Sunday 12 July 2020

Prester JOHN - A Christian King from the East

Looking for Prester John!

It was the time of the first crusades. Many Europeans believed in Prester John, a Christian king from the east. And, Prester John's army was the most powerful of all. There was no one he couldn't defeat. No one could stand in his way.

And, just at that time, the retaking of Jerusalem was not going to plan, the infidels were proving hard to defeat. The crusaders were not so good as believed. In fact, they were bad. An ally was needed. And so, a messenger was sent to the east with a letter from the Pope. Prester John, Pope Alexander the Third believed, would be a friend he could count on. Two Christians together and one common cause.

But, there was one very small problem. No one knew where Prester John lived. No one knew where to find him, and, he had never been seen. Prester John was a mystery. And, to make matters worse, the messenger never returned. And, the crusaders had to do the job on their own. But, where was Prester John?

The answer was easy. If it wasn't the far-east, then India was next on the list. But, he wasn't there either and the search was taken to Africa. But, Prester John and his army were nowhere to be seen. And, to this day, they still haven't been found.

Prester John was one of the greatest myths of all times. Many people believed it. The truth is that Prester John was thought up by Bishop Otto of Freising in the 12th century. The story the bishop invented was that Prester John was a descendent of one of the three wise kings mentioned in the Nativity story in the Bible. The rest of the story, the army, power, and so-on, grew on its own.

People like stories, and the stronger and bigger the better. Prester John was – and still is - one of the very best tales of all times!

Prester John – A King From the East


infidels – people who don't believe

mentioned – spoken of

Sunday 5 July 2020

Little Boy Blue - A Brilliant Poem by Eugene Field


Eugene Field

The Poet of Childhood

Eugene Field was one of America's most popular poets. He was born in 1850 and died in 1895, and, during his very short life he wrote more than 300 poems. But, he was a very special poet. He only wrote poems for children and was known as the Poet of Childhood. And, Eugene Field not only knew about children, he loved them as well.

At the age of 21, Eugene Field married Julia Sutherland Comstock, and they had 16 children. And, it was for his children that he wrote most of his poems, and, night after night they fell asleep to the rhythm of his work. But, of course, Eugene Field had to work hard to support his very large family. And, with his writing skills he became one of America's most popular newspaper columnists.

But, it was only in 1876 that Eugene Field started publishing his poetry. His first book was called A Little Book of Western Verse. It was an immediate success. But, his most popular poem was Little Boy Blue, a sad little poem about patient toys waiting for their little owner who toddled off to bed and died in his sleep.

And, sadly, Eugene Field died too early, too. He was only 45 years old. But, he hasn't been forgotten. In the Midwest of the United States of America there are more than 100 schools which are named after him. Eugene Field was a great American and he knew how to write about feelings, and, that's why Little Boy Blue was his greatest of all. It was a subject that most understood. It was close to very many hearts.

And now, here it is: Little Boy Blue

Little Boy Blue

by Eugene Field (1850 – 1895)

The little toy dog is covered with dust,

But sturdy and staunch he stands;

And the little toy soldier is red with rust,

And his musket moulds in his hands.

Time - was when the little toy dog was new,

And the soldier was passing fair;

And that was the time when our Little Boy Blue

Kissed them and put them there.

Now, don't you go till I come,” he said,

And don't you make any noise!”

So, toddling off to his trundle bed,

He dreamt of his pretty toys;

And, as he was dreaming, an Angel song

Awakened our Little Boy Blue.

Oh! the years are many, and the years are long,

But the little toy friends are true!

And, faithful to Little Boy Blue they stand,

Each in the same old place

Awaiting the touch of a little hand,

And the smile of a little face;

And they wonder, as waiting the long years through

In the dust of that little chair,

What has become of our Little Boy Blue,

Since he kissed them and put them there.


Vocabulary -

childhoodKindheit - Gyermekkor

poem Gedicht - Vers

poet - Dichter- Költö

support unterstützen - tamogatni

popularbeliebt - nepszerü

toddle – (toddle/toddled/toddled) – zotteln -ingadozo jaras, tipeges /kisgyermeke/

trundle bed Rollbett - Kihuzhato agy

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...