Thursday 29 December 2022

A Fence Too Far - An Icelandic Tale

Christian and Christa had just arrived at their hotel near the sea. Their first trip to Iceland. It was early spring, and, with the weather just right for an afternoon walk, Christian and Christa went down to beach.

But, nearing the beach, Christian and Christa found their way blocked by a fence. Why the fence? There was nothing between them, the beach, and the sea except long grass and dunes. No reason not to go on. And, with no one to stop them, Christian and Christa climbed over the fence and carried on on their way to the sea. A very short walk. But, Christian and Christa never made it. For, out of the grass came the birds. The Terns.

Aggressively crying, the Terns rose out of the grass in their thousands. Then, having reached height, turned, and diving at speed came in for the kill. The Terns were attacking in force. They were using their all, Very sharp bills and dangerously hard beating wings. Christian and Christa were where they shouldn't have been. It was time for a hasty retreat.

It was not easy. The running through sand was impossible and the Terns were relentless. Then, after protecting themselves the best that they could, Christian and Christa made it back to the fence. But, the fence meant nothing to the Terns. Rising and diving and attacking, the birds kept coming in perfect formation. And, Christian and Christa still had a fair way to go.  It wasn't until Christian and Christa had almost reached their hotel that the Terns stopped attacking. But, the birds didn't retreat. They stayed. Circling above. Just to be sure.

Christian and Christa had had a very hard lesson in nature. The Terns had been brooding. And, the fence had been there there to keep people away. Terns, when brooding, are not friendly birds! The next morning, Christian and Christa went out for an Icelandic walk, But, this time, not over fences and not down to the sea.

Fences are there for two reasons. Keeping things in and keeping things out. So, don't climb fences while walking on Iceland. If, you're out, stay out, and, if you're then in stay in.

A Fence Too Far - Christian and Christa

A fence too far. Christian and Christa.

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...