Sunday 26 November 2017

(A) - An easy text for kids of all ages! - Old Moon Eyes - Samuel, Johnny and Ken - Three brothers from Vienna

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Old Moon Eyes – Samuel, Johnny, and Ken – Three Brothers from Vienna

Once upon a time, there were three friendly brothers. Samuel, Johnny, and Ken. And, they lived in Vienna in a very big flat. And, one day they went to a ball.

Johnny took Sarah; the girl from next door. Samuel invited Sue Nichhols; a girl who lived in a village. And, Kenny went to the ball with his pet kangaroo.

Sarah wore a dress that was white, gold, and long. Sue Nichols had a dress that was green with small yellow spots. And, Kenny's kangaroo wore a bright yellow t-shirt, a pair of red shorts, and blue floppy shoes!

And then, at the end of the evening, Kenny and his pet kangaroo were awarded first prize for their wonderful dancing. All kangaroos learn to dance when they're young.

Once upon a time, there were three brothers. Samuel, Johnny, and Ken. And, one day they went to a ball. They had a wonderful time. They danced until 4 in the morning.

Samuel, Johnny, and Ken – Three friendlyBrothers from Vienna

Language Assistance

English German/ Hungarian /Finnish

awarded - auszeichnete - kiváló - palkittiin
blue floppy shoes - blaue Strandschuhe - kék strand cipő - sininen varvastossut
invited - ludeinmeghívott - kutsui
Once upon a time - es war einmal - egyszer -olipa kerran
pet - Haustier - kedvenclemmikki
wear/wore/worn – trugviselt käytti


What were the three brothers' names?
Where did the three brothers live?
Did the three brothers live in a very small house?
What did Sarah wear to the ball?
What did Sue Nichols wear to the ball?
What did Kenny's kangaroo wear to the ball?
What did Kenny and his kangaroo win at the end of the evening?
Why are kangaroos good dancers?
Have you ever danced with a kangaroo?

Karli Brieber is a friend of Diarikom

Please CLICK HERE for link to Karli Brieber 




Friday 24 November 2017

(-B) - Ida Ehre - A Light in the Dark Days of Culture - A small world for theatre.

Please CLICK HERE for full AUDIO/VISUAL full page 

Ida Ehre – A Light in the Dark Days of Culture

It was the end of The Second World War. 1945. The lights were coming on again. And, in Hamburg, Ida Ehre, a popular actress, opened her very own theatre. The Hamburger Kammerspiel. A very small theatre with a very small stage.

But, in those days, permission from the British was needed to open a theatre. No easy matter. But, Ida Ehre had luck on her side. Whilst speaking to the British officer in charge of theatre in Hamburg, Ida Ehre discovered that her English was exactly the same as Captain John Older's. They were both Viennese. What a surprise. The world is a very small place.

And, with Captain John Older's help and support, Ida Ehre staged many good plays from all over the world. Plays by Tennessee Williams, Giradoux, Satre, Elliot, and many more world famous playwrights. Contemporary theatre had come back to Hamburg. Ida Ehre's very small theatre was very successful. Culture had once more returned.

But, sadly, the Hamburger Kammerspiel only lasted for three very fast years. At the end of 1948, Ida Ehre turned off the lights for the very last time. The costs were simply too high.

Ida Ehre' small theatre was important for Hamburg. A very small start on a very small stage. And, Hamburg has never looked back. Elfi opened last year. Big things always start small. And, the Hamburger Kammerspiel was the smallest of all.

Ida Ehre – A light in the dark days of culture.

Language Assistance - German/Finnish/Hungarian

actressSchauspielerin - näyttelijä - színésznő
contemporary zeitgenössischen - nykyajan - kortárs
discoveredentdeckte - löysi felfedezett
lasteddauerte kesti - tartott
popularbeliebtsuosittu - népszerű
playwrightDramatiker - näytelmäkirjailija - drámaíró
whilstwährend - kun taas - míg

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Jimmy McGregor - He became rich for just a few minutes!

For full article - please click here!
Jimmy McGregor – The Crime of a Lifetime

Edinburgh is not a city that is famous for crime. But, what happened one afternoon a long time ago made Edinburgh rock! Not, as expected with shock, but laughter instead!

Jimmy McGregor had just finished work early and was walking down George Street. Soon, he'd be home down in Wardie and playing bowls with his friends. It was a fine afternoon and not a cloud in the sky. And, as Jimmy McGregor went on his way, he saw a security van delivering cash to a bank. And - being inquisitive - Jimmy McGregor slowed down to watch.

One of the guards – an enormous fellow - having just taken two bags of cash into the bank was returning for more. It was all very simple. After knocking three times on a small hatch in the side of the van - the hatch was opened - and two more big heavy bags of cash were passed out from inside. The guard then carried them into the bank. And - Jimmy McGregor said “ahah” to himself!.
And - as he got closer he stopped.

The security guard who was delivering the money was obviously inside the bank. And then, Jimmy McGregor walked up to the van and knocked three times on the hatch in its side. And, it was opened - and out came two very heavy bags full of money. And, Jimmy McGregor just took them and carried on walking and went round the corner.

But, of course, Jimmy McGregor didn't get far. He was no longer the youngest and the money was heavy. And soon, Jimmy McGregor was being marched off to prison. But, he didn't stay long, he was let off with a warning and a thirty pound fine.

Jimmy McGregor became rich for just five very short minutes and it happened on his way home from work. It was all due to temptation.

Edinburgh is not a city that is famous for crime. But, what happened a long time ago made Jimmy McGregor the talk of the town for a very long time!

Jimmy McGregor – He became rich for 5 very short minutes!

Jimmy McGregor – The Crime of a Lifetime

Wardie in Edinburgh


bowls – Kegelschießen
fine – Straffe
hatch – Halbtur
inquisitive – neugierig
let off – frei gesprochen
simple – einfach
temptation – Versuchung

Wardie  Stadtteil von Edinburgh

Sunday 19 November 2017

(B) Ushi Hadere - Trees! Trees are magic and love being the centre of attention!

Please click here for full AUDIO/VISUAL article  !

Ushi Hadere - The Magical Subject of Trees

Ushi Hadere's hobby is photography and her subjects are trees. And, one day, she showed us her photos. And, it was the magical strength of the trees that clearly showed in her pictures. But, trees, I believe, are not easy to shoot!

They never say cheese and a smile is out of the question, and, nor do they look left or right. Trees are as they are. They are static. It is you who has to do all the work. And, it is you who has to walk round and round until the perfect angle appears. But, not so for Ushi Hadere!

Trees, she says, are intelligent. It is they who not only decide where the best shot should come from, but also the best time of day and the right light as well. All we have to do is listen and follow! And, for Ushi it works every time!

And, there is something else, too. Trees not only change with the seasons, they become good friends as well! And, Ushi Hadere believes it is they who dress up for us. Trees always look nice. And that is the beauty of Ushi Hadere's work. Her pictures are photos of life and they speak to us all! And, this is hardly surprising. There is a small part of tree in us all. We can't live without them. And, taking photos of them could possibly be the best tribute of all!

Ushi Hadere's hobby is photography and her subjects are trees. Why don't you try it as well?


angle – Blickwinkel
come through – zeigt sich
dress up – sich schön machen
exception – Ausnahme
struck me – to strike me – beeinflussen

Sunday 12 November 2017

(B) Fresh Orange for Breakfast - Herbert Depner - a man of the air whose voice is known by many!

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Fresh Orange for Breakfast

There is a certain magic of very good radio.  It can inform,  entertain, and, above all, stimulate the mind. And, the true art of excellent broadcasting lies in the understanding of listening. And, one such person is Herbert Depner.

Herbert Depner started his radio life in Vienna at a very special time.  The age of radio liberation.  And, Herbert  Depner succeeded in putting Radio 1234 on the air. A station that was so good that it not only survived until the end of the medium wave era, but also won the Radio Oscar.  An award for the best that radio can be!

And, the best always moves on.  With Radio 1234 a thing of the past, the present arrived with Radio Orange, a Viennese community station. And, it was there that Herbert Depner found his home on the dial.  And, he is still there with his popular mix of news, music, and items of interest at 6.30 AM every Friday.

But, the unexpected can happen as well.  With the Yugoslav war in full force, Herbert Depner was called to the ORF, the Austrian broadcasting system to become one of the producers and broadcasters of a tri-lingual news programme that was transmitted to the heart of the war. Not only was this a great challenge for Herbert Depner, but also, a personal highlight as well.

And now?  Herbert Depner is currently organizing workshops for those who are interested in holding a mike’ in their hands. And,  the results are beginning to show. Many small PODCASTS have appeared in the net because of his work.  And, he has also placed some of his students in mainstream radio, too!

And the future for radio, says Herbert Depner, is safe. As long as there are people who enjoy being heard, there will always be stations to choose from!

Herbert Depner - Fresh Orange for Breakfast

Wednesday 8 November 2017

(B) Doris Kalus and the Cats of the Forest


Doris Kalus and the Cats of the Forest!

The winter was in and the cold had gone through to the core. It was almost dark. And, whilst waiting for friends to go jogging, I noticed a woman at the edge of the forest. And, what she was doing made me curious, and so I went over to see.

Her name was Doris Kalus, and she was filling lots of small bowls with food. And then, after just a few seconds, the cats came out of the woods. Not just a few, but many!

And, Doris Kalus explained. Each year, hundreds of cats run away from their homes in Vienna, and for many, the Vienna Woods become the perfect new home. And there they are happy. But, not for long. For then comes the winter, and it is then that hunger sets in.

And, that's why Doris Kalus goes to the woods every day in the winter. It's her way of helping the runaway cats. But, as the winters continue, the number of cats arriving for supper becomes fewer and fewer. The cold and the dangers are often too much, and many run-away cats sadly perish.

And, Doris continued. She used to have a cat, and he ran away, too. But, that was a long time ago. And, feeding the run-away cats is her way of remembering him. And, by helping the run-away cats to survive, one or two may even find their way home in the spring. And, Doris used to dream of her little cat coming home. But sadly, he stayed out in the cold. And, in those days there was no one to help. And, that's why Doris is special.

The winter was in and the cold had gone through to the core. The cats were enjoying their meals. Doris was there whatever the weather,  A very big help for the cats.

Doris Kalus and the Cats of the Forest


core – Kern 
curious – neugierig 
edge – Rand  
for (because) – weil  
forest (woods) – Wald  
lots of – (many/much) – viel/e 
perish – sterben  
sets in (begins) - einsetzen  
survive (survive/survived/survived) – überleben 
woods (forest) – Wald 

Sunday 5 November 2017

(B) Sepp Engelmayr - Dining with History - Who used to sit at your table?

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Sepp Engelmayr – Dining with History

Listen and Read

When Sepp Engelmayer took over Wambacher's, a restaurant in the 13th district of Vienna, he took over more than serving very good meals, he took over history, too. And, the history of Wambacher's goes back a very long way.

Built in 1589, Wambacher's was, to begin with, Wambacher's family house. It was far away from Vienna and tucked deep in the depths of the forest. The perfect place for a family. And, it wasn't until 1832 – more than 200 years later – that Franz Wambacher was granted permission to cook and serve meals. First for the hunters, then for everyone else. And, Wambacher's soon became popular. But, Franz Wambacher's very good cooking was only part of the story. The house was just as important.

Wambacher's house had – and still has - a wonderful feeling of welcome. Its very low and long “Bauernhof” style with its old wooden panelling and very small windows made Wambacher's the perfect indoors for cold winter days. And, in the middle of summer, Wambacher's garden was the best place to be. In the cool of the forest and far away from the heat, the dust, and the stink of the city.

But, Wambacher's was no ordinary restaurant. Its list of regular guests was impressive. Kaiser Franz-Josef, Katharine Schratt, Kronprinz Rudolf, Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, and Maria-Theresa, to name but a few. But, the number one reason for going to Wambacher's was always its food. And, this hasn't changed.

Sepp Engelmayer's kitchen is not only one of the best in Vienna, it's very affordable, too. And, the Wambacher welcome? This is still just as fine and as warm as the day Wambacher's opened. And, that was a long time ago.

When Sepp Engelmayer took over Wambacher's, a restaurant in the 13th district of Vienna, he took over history, too. Emperor Franz-Josef may have sat at your table, but, you are just as important.

Sepp Engelmayer has very much to offer. Great food, fine wine, excellent beer, and a very warm welcome in a house of tradition and history. And, of course, a wonderful garden. What could be better?

Sepp Engelmayr – Dining with History

Language assistance
affordable – leistbar
Bauernhof  farm house
dust – Staub
granted permission – Erlaubnis bekommen
hunters – Jäger
impressive – beeindruckend
more often than not – meistens
To name but a few - um nur einige zu nennen

tucked in the depths of a forest in den Tiefen eines Waldes versteckt

(A) - Sir Anthony Gormley - A sculptor with works all over Europe -

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Sir Antony Gormley

Sir Antony Gormley is a Britissculptor who has become well known throughout the world with his famous human figures. His best known works include The Angel of the North, a giant sculpture in the North of England, Another Place, an installation where 100 figures stare out to sea on Crosby Beach near Liverpool, and Horizon Field, an installation where 100 life-size statues stand in a line across the Austrian Mountains in Vorarlberg.

Sir Antony's works are very realistic and very interesting. Some people are shocked when they see them.

Sir Antony has won many prizes for his work. He was born on the 30th of August, 1950.


best known – meist bekannt
figure – Gestalt
giant – riesig
Mountains – Berge
sculptor - Bildhauer
sculpture - Plastik
stand in a line (stand../stood../stood..) – in eine Reihe stehen
stare (stare/-stared/stared) starren
well known – sehr bekannt
won (win/won/won) – gewonnen


What is Sir Antony Gormley?
Why has Sir Antony Gormley become famous?
Where is the Angel of the North?
Is Horizon Field in France?
How many figures are staring out to sea on Crosby Beach?
Are Sir Antony's works realistic?
Have you seen Horizon Field?

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...