Wednesday 5 January 2011

Ellen Müller


Smile Please - photo by Nigel A.  JAMES

Far From a Laughing Matter

2011 is still relatively young, and, it’s still not too late to add yet another New Year’s resolution to your already existing list of sincere and noble intentions; and, so it was, that as 2010 was just about to move on to 2011, I read about something that gave me an idea.

As New Year’s resolutions go, this idea is well worth a try. It is quite unlike giving up smoking, it’s impossible to compare it with cutting down on drink or going on a diet; and it’s much more fun than writing your memoirs – in fact it is fun – and it’s easier to keep than to break - and it’s a laugh all the way; and the results, for the little effort that is needed, are enormous!

It was in the Wiener Zeitung (a Viennese newspaper of repute) that I read all about it. In its last edition of last year, the paper published an interview with Ellen Müller, a Laugh Yoga instructress. What she had to say was remarkably interesting, and, a lot of it was far from a laughing matter.

Ellen Müller stumbled upon Laugh Yoga whilst looking for a remedy for the chronic pain which she was having at the time; and, one of the stones she turned over was Dr. Madan Kataria, a medical doctor from India.

It was in the 1990’s that Dr. Kataria started including laughter in the treatment which he was giving his patients. Laughter, he proved, was the best medicine; and now, laugh clubs and laugh yoga groups are to be found all over the world.

Laughing is good for you, and, it was whilst laughing that Ellen Muller’s pains, as if by magic, dissolved away into nothing!

And the magic of Laugh Yoga lies in its simplicity. The movements are easy and there is no one on earth – not even you – who can’t do them or take part. So, if you’re suffering, or you simply want to have fun, Laugh Yoga is something for you!

And, it doesn’t stop there. All over the world, people are benefiting from the positive results of Laugh Yoga and Laugh clubs. Laughter reduces stress and provides a much needed balance – and – this is the best of all – it restores happiness – THE feeling that makes life worth living!

To find out more, you can google Ellen Müller and Dr. Madan Kataria, or, you can check out the following link, -

My email address is, -

Once again, A Very happy New Year to you all!

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