round!
But, her customers werent the only ones with smiles on their faces! With her own apartment just five floors above, Anita had plenty of time for her young son of eight. And, her husband, too, was not to miss out on his comforts! His favourite meals were never to be more than just a short wait away! In a word, and putting it simply, everyone was happy!
And happiness is the key to it all. It comes with the getting of the things that one wants most of all. And, Anita with her scissors and skills was able to give people the good looks and beauty they dreamt of. Her dream became their dream! And, it all came true whilst checking her post and seeing that a door that was normally closed was standing wide open instead. And, that was all that it took. Anita went in and started her future.

A cut above the rest – better than the others.
The people were beating a path to her door - many people were eager to go there.
Par for the course – how you expect things to be (usually in a negative sense).

Diarikom's PodcastA985

Friends of Diarikom

Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone
Mariahilfer Straße 110 A 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 111
Fax: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 191

Diarikom and Lexmatica are sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
Mountains, rivers, lakes and much more.
Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky
Texts about people, places and surprises!

Lexmatica Texts!

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...