Monday 31 March 2014

Captain Otto Herold

Otto Herold - photo by Nigel A JAMES

The Flight Now Boarding!

It was 1975, the 21st of December. Everyone was looking forward to a wonderful Christmas. The Glühwein, and the smell of chestnuts roasting had put Vienna in a super Advent mood. And, with only 3 more days to go, the shops were full of last minute shoppers! There was snow on the ground, and everyone was Christmassy happy! And then it happened. It was an event so tragic and bad that it stopped Christmas from moving. There was a feeling of sadness and shock. Vienna was hurting and suffering.

The notorious terrorist Carlos with his band of Palestinian and German accomplices had taken over the OPEC council of minister’s meeting and were holding OPEC staff and 11 oil ministers hostage. And, one of those being held was the powerful Sheik Yamane of Saudi Arabia. A blood bath, it seemed, was about unfold!

With 4 already dead, the Austrian government was not about to take any chances. And so, bearing in mind the importance of life, the terrorist’s demands were agreed to in full. These not only included good food and good wine, but also messages in French to be read at 2 hourly intervals on the radio, and, most importantly, a plane to take them and their hostages to a place of their choice. But, of course, a plane needs a crew, and this was to be no normal flight!

Otto Herold was a young co-pilot with Austrian Airlines at the time, and, when the call for volunteers came he needed next to no time at all. If he were to be called, he would be the one for the right-hand seat in the cock-pit! And, so it was that on the morning of the 22nd of December, Otto Herold and captain Manfred Pollak were ready and waiting in their fully fuelled plane for permission to take-off for destination unknown.

The terrorists and their hostages boarded, and, to everyone's relief everything went off very well. The two pilots experienced nothing out of the ordinary, that is to say, nothing except the one small thing that still sticks out in Otto Herold’s mind. Because there were no hostesses on board, he had volunteered to serve coffee, and, all were thankful for the refreshment; that is to say, all except one! One of the hostages, an oil minister, rudely rejected the offer of coffee, and, whilst pushing it angrily away demanded tea! There was no tea and he, too, had to make do with coffee. The crux, however, came when Otto went to collect the dirty cups. One of the terrorists, a Palestinian, stopped him, and, instead, forced the now “non too happy” complaining and demanding minister to clear up the dirties! There were to be no more passenger complaints for the rest of the flight!

The trip came to an end in Algiers where the last of the hostages were released. Carlos and his gang then disappeared, and Otto and Captain Pollak were flown back to a sad and very much shocked Vienna. And Christmas?

It was different. It was more an occasion of relief mixed with sorrow. People had been killed, and Austria, a small central European peace loving country, had been wounded. “Why us” was everyone’s question.

And Captain Pollok and Otto Herold? Volunteering had been brave and both were decorated for their courage. Of course, both continued flying and Otto Herold went on to become captain. And, as everyone knows, captains can never stop flying!

Now, happily in retirement and many Christmases later, Otto Herold is still very much behind the controls, and his fleet of model planes is impressive. But, no models, however realistic, can replace the Viscounts, the DC 9s or the Airbuses which he once skippered. But, flying is flying and even in miniature the take-offs and landings, just like then, are still just as exciting as ever!


Saturday 29 March 2014

Diariclub Intermediate Text - Tying the Knot

A Typical English Wedding - by Nigel A JAMES

Tying the Knot – A Discussion

There are many occasions in life which bring happiness and joy. And weddings are perhaps the most joyful of all!

I remember a wedding that took place in Vienna. It was many years ago. Anne and Mike, two friends of mine, were tying the knot. It was a wonderful day and the betrothal took place in a registry office. The ceremony was short, to the point and very soon over. It took Anne and Mike just six very short minutes to become man and wife! But, the rest of the day carried on until late!

Anne and Mike held the reception at their place. They didn't have much money at the time, and so it was a very much do-it-yourself occasion. And it was great! Everyone turned up with bottles and food and there was more than enough to go round. And, the fun, too, was more than enough. There was music, singing and dancing, and the party went on until the very small hours.

But, best of all was the way that Anne looked. Her dress was amazing and her hair style perfect. She was stunning! And there was heaven in her smile! This was her wedding, she was deeply happy, and this was the very best day of her life!


amazing – erstaunlich
betrothal – Das Verbinden mit Versprechen (Das Ehe Schliesen)
do-it-yourself – selbst gemacht
go round – genug / ausreichend
joy – Freude
registry office – Standesamt
small hours – zwischen Mitternacht und drei Uhr früh!
stunning – umwerfend / phänomenal
to the point – kurz und bündig
turned up (also arrived) – kamen (turn up/turned up/turned up)
tying the knot – heiraten (tying/tied/tied)

Discussion Points

What is the most unusual wedding you have ever experienced?
Why are good wedding photos so important?
Why are arranged marriages sometimes better?
Why is it that partners should have completely different interests?
Why are big and expensive weddings so important for many?
What is the future of marriage?
What is your idea of a perfect wedding?

How important are wedding presents?

Diariklub Intermediate Text - Living Design

Magdalena's Apartment - by Nigel A JAMES

 A Base for Discussion

People who live in apartments have one thing in common, they all have identical front doors. The colours are always the same, the handles have only one shape, and the name-plates are all the same size and design. But, this monotony is the only thing that these people share, for behind every front door is a world of its own!

Most flats are the same. Everyone has identical kitchens, house plants, Gmunden pottery on the dining room table, The Kiss by Klimt on the living room wall, family photos on the top of the tele, one or two books, and an aquarium. But, Magdalena Pfeifer's flat is very, very different!

In the living room there is not only a door in the ceiling for light, there is also a huge metal propeller for cooling off in the summer. The bathroom is on the balcony, and her kitchen is built out of bricks and old planks. Magdalene's flat is herself. Her favourite colours are blue, red and green, and, because she loves wood, there is a wonderful wooden floor in the living room. And, of course, pictures are an essential part of her life, that's why she has many wonderful paintings.

Magdalene's flat has a wonderful feeling. It is certainly not luxury, but, it is very, very comfortable. Magdalene's flat is her own little world, and her world is the universe of art!


apartment - Wohnung
bricks – Ziegelstein
ceiling – Decke
certainly – mit Gewiss
front door – Haustür
handel – Griff
huge – riesig
in common – Gemeinsam
name plate - Türschild
plank – Holzbrett
share - teilen


What is normal living?
How do you imagine Magdalene's apartment?
Why do so many people all have the same kitchens?
Why is art so important for a house or flat?
What effects (Wirkung) do house plants have?
Why is wood so important?
How do you understand the word comfortable?
What do you think of Feng-Shui?
Which role do colours play in a home?
Why do the Japanese live better than we do?

For easy texts, please go to

Monday 24 March 2014

Alexandra Lanz

 Mother!   pencil drawing by Nigel A JAMES

  Suspended Realities

Alexandra Lanz is unique! She is young, she’s a mother, she’s a surgeon, and, above all else, she’s alive! And, being that way is the one thing about her that’s special! For the way to where she is now is something that few have encountered!

When she was 14, she experienced a trauma that stopped her life in its tracks! After collapsing a school, she was taken to hospital with a suspected liver complaint. She was to stay there for the next five years!

Her stay in hospital was not only a period of suffering and despair, but also a time when the future stayed hidden and well out of reach behind a curtain of drudgery and monotony. Hospital life was all about tests, and more tests and pain and more pain, and, worst of all, time never ending. And her youth, her best time of all was draining away and there was nothing she could do!

She was in a state of suspension, hanging somewhere between how she was then and where she was going; and sometimes it seemed she wasn’t moving at all. But, she was moving, for she had hope and belief on her side! And she knew that she would one day walk out as a whole and healthy person. And,   that's exactly what happened.

But, first came the liver transplant. After many long days of waiting she was finally given a new chance in life. The operation had been a perfect success, but, there was something else, too! Whilst under the knife something unforgettable happened.

It was an out-of-body experience. Whilst floating,  calmly from above she saw all that was happening! There was something so moving, so totally fine, and so unexplainably confirming about this wonderful experience. She knew that her hope and her faith had not been in vain. Her life was beginning again.

And, coming back meant another kind of struggle. She had finished her school without anything at all, and getting an education wasn’t easy, but, without it, she would never have become the surgeon she now is. But, something else happened as well. Something dramatic! She was told that becoming a mother would be out of the question! 

 This was fortunately wrong. She now has two very healthy boys and a super man at her side! The impossible  happened. Alexandra Lanz became the first woman on earth to give birth to a child after having had a liver transplant! She is not only a woman of history, but an example for others as well.

Alexandra not only discovered that there is a life after life, but, and, much more importantly, there is also a life before death! Being alive is the greatest of all!

Picture Post
Please click onto picture for full size image!

Westbahnhof - Vienna  - March 2014

Looking Down - Vienna - March 2014

All pictures by Nigel A JAMES

Sunday 16 March 2014


                                 Juan Ruis - photo by Nigel A JAMES

A Sonic Boom!

The world in which we live is not only visible, it is audio, too. Every sound, no matter how soft or how loud is loaded with meaning and depth. And, as Juan Ruis knows only too well, the understanding of that which is heard is of vital importance for a fullness of life. And, he knows so because he is blind.

And he has been blind since his birth. And blindness sharpens one's senses. At a very early age he discovered that living was more than just listening and feeling. There was another dynamic as well. It was something called Sonar Clicking, and he was using it without even knowing! Basically, Sonar Clicking is the art of producing verbal clicks in order to get echoes from surroundings. This is a wonderful thing for the blind. It not only enables the identification of surroundings, it also makes the identification of objects and distances possible. In other words, something very important. But, of course, not everyone has the natural talents that Juan has and Sonar Clicking is something that needs to be taught. And, it is in this sense that Juan discovered his greatest talent of all, the art of good teaching. And, so it was, by becoming and being himself, he took off and went into the world to do good.

And, he has come a very long way from his Mexican roots. With most of the world in his pocket he is now in Vienna at the BBS, a school for children with disabilities, where he is training the trainers to teach Sonar Clicking. And it isn't only the learners who benefit. There are parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles, teachers, and friends, and-so-on. The list is endless. But, of course, it is the blind youngsters who stand to gain most. Sonic Clicking not only gives a sharpened sense of awareness, it also provides a more than firm base for life in the future, thus making it easier for parents to let go! And, Juan is the one to be thanked!

Wherever he goes he leaves a trail of compassion. He is a boom to the people he touches and there are many who can't wait to see him again. And, it is thanks to him that there are now many who are no longer just listening, but composing and conducting as well. There is a fullness in life, and Juan is one of the few who has passed on the key!

Sunday 9 March 2014

Elizabeth KRAMER

Elizabeth Kramer by Nigel A JAMES

Pure of Heart!

Help, when given can sometimes keep flowing forever, and the help that Elizabeth Kramer and her husband gave a young Ethiopian lad some ten years ago was just that kind of help. It came straight from the heart, was given without question, and was pure. And, that's the best kind there is! And, it all began at the end of an African day!

Following the Blue Nile, Elizabeth and her husband Gustav had just driven down from the mountains of Siemen and had reached the town of Baihr Dar on the shores of Lake Tana. For ten days, they had been living and breathing the smells and the feelings of an Africa that was still very much Africa. They had marvelled at the colours of the sun in the earth and had touched the invisible thatch covered huts of secretive native villages. They had seen an unimaginable world and had felt the pulse of eternity by becoming acquainted with a people who were part of an ongoing never changing life. And now, with this adventure behind them, Elizabeth and Gustav were coming back to the modern and were about to visit the palace of the former Ethiopian emperor Haili Selassie. But, then came the eyes!

Elizabeth felt them first. There they were looking at her in a penetrating “asking for help way”. And these eyes were special. They were the eyes of sincerity and needing. And, as Elizabeth returned the look she was getting her heart went out to the young well dressed man who was asking. And, so it was, she agreed to provide the book he was wanting. And his name was Johannes.

And the book was the start of something quiet special. Over the years Elizabeth and Gustav have encouraged and supported Johannes in every way possible. Whenever he needed or wanted they were there, and it was good so, for he had become their Spiritual Son. And they were happy. And he came through. He successfully completed his studies and turned his eyes towards Europe!

And now Johannes is returning Elizabeth's and Gustav's help in the best possible way. Now married and living in Germany, he is passing it on to those who need it from him. And so this help will continue for ever; and all because Elizabeth and Gustav came down from the mountains and found meaning and wanting in two wonderful African eyes.


Sunday 2 March 2014

Ida Leo


On Your Marks – photo by Nigel A. JAMES

Leaving her Mark

Finding something to do in retirement is never a problem for Ida Leo of Canada. She always has more than enough on her plate, and is always busier than most. But, there is one thing that she does that adds an element of familiar colour to evenings with books in front of the fire!

Reading is enjoyed by very many people, and, bookmarks are as essential to readers as are brushes to artists. And, bookmarks, until Aida reinvented them, were nothing other than functional strips to indicate one's place in a book! But, that was then, and now things are different!

Aida's very special and very unique bookmarks have not only made history, they have also become history - and all in a personalized manor!

It all started in 2001. Ida was reading War and Peace for the third time, and instead of her usual habit of using an old shopping list as a bookmark, she used, instead, and for no real reason, a photo of her daughter. And so, when she came back from answering the phone, she was met with a smile when she picked up her book! And, what could be better?

And soon the rest of her family were catching up on their pasts with bookmarks by Ida. And it didn't stop there. Word spread, and within just a very short space of time, Ida was getting dozens of pictures through the post to convert into bookmarks.

And now, reading and remembering has become something more liquid. Aida now makes personalized coasters as well. There is something for everyone! And this is the best thing that could happen to old family snaps.

Previously, old boxes in attics had been the domain of long forgotten dusty family albums, and now, thanks to Aida, photos of families and friends have once again assumed centre stage in our lives!

And, what about Ida's long winter evenings? They are no longer long. They have become far too short with plenty to do! It seems that bookmarks by Aida are on everyone's lists! Aida is certainly leaving her mark!

Picture Post
(for full size image please click onto picture)
Card Game at Helena Seidel's restaurant -
Vienna Feb. 2014

Waitress at Helena Seidel's

Way Home
Vienna Feb.2014

All photos by Nigel A JAMES
Please click onto "My Photo Blog"!

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I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...