Saturday 27 February 2010

Thomas Zotloterep

Thomas Whilst Thinking - photo by Nigel A. JAMES

Spring Waters Run Deep

I can honestly say that I know Thomas Zotloterep reasonably well. And, with many more years still to put on until he is thirty, his feet are already planted firmly upon the path he has chosen in life. A course which is leading to a very bright future in the field of high economics.

This future high flyer, is, without any doubt at all, a very successful student, and the secret of his success can be summed up in only one word, balance!

What I’m talking about is Thomas’s three legged triangular balance of life: serious study, serious work and serious play. And each individual leg of this finely tuned three legged balancing act is essential for the attainment of his ultimate target; a goal which is drawing closer and closer as each loaded day goes speedily by.

Thomas is a party and festival man. The milestones in his life are the beginning of the year, the middle of the year, and the end of the year - all excuses for a party. There is the beginning of the year party, the middle of the year party, and, of course, the end of the year party; and all other parties such as Christmas parties, Easter parties, carnival parties, etc. in between.

But for Thomas, the beginning of the year is the return of the light in the spring; and spring is something very special indeed. Spring means Spring Jam!

Spring Jam is a party that is held by the sea, and it is three full days of pure celebration. There is a disco on the beach, there are bands, and, in the hotels there is all-night action.

The merrymaking begins at Vienna’s Südbahnhof, the station for the south, where students from all over Austria gather to board specially chartered trains for their journey to the sun and the fun!

Spring Jam is special. It is energy tanking pure! And it is the sea air, the sun, the surf and the company that does it. Everyone there is of the same thinking, and that’s the element that’s essential for an atmosphere of harmony and peace. And highly charged inner peace is the basic and most important ingredient for success in whichever branch you may be in.

Spring Jam makes sense. It is a meeting of dynamic minded people, and those who are so when they’re young, remain so for life. And all successful people are dynamic.

Language Aid

Reasonably – ziemlich

To sum up – zusammenfassen.
To sum up/summed up/ summed up.

Finely tuned – genau gestellt.
Essential - absolute erforderlich
Attainment - Erreichen
Drawing - annähern

Excuse (for a party) – Grund.

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