Monday 29 February 2016

OLD MOON EYES (number 11) - Hilary Benson - The little dustbin girl from London - She has a money tree! Great fun - Easy - Perfect for kids and beginners!

For Full AUDIO/VISUAL TEXT - Click here!

 The Little Dustbin Girl from London

Hilary Benson lives in a dustbin in London, and there are three beautiful trees in her garden. A nut tree, an apple tree and a money tree. And, Hilary Benson's garden shed is full of apples and nuts. But, sadly no money.
A little sparrow comes every day and steals all the money. He then takes it to Dublin and buys apples and nuts. And, what does he do with the apples and nuts? He wraps them up in nice paper and sends them to Hilary for Christmas.
What a nice little Sparrow!

Vocabulary -
dustbin – Mistkübel
garden shed - Gartenhut
money - Geld
nice – schön
nut - Nuss
sadly – traurigerweise
sparrow – Spatz
steals – (steal/stole/stolen) - stehlen
takes – (take/took/taken) - nehmen
wraps them up – packt sie ein

And – now the text once again!

Where does Hilary Benson live?
How many trees are there in her garden?
Who steals the money from the money tree?
Where does the sparrow take all the money?
What does the little sparrow buy with the money?
What does the little sparrow do with apples and nuts that he buys?
Have you got a money tree in your garden?

Sunday 28 February 2016

(A) - The Aran Islands - Wonderful places to visit!

The Aran Islands

The Aran Islands lie off the west coast of Ireland. They are Inish Moor, Inish Maan, and Inish Heer.
The islands are famous for three things. Their prehistoric culture, the many small fields with their protective stone walls, and Aran knitwear.
The spoken languages of the islands are English and Gallic. Nowadays, the main industry is tourism. The Aran Islands are wonderful places to visit.

Gallic – Gallish
InishInsel auf Gallish
languages - Sprachen
stone wallsSteinmauern/Steinwällen

And – now the text once again!


Where are the Aran Islands?
How many islands are there in this group?
What are the islands called?
What does the word Inish mean?
For what are the islands famous?
Have you got an Aran pullover?
What are the spoken languages of the islands?
For what else are the Aran Islands famous? (GOOGLE)

Saturday 27 February 2016

(B) - Emmanuel Parnasaki - Two Different Worlds

For full AUDIO/VISUAL PAGE please click here! 
Two Different Worlds - Emmanuel Parnasaki

Last November, Emmanuel Parnasaki of the Masai Mara in East Africa visited Austria. And, this was a journey of impressions and experiences. He had never seen anything like it before. Austria was a completely different world.

To begin with, Emmanuel Parnasaki was completely overcome by the extremely high standards of Austrian living. And, the technical developments in communications were of particular interest. There were the many devices for mobile communications, computers with 2 screens, and, above all, the speed of the internet. All very wonderful. But, it was the speed of Austrian life that made him feel homesick.

Everyone was permanently rushing, everyone had too much to do and no one had time. And, this was a very worrying thing for Emmanuel Parnasaki. Would his people lose their soul and fascinating culture and history if they, too, were to develop in the same way as Austria?

And, so it was that Emmanuel Parnasaki wrote an email to his European friends when got home. He appealed to them not to become too overwhelmed by technical developments and the speeds and pressures of life. There is beauty in slowness!

And, of course, the best way to find out about life as it should be is to go to East Africa and visit the Masai. But, be warned! Your life will become different. You will slow down. And, by slowing down you will have time for the things you never have time for. And, the number one on your list is yourself. Or, just turn off your mobile and see how you feel! You can slow down without even trying. It's all up to you!


above all – vor allem
appealed - auffordern
develop – entwickeln
experiences – Erlebnisse
homesick – Heimweh
impressions – Eindrücke
mobile - Handy
overcome – überwältigt
overwhelmed - überwältigt
permanently – dauerhaft
rushing - eilen


When did Emmanuel Parnasaki visit Austria?
What was Emmanuel Parnasaki overcome by?
What, in particular, interested Emmanuel Parnasaki?
What made Emmanuel Parnasaki homesick?
What was a worrying thing for Emmanuel Parnasaki?
What did Emmanuel Parnasaki write in his email?
Why is your life too fast?
Why is it a good idea to go to East Africa and visit the Masai?

Thanks to Karli Brieber - The Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone and Aber House in Wales!

Friends of Diarikom

Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone
Mariahilfer Straße 110 A 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 111
Fax: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 191

Diarikom and Lexmatica are sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
Mountains, rivers, lakes and much more.
Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky
Texts about people, places and surprises!

More Lexmatica Texts!

Diarikom's Podcast – A985

Tuesday 23 February 2016

(A) The Warsaw Concerto and Richard Addinsell - A moving wonderful piece of music!


The Warsaw Concerto and Richard Addinsell

There has been a piece of music in my mind for a very long time. And, whilst listening to the radio last week, I found out its name and who wrote it! It was the Warsaw Concerto and was composed by Richard Addinsell.

Richard Addinsell was a British composer who was best known for his film music. And, his most famous piece of all was his Warsaw Concerto. He wrote it in 1941 for the film Dangerous Moonlight which was set in Warsaw during the war.

The Warsaw Concerto is an extremely moving piece of piano music with powerful orchestral support. I love this short piece of music, and I'm sure you will love it, too. You can find it on YouTube.

All-in-all, Richard Addinsell composed the music for more than 39 films. He was born in 1904 and died in 1977.

All-in-all – alles im allem
best known – sehr bekannt
composed (compose/composed/composed) – Komponiert
composer – Komponist
during - während
mind – Kopf
moving - bewegend
piece – Stück
set in – spielte
support – Unterstützung

And, now the text once again.

Where did I find out the name of this music?
What was the name of this music?
Who composed this music?
What was Richard Addinsell famous for?
Where and when was the film Dangerous Moonlight set?
Was the Warsaw Concerto a moving piece of music?
For how many films did Richard Addinsell compose the music?


Sunday 21 February 2016

(B) A Tête a Tee in Vienna - A great place for a tea! Eva Horvath

For Full AUDIO/VISUAL page - please click here!

A Tête á Tee in Vienna - Eva Horvath

Tea rooms are as different as the teas that they serve. And, there are as many different tea rooms as there are different kinds of teas. But, the most important thing about a tea room is the person who's boiling the water. They have to know what they're doing and they have to be special. And, Eva Horvath is just such a person, and, her tea saloon Tête a Tee in Vienna is really unique!

And, Tête a Tee is special for one very good reason. For, it is here that the nature of tea is best understood. Enjoying a fine cup of tea is not a question of speed, but more a matter of time. And, time at Tête a Tee goes at just the right speed. There is time for fine conversation, afternoon chatting, or, simply just being alone. And, all this is hardly surprising. Eva Horvath not only understands tea, she understands comfort as well. And, comfort is not only important for tea, but for Eva Horwath's other activities, too.

Tête Tee hosts readings, exhibitions and receptions as well. Eva Horvath, being an artist, actress and designer as well, has the touch of perfection when it comes to events. But, there are other surprises as well. There are photos of regular guests, and some of them you may even know. And, there are teas from all over the world. But, the cakes are incredible! A good cup of tea needs a cake!

And, there is one more thing, too. Eva Horwath's scones are amongst the best I have tasted. She serves them with strawberry jam and whipped cream! And, what could be finer?

A good cup of tea needs much more than just lemon, sugar and milk, it needs comfort and atmosphere, too. And, at Tête a Tee it has all. Let's all go out for a tea!

Tête a Tee is in Vienna. 1130 – Lainzerstrasse 130


amongst – unter
chatting - plaudern
enjoying - genießen
incredible – erstaunlich
kinds - Art/Typ
matter – Angelegenheit/Frage
question - Frage
scones - Keks
unique - einzigartig
whipped cream - Schlagobers


Why is Eva Horvath's Tête a Tee special?
Why is comfort so important?
Why is time so important for the enjoyment of tea?
What else happens at Tête a Tee?
What else is Eva Horvath?
What other surprises can be found at the Tête a Tee?
With what does Eva Horvath serve scones?
Why do you enjoy tea?

Saturday 20 February 2016

Diarikom - Thank you to our sponcers - Karli Brieber - Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone und Aber House in Wales

Friends of Diarikom

Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone
Mariahilfer Straße 110 A 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 111
Fax: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 191

Diarikom and Lexmatica are sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
Mountains, rivers, lakes and much more.
Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky
Texts about people, places and surprises!

More Lexmatica Texts!

Diarikom's Podcast – A985

Monday 15 February 2016

OLD MOON EYES - ( No 10 ) - Arthur McGregor - A very simple text - Great for kids and beginners!

Click here for full AUDIO/VISUAL page!

Old Moon Eyes – ( No 10 ) - Arthur McGregor

Arthur McGregor lives on the little Scottish Island of Mole. And, Arthur McGregor has a very small farm. He has a pig, a cow, and a horse with 2 legs.

And, all Scottish horses have only two legs. This is because of the very steep mountains. Only two legged horses can climb Scottish mountains.

Last year, Arthur McGregor took his pig and his cow and his two legged horse to England. And, there, they had a very good holiday. On Monday, they had fish and chips and on Tuesday they had bangers and mash. And, on Friday, Arthur McGregor, his pig, his cow and his two legged horse went to the best theatre in London, the London Palladium.

And, on Saturday they went home to Scotland. Next year, they are going to Austria.


Austria - Österreich
bangers and mash – Bratwurst und Kartoffelpüree
because -wegen
climb – kletter
farm – Bauernhof
lives – (live/lived/lived) - lebt
mountain - Berg
pig - Schwein
two legged - zweibeinig

And – now the text once again


Where does Arthur McGregor live?
How many animals has Arthur McGregor?
How many legs has Arthur McGregor's horse?
Why have Scottish horses only two legs?
Where did Arthur McGregor go with his animals last year?
What did they have for dinner on Monday?
How many legs have Austrian horses?

Saturday 13 February 2016

(A) - Hastings Pier - A fire and a disaster - But, all is well again!


Hastings Pier

Hastings is a wonderful little holiday resort on the south coast of England. And, when its pier burned down in 2010 it was a disaster. The pier, which was built in 1870, had been a wonderful attraction for holiday makers from London. The pier had had a theatre, a funfair, and a wonderful promenade out to sea.

But luckily, the citizens of Hastings have rebuilt and renovated their pier. And, it will reopen in June of this year. And, once again, it will be a wonderful place to visit and admire! Do you like to paddle in the sea?

attraction - Reiz
built – (build/built/built) – gebaut
burned downniedergebrannt
coast Küste
citizens – Bürgern
holiday makersUrlaubern
paddle – (paddle/paddled/paddled) - plantschen
pier – Mole
rebuilt - wiederaufbauen
resort - Badeort
visit (visit/visited/visited) - besuchen

And, Now the text once again!

When did Hastings pier burn down?
Where is Hastings?
What is Hastings?
Why had the pier been an attraction for holiday makers?
When will the pier reopen?
Who rebuilt Hastings pier?

When was Hastings pier built?

Sunday 7 February 2016

OLD MOON EYES - ( No 9 ) - A Fishing Day Out - Very easy text - Great for kids and beginners!


Old Moon Eyes – A Fishing Day Out

Once upon a time, little Doris Derby, Little Susie Spencer and Martin the Guerilla went fishing.

Martin the Guerilla caught nothing, Little Doris Derby caught a trout, and Little Susie Spencer fished a throne out the river!

And, what does Little Susie Spencer do now?   Little Susie Spencer sits on her throne every day. She believes she's the new Queen of Sweden!

But, Little Susie Spencer has not got a crown! Have you got a crown?


believe – (believe/believe/believe) – glauben
caught – catch/caught/caught – fangt
crown – Krone
once upon a time – Es war Einmal
Queen of Sweden – Königen von Schweden
river - Fluss
throne – Thron
went – (go/went/gone) – ging


Who went fishing?
What did Martin the Guerilla catch?
What did Little Doris Derby catch?
What did Little Susie Spencer fish out the river?
What does Little Susie Spencer believe?
What does Little Susie Spencer do every day?
Have you got a crown?

And, now the text once again!

(B+) - Hans Kratky - Strings in the Wind and a Film! - A kite, a strong wind and a very happy ending!


Strings in the Wind and a Film! A true story about Hans Kratky

This true story happened more than seven years ago. But, for Hans Kratky it's still just as real as if it only happened last week. It was the day that his kite went away with the wind.

It was January the first. Hans Kratky was trying out his brand new video camera when he had an idea. Why not make a film of his house from above? A bird's eye view.

And, this was not only a very good idea, but simple as well. And, the only thing needed was a kite to carry the camera into the sky. And, that was no problem. Hans Kratky could easily make one himself. And so he got going. And, two days later, his kite was ready and waiting with camera fixed firmly on board.

And the take-off was perfect! Up into the sky went camera and kite. And, as Hans pulled the strings he was happy. His film, he was sure, would be a success.

But, then came the gust. It was so strong and so sudden that it took the strings right out of his hands! There was nothing Hans could do except sadly look-on as his kite and camera went away on the wind and into the cold winter sky.

But, all's well that ends well, and soon the kite found itself tangled up in a tree with the camera still shooting as if nothing had happened. All was not lost. And, later that day, Hans and his wife and their friends sat down to enjoy Hans's unforgettable film. And, it was full of surprises.

The beginning was perfect. There were the wonderful pictures as the kite rose gracefully higher and higher. And the views were impressive. And, far below, Hans's house looked amazingly small. And, again came the gust. And, the swingings and tossings looked great on the screen. But, the best was to come at the end. It was a finale fit for an Oscar, and, it all took place in the tree which was holding the kite!

Instead of coming up from the ground to rescue his camera and kite, Hans Kratky came down head first from above! The camera, which was still filming, was hanging upside-down in the tree. Everything was back-to-front and upside-down. And, so brilliant was this ending, that Hans's wife Petra thought the whole thing was great. And, she was glad she had given Hans the camera for Christmas.

And, Hans was glad, too. His dream had come true. He had made a film of his house from above and it was all his own work. Or, was it? Not quite. The wind and the tree had played important roles, too. Without them there would have been no surprises and no video either! Everything would have gone with the wind. Hans had had not only a very good day, but, lots of luck, too! There is much more to flying than just pulling strings!


after allimmerhin
amazing – erstaunlich

giant – riesig
got going - (to get going/got going/got going) – anfangen

home madeHausgemacht
impressive – beeindruckend
rescue – (rescue/rescued/rescued) – retten
rose – (rise/rose/risen) – stieg

straight after – direkt nach . ..
strings - Schnüre
swayed – (to sway/swayed/swayed) ) - schwanken

take off, the – Abflug
tangled – (to tangle/tangled/tangled) - eingewickelt


What was Hans Kratky doing on January the first?
What was Hans Kratky's idea?
How long did Hans Kratky need to make his kite?
What took the strings out of Hans Kratky's hands?
Where did the kite land?
Why was everything upside-down?
Who gave Hans Kratky the camera for Christmas?

Thursday 4 February 2016

(A) - Earth Worms - They are great in a salad as well!

Searching for Worms!  By Nigel A. JAMES


Earthworms are the most important little animals on earth. And why? They eat old and decaying vegetation, and, the tunnels that they make aerate the earth. And, it is this that helps our crops grow. But, not all earthworms are the same. There are long ones, short ones, grey ones, pink ones, and even ones with little black heads. All in all, there are more than 26 different species of earthworms in Europe.

And, earthworms are very tasty, too. Birds, badgers and moles eat them for dinner, and, if you were to be hungry, you could eat them as well! And, why not? There are, after all, enough to go round. There are 2 million earthworms for every piece of ground the size of a football field!

And, how does little Susi catch earthworms? The answer is simple! She digs a hole in her garden and waits. And, what does she do with the earthworms she catches? She puts them in her little brother's sandwiches! What a nice little girl!


aerate – lüften
all in all – alles im allem
badger – Dachs
catch – fangen
crops – Getreide
decaying – verdorben
earthworm – Regenwurm
dig (dig/dug/dug) – ausgraben
enough to go round – genug für jeder
hole - Loch
important – wichtig
mole – Maulwurf
species – Arten
tasty – lecker
there are – es sind

                                                     Boy waiting for a worm sandwich!

Questions -

Why are earthworms so important?
What do earthworms eat?
How many different species of earthworms are there in Europe?
Which animals enjoy earthworms for dinner?
How does little Susi catch earthworms?
What does she do with the earthworms?
Why do you like earthworms

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...