Sunday 18 September 2011

Otto Eidher - A Short Introduction

Otto Eidherr - photo by Nigel A.  JAMES

Hunting the fine!

Forests, for most, are places of depth and great strength, but, for Otto Eidher, the woods are the source of edible wonders – for he is a hunter of mushrooms!
Otto, who now lives amongst the concrete  ways of Vienna, grew up on the wooded granite plateau of North Eastern Austria, and there, from childhood on, he was to be found in the cool of the mornings hunting for mushrooms. And, this important schedule of busy forest life, has, ever since, remained with him as a hobby.
But, this hobby of taste, unlike fishing and football, has more to do with understanding and knowing than luck. One has to know what one’s doing. Take the wrong mushrooms home and the results can be fatal!
And coming home with a basket full of the right ones is just half of the story. Whilst Vienna is sleeping, Otto is on his way back to the forest. Being amongst the trees and breathing the fresh morning air is what gives him that something special that makes life worth living. And good living means also good food. And what could be better than a hobby that gives all?
Otto is a man of good taste, and the riches of the forest which he harvests provide guaranteed goodness that always tastes great. And there are many different and exciting preparations for all the different mushrooms that there are - and Otto knows many, for he, too, is an excellent cook!

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