Saturday 5 December 2009

Marion Gräfin Dönhof

The Power of Irresistible Attraction

There are some people who possess a certain magical power of irresistible attraction. Their characters are strong, they have concrete wills, strong determination, and never sway from the way they are going. One such person was Marion Gräfin Dönhof.

It was 1945. With the Russians closing in and the winter approaching, Marion Gräfin Dönhof said goodbye to Schloss Friedrichstein and a privileged life which was to disappear for ever. And then, on her faithful horse, Alarich, she escaped from her native Prussia on her now legendary gallop to freedom.

But people don’t alter because of life’s changes. Once in Hamburg, it was her inherited fortitude and above natural stamina that took her to the then infant German newspaper, Die Zeit. And it was whilst helping to build up Die Zeit, that she began to influence and mould nothing less than politics and high German thinking.

Marion Gräfin Dönhof was very naturally a people’s person. She understood perfectly the value of everyone she met and treasured almost every personal encounter. She felt as much at home in the company of kings and presidents as she did with the most humble of farmers. Her background certainly helped. Her father was the Kaiser’s best friend; and, because of who she was, she had the finest of educations, and was the first ever woman to be admitted to Basle university.

Marion Gräfin Dönhof died 8 years age; but if she were still to be alive, she would have been 100 last month. But gone she has not! Her irresistible attraction still lives on in the spirit of Die Zeit; and her writings are still as actual as they ever were. Marion Gräfin Dönhof was larger than life, and life as we know it now, has all to do with the power of this magical woman of letters.
Language Help

Irresistible – unwiderstehlich.
Attraction – Anziehungskraft.
To sway – ausweichen/ablenken. (sway/swayed/swayed)

Approaching –annähend.
Disappear – verschwinden.
To escape – entkommen (escape/escaped/escaped)

Alter – ändern. (alter/altered/altered)
Changes –Änderungen.
Inherited – geerbt- (inherit/inherited/inherited)
Fortitude – Kraft.
Above natural – über natürlich.
Then infant –Damals noch jung.
Influence – beeinflussen.
Mould – formen (mould/moulded/moulded)
Nothing less – nichts desto weniger.

Encounter – Begegnung.
Humble – bescheidend.
Died – starb. (die/died/died)
Spirit - Geist.

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