Wednesday 31 July 2013

Ida Leo

Ida Leo

On Your Marks – photo by Nigel A. JAMES

Ida Leo

Leaving Her Mark

Finding something to do whilst whiling away long hours of retirement wasn't a problem for Mrs. Ida Leo of Canada. And, what she came up with has certainly added an element of familiar colour to long winter evenings of intensive indulgence in the books of one's choice!

Reading is enjoyed by very many people, and, bookmarks are as essential to readers as are brushes to painters, and, bookmarks, until Aida reinvented them, were nothing other than functional strips to indicate one's place in a book! But, that was then!

Now things are different. Aida's bookmarks have not only made history, they have become history - and all in a personalized manor! It all started in 2001. Ida was reading War and Peace for the third time, and, instead of using an old shopping list as a bookmark as she usually did, she, without thinking, saved her place with a photo of her daughter. And so, the next time when she picked up this unputtable-down book, the first thing that she saw was the smile of her daughter! And it was good so!

And, very, very soon, the rest of her family were catching up on their personal pasts with bookmarks by Ida, and it didn't stop there. Word spread, and within a short space of time, Ida was receiving pictures through the post to convert into bookmarks.

And now, reading and remembering has become something more liquid, This lady of humor and two cycles of forty has expanded her range with personalized coasters. And what could be better? Old family snaps in dusty forgotten boxes in attics, or, where they have prominence of place? Thanks to Ida, the second choice, for very many people has become the obvious option. And, Ida's long evenings of winter are no longer long. They have become short, too short, with plenty to do! Everyone, it seems, just can't wait for a book mark by Ida.

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...