Sunday 23 June 2013

Lucy Nemics

Lucy Nemics  - photo by Nigel A JAMES

Theme Walls and Dream Schemes

Our pasts are not meant to be put into boxes and stored out of site in dark corners. Our memories, as always, are still very much a part of our nows, and, being so, they deserve very much more! They need space and they need light, and this is something Lucy Nemics discovered a long time ago.

And Lucy not only discovered it, she put it into practice as well. And, what resulted was something unusually nice, a living room full of themes with each wall telling its very own story.

And her walls not only tell of times that have gone, they say something about Lucy as well. Being a very keen photographer, photos, too, play a very important role. One wall tells of great travels and not only includes pictures taken on board the QE2, but many other exotic and interesting places as well. Travel was, and still is, a very important thing for Lucy and her husband Walter.

And the busyness continues. When moving on, one comes to the wall of how where they live used to be. Hacking in the west of Vienna is the name of their district, and, whilst looking down on the world, the old maps and old pictures tell of a time that has long since passed into the modern. When Lucy was a child, Hacking was more like a village than anything else.

But the last but one wall is special. It is Wimbledon in England! Walter had a job in London, and it was in Wimbledon that they found a very nice and very typical English “semi” to live in. And it was there that they spent the busiest and most fun years of their lives. Their children were young, and, so it was that their lives were full of everything English. There were not only schools to be managed, but all other aspects of everyday life, too. And all in English! A real challenge! England for them was English, and what could be more thrilling, exciting and fulfilling. But the pictures of Wimbledon are more than just pictures.

Because of the space and the light which they have, they are inviting. And when the feeling is right, both Walter and Lucy are able to step into the pictures and enjoy once again – just like then - a walk through England's green and pleasant land!

And the last wall, of course, is the window with its very sober picture of the passing of now. But, Lucy's eye catches all, and, I'm sure that there will soon be a wall with the pictures of that which is currently actual. The present, too, will also be part of the past of tomorrow. And as far as Lucy and Walter are concerned, the now with its feelings of then is still the most important of all!

 Feelings - Aranka's Evening Balcony

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...