Wednesday 30 April 2014

Planning - A Diariclub Intermediate Essay

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Planned Action - by Nigel A JAMES

Planing by Nigel A JAMES

Planning makes for good feelings, it makes life run smoothly, and without it, success cannot happen. It is essential for all that we do, and, as Jill Watson discovered, life after learning to plan became very much better!

It was the big things that got her; and holidays were always the worst. There was always too much to think about. There was the flight, the hotel, what to buy, and would her daughter like it, and so-on, and so-on! And each year was exactly the same. Nothing other than disaster and panic. But then Jill found out about the great art of planning, and her life changed for the better.

She discovered that her major nightmare projects were nothing other than strings of many small things to do. And, all she had to do was make up a list and turn on the action. That's planning! But, of course, things aren't always so easy.
Life is a system, and we have to plan to succeed. We have to plan time for sports, hobbies, and other important things, too. And, there are many other kinds of planning as well! There are economic five year plans, there are political action plans known as “road-maps”, and, on our level there is school planning, personal finance planing, family planning, career planning, and much more as well.

But of course, too much planning is not very good. We don't need to plan for the next twenty years, and, more often than not we can simply relax and go where life leads us. But, for this we need preparation, and for this we need planning!

Vocabulary -

discovered (discover/discovered/discovered) – entdeckt
found out (find out/found out/found out) - aus finden
lead – lead/led/led) – führen
major – wichtig/haupt . . ./große
need (need/needed/needed) – brauchen
nightmare – Alptraum
preperation - Vorbereitung
simply – einfach
string - Ketten

Phrases -

exactly the same – genau das Gleiche
makes for good feelings – es liefert gute Gefühle
nothing other - nichts anderes
on our levelunsere Ebene
that got her – die sie erwischt haben
too much to think about – zu viel nach zu denken

Points for Discussion

What are the advantages of good planning?
Why is planning a problem for many people?
Why is planning not always necessary?
Why is family planning so important?
Why does political planning rarely work?
Do your plans always work?
Why do “solo” (only for one person) plans always work?

What are your plans for this summer?

Monday 28 April 2014

Picture Post

A Special Moment - Lake Balaton 2013 - by Nigel A JAMES

The Sea Wife - by Rudyard Kipling - A Poem

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Ships at Sea - by Nigel A  JAMES

The Sea-Wife
By Rudyard Kipling

There dwells a wife by the Northern Gate,
And a wealthy wife is she;
She breeds a breed o’ rovin’ men
And casts them over sea.

And some are drowned in deep water,
And some in sight o’ shore,
And word goes back to the weary wife
And ever she sends more.

For since that wife had gate or gear,
Or hearth or garth or bield,
She willed her sons to the white harvest,
And that is a bitter yield.

She wills her sons to the wet ploughing,
To ride the horse of tree,
And syne her sons come back again
Far-spent from out the sea.
The good wife’s sons come home again
With little into their hands,
But the lore of men that ha’ dealt wi’ men
in the new and naked lands;

But the faith of men that ha’ brothered men
By more than easy death,
And the eyes o’ men that ha’ read wi’ men
In the open books of death.

Rich are they, rich in wonders seen,
But poor in the goods o’ men;
So what they ha’ got by the skin o’ their teeth
They sell for teeth again.
For whatever they lose to the naked life
Or win to their hearts’ desire,
They tell it all to the weary wife
That nods beside the fire.

Her hearth is wide to every wind
That makes the white ash spin;
And tide and tide and ‘tween the tides
Her sons go out and in.

(Out with great mirth that do desire
Hazard of trackless ways,
In with content to wait their watch
And warm before the blaze);

And some return by failing light,
And some in waking dream,
For she hears the heels of the dripping ghosts
That ride the rough roof-beam.

Home, they come from all the ports,
The living and the dead;
The good wife’s sons come home again
For her blessing on their head!

Sunday 27 April 2014

Hermine Diwald

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Like Seeds to the Wind 
Hermine Diwald

Some people are at peace with themselves and are strong, and this provides strength and great meaning for others. And, Hermine Diwald is just such a person. But, her strength didn’t grow out of nothing, it grew, instead, out of cunning and stealth. And, it all began at the end of the 2nd World War, and she was only 13.

All over the world the fighting had stopped and people were heading for home. The struggle for peace had been won and the business of living was beginning again. But it wasn't to be for Hermine and family. They were never to see their home in the small town of Werschetz again. The Banat, the area where Werschetz belongs had become part of the east, and Hermine, her family, and many more Donauschwaben were interned.
And camp life was not only hard, it was miserable. But, there was a choice. And it was simple. Stay put in internment and end up in Russia, or, take your chances and run! And, so it was that Hermine, her family, and others, as well, stepped out after dark through a hole in the fence and embarked upon their sometimes hard, but always dangerous flight to the west.

And, they got through. Hermine’s family found a new home in Vienna, and others went further.

But people don’t run away from places, it is from people they flee! And, there is one thing in common that those who go and survive have, and that is the feeling of home for the place they have left. Home, for them will always be home.

And home needs keeping alive. In Vienna, Hermine and others still busily write and produce the Werschetzer Zeitung, a journal of essential reading for those who never left Werschetz in heart. But bitterness is not part of its content. The paper is interesting, factual, and entertaining as well. Yesterday was then and the present is now, and Werschetz will always be Werschetz; and the Werschetzer Zeitung will always connect.

And it connects those who now live all over the world. This biannual journal is not only the thread that combines, it's a living tradition as well - and, not only for those of their time, but also for children and grandchildren, too. And, as Hermine quite rightly points out - history is not only the past, it is also our present, and enjoying the now is the secret of strength! And, this is the meaning of life. And, we should be thankful, for there are those who never even reached the hole in the fence!

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Photo Post

A Recent Snowy Past - by Nigel A JAMES  -  Vienna February 1914

A Poem

by William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not be but gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed- and gazed-but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.

Monday 21 April 2014

Saying Hello to Anita Fodrasz

Anita Fodrasz with Maxi B. Acs taking the picture, and Nigel A JAMES having a haircut

Short Cut to Success

Independence in life is one of the greatest treasures that exists, and, that’s what Anita Fodrasz had in mind when she set out in life on the path of a hairdresser.

At the beginning, of course, she had to comply with the wishes and rules of the bosses she worked for. But then, one bright day and right out of the blue her future appeared! It was not high up in the sky as expected, but just below ground in a disused cellar of the high-rise socialist block which was home.

In front of her eyes was her life as she wanted. Her vision of becoming her own number one was beginning to put on a style of its own. For there, in front of her own two eyes, and amongst the neglect and the dust and the rubble was her future saloon.

And so it came to be. With family and friends joining in, this once home to old boxes and unwanted junk became Anita's saloon! It took hours of hard work with brushes and paint and rolled up sleeves, but the effort was worth every minute! Within just a very short period of time, the people of Veszprem in Hungary were beating a path to her door. Anita was good, and word had gone round!
But, her customers weren’t the only ones with smiles on their faces! With her own apartment just five floors above, Anita had plenty of time for her young son of eight. And, her husband, too, was not to miss out on his comforts! His favourite meals were never to be more than just a short wait away! In a word, and putting it simply, everyone was happy!

And that’s the key to it all. Happiness comes with the getting of the things that one wants most of all. And, Anita with her scissors and skills is able to give people the most important thing of all, and that is good looks and beauty. And, it’s all thanks to her once-upon-a-time dream of becoming a cut above the rest, and it all came true at the bottom and not at the top! 

Diariclub - Intermediate Texts - Architecture

Some thoughts for discussion by Nigel A JAMES
An Intermediate Essay

Architecture influences us all. We live in it, we work in, we pray in it, we learn in it, and, at the end of the day, we are buried in it! Architecture is all about life, and likewise it has many different forms.

And, its many forms depend upon only seven things. These are imagination, time, necessity, money, prestige, power and function. The more money and power there is, the more pompous the building! And the same is true in reverse. But, without good imagination there can be no good architecture.

So, what is good architecture? This is a matter of personal taste. Some people prefer modern, some say that Jugendstil is better, and many people quite like the style of the 20s and 30s. But, there are two architectural styles that are above personal taste. Everyone thinks and believes that Norman (Gothic) and Romanesque are the most beautiful styles that there are!

So, why is this? And, what has gone wrong with modern imagination? Why has timeless thinking totally disappeared? Why has our thinking become only functional? There are many more questions as well, but one thing is true, how we live and what we build is only a question of money.

But, the answer can't only be money! We have more than enough to do what we want. Maybe the answer lies in the thinking of tomorrow! What will people say in three hundred years time about our style of today? What would we say if we were to be them? Let's all agree that it's time for a change! naj – April 2014

Vocabulary and Phrases

at the end of the day – zum Schluss
buried (bury/buried/buried) – begraben

disappeared (disappear/disappeared/disappeared) – verschwinden
form – Gestalt

imagination – Vorstellungskraft
lies (lie/lay/lain) legt

matter of – eine Frage von …
maybe – vielleicht
necessity Notwendigkeit

personal tastepersönliche Geschmack
pray (pray/prayed/prayed) – beten
prefer – (prefer/prefered/prefered) – bevorzuge
prestige – Prestige


thinking of tomorrow – Denken von Morgen
timeless - zeitlos

Points and Questions for Discussion

How does architecture influence us?
What is good architecture?
Why does bad architecture depress us?
Norman and Romanesque?
How should modern architecture be?
Industrial architecture – past and present?
Educational institutes?
Which building do you hate the most?
Your favourite building?
Why is money NOT the answer to everything?

What will people say in three hundred years time?

Sunday 20 April 2014

Friday 18 April 2014

Essay - Music

Scales and Bars!
Some precise thinking of note by Nigel A JAMES

Music is something we all understand. Everyone knows what it means, and it is the one thing in the world which we all have in common. Music is as essential as the air which we breathe and the water we drink. Music is life! And music, just like life, can be many things, too. It is not only as diverse as the people who love it, it is more!

To begin with, music is audible emotional feelings, and therefore fully dictates the way which we feel. When it slows down, we slow down - and when it speeds up, we speed up, too. This, of course, is perfect for parties, shopping and Sundays at church! But, music can have its dangerous sides, too!

Music is the great manipulator. There is no other medium that can beat it when it comes to controlling feelings and emotions. It has been successfully used by all sides in wars for sometimes brilliant propaganda, Marlene Dietrich and Vera Lyn are perfect examples. But, of course, the right beat can win battles, too. In some cases music actually gave hope in hopeless situations. There are many recorded cases of armies nearing defeat, which, thanks to the right marching tune went on to great victory. (Napoleon being the perfect example)

But, of course, music isn't only useful for war, there are peace time winnings as well. And, love is the name of the game! What would romance be without soft violins? And how many people have given their love a second chance by listening once again to “our tune” whilst their marital bliss was steering its way at full speed against the rocks of destruction? How many marriages, I wonder, would have been saved if only there had been a record player handy? Music not only creates, it kills and cures, too!

And, creating is probably one of music's greatest achievements. Music, when played in a classroom helps children with learning. And, not only that! Experiments in Sweden have proved that children who learn musical instruments are often more intelligent than others! All very amazing!

And, being intelligent can also be good. It was the American students in the 60s and 70s who used music to support their anti-war demonstrations. And, thanks to the songs of Pete Seeger and Joan Baez they succeeded! And, music can be good for the black side of war, too!

War, unfortunately, means injury and suffering, and many hospitals now use music for curing. Many tests have shown that war victims recover much faster whilst enjoying soft music. Dusty Springfield and Mozart are best.

Of course, there is much, much more to music than meets the eye (or should I say ear?). But, one thing is certain, music means the same thing to everyone everywhere. It is the one true international language, and, the good thing is it doesn't need learning! Everyone can do it, it's as simple as listening and repeating, so everyone's in with a chance. It's there for the taking, and, if you're looking for friends – there's no better place! Music brings people together, and being together is life. Music is the nature of man, and where there is peace there is music!

Nj – April 2014

Saturday 12 April 2014

Margeret Felber

Margaret Felber by Nigel A JAMES

On the Right track!

Passages through life are often a question of making the most of things as they come. Many people are good at it, few are excellent, and those who understand this art of survival are the ones who can see the promise in even the meanest of work.

For them, there is no job too low. They are prepared to do anything and everything; it's all to do with survival! These people are humble, and this is their strength! And, one such person who has been down the highways and byways of life and succeeded is Margaret Felber. And, she has the strength of great steel!

It was just after the war. Things were hard. And Margaret was hungry and looking for work. Vienna was rebuilding, and, at the top of the list was the public transport system. This was not only good for the city, but perfect for Margaret as well.

And, so she became a tram conductress. In those days, a very sought after job. Not only was the money good, there was a smart dark blue uniform, too! But, there was more to it than just selling tickets and smiling. There were other sides, too, and they weren’t always easy!

There are two things that stand-out in Margaret's mind. The first, and perhaps the hardest, was the coupling, uncoupling and re-coupling of the rear carriages at the beginning and end of each journey. This wasn’t so bad in the summer, but, in the winter with its icy temperatures and early afternoon darkness, the lifting of the heavy and dirty and often freezing cold hooks and chains was something that nobody envied. But that was life and all part of the job.

The second thing she looks back on are the moments of fun! They were always great and late Saturday nights were the best. Margaret's route, the line 43, connected the outlying wine district of Neuwaldegg with the centre of town. Many of the passengers- if not most - were still over-merry and over-happy as they boarded the tram for a late-night-ride-home of laughing, joking and very loud singing; and, more often than not, Margaret broke all of the rules and joined in with the fun!

And fun makes life easy and nice. Margaret has gathered together the threads of her life in a book. And it is very, very interesting. In it are the people she met and the good and bad times which she had! But she was happy! And all because she kept off of the high roads of life, and travelled to where she is now on the low ways instead!

Monday 7 April 2014

Hans Paigl - photo by Nigel A JAMES

All Keyed Up!

There's a part of Vienna which is called Breitensee, and this small part of town has a certain feeling about it that makes it feel different and special. And, this certain feeling has all to do with the people who live there. And, one of those who contribute to this uniqueness of spirit is Mr. Hans Paigl. And, the reason is clear. He has that which everyone wants. He has music - he plays the piano, and, he is good!

Eight years ago, Hans started his monthly musical evenings in a very small corner Gasthaus, and, within just a very short space of time he had to move down the road to a much bigger place! Too many were coming and the reason was simple.

Hans has a heart made of music! At a very young age he was already brilliant, and all that he wanted was a key board profession. But, it was just after the war and it wasn't to be. Fate had decided that engineering was his, and, so it was, that he went into big business. But, there were to be no regrets! For music has always stayed with him!

He had bands, he played when-ever he could, and he jammed where-ever he landed. And, with his success in the markets increasing - so did his music. And, when the right time came, he stepped back into his own world of rhythm and notes and started his musical evenings.

And, Hans knows how to make people happy. His music, whether jazz, lounge, classic or folk has a vitalizing captivating energy all of its own and provides just the right balance to get people through till the next evening comes! And Hans, where does he get his balance from? When he's not playing piano he's laying down tracks! His model railway is second to none, and for him this is natural! Little engines, too, have a rhythm in their whistle, and, what could be better? There's melody and life in all that Hans does!

Sunday 6 April 2014

Diariclub Intermediate - Hitting the Right Note

Hitting the Right-note - A basis for discussion

Music is something we all understand. It is life and we can't do without it. It is as essential as the air that we breath and the water we drink. It is the one thing we all have in common, and, just life life, it is as different as the people who make it!

Music dictates the way that we feel. When it is fast - we are fast; and, when it is slow - we are slow. Music makes moods, and this is fantastic. But, music, too, can also be dangerous!

It is dangerous because it can be used to manipulate the emotions and behaviour of others. It is perfect for stirring up nationalistic feelings, and can also be the cause of violence.

But, basically, music is a wonderful thing! In its manifold way, it accompanies us all on our journeys through life. We need it for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and, of course, funerals as well!

But, the greatest thing of all is its simplicity. Music can be mastered by everyone. Singing is a very natural thing and the human voice is the best instrument of all. And, of course, we all have two ears! If you really can't sing, then listening is perfect! And the choice is fantastic.
There is something for everyone. There is opera, jazz, blues, pop, classic, and so on. The list is endless and that's what makes music so great. And, not only that, it's international and has a language of its own. Music is for us all – it has no borders, and musicians are the most important people of all. It is they who give us the differences. It is they who give us our moods! What would life be like without them?


accompanies - begleitet (accompany/accompanied/accompanied)
borders - Grenzen
cause - Ursache
dangerous – gefährlich
essential - wesentliche
funerals – Begräbnisse
in common - gemeinsames
manifold - mannigfaltig
mastered - gemeistert - (master/mastered/mastered)
moods – Launa
simplicity – Einfachheit
stirring up - aufwühlen
violence – Gewalt

Discussion Points

Why is music so important?
music as a profession -
romance -
the differences -
the danger of music - propaganda – How does it divide?
Why and how does music keep us young?
Theatre and film -
Music before birth!

For simple texts and vocabulary builders please visit

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Home Thoughts from Abroad

April!  by Aranka Acs

Home Thoughts from Abroad
by Robert Browning

Oh, to be in England
Now that April's there,
And - whoever wakes in England
Sees, some morning, unaware,
That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf
Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf,
While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough
In England-now!

And after April, when May follows,
And - the whitethroat builds, and all the swallows!
Hark, where my blossomed pear-tree in the hedge
Leans to the field and scatters on the clover
Blossoms and dewdrops-at the bent spray's edge-
That's why the wise thrush; he sings each song twice over,
Lest you should think he never could recapture
The first fine careless rapture!
And though the fields look rough with hoary dew
All will be gay when noontide wakes anew
The buttercups, the little children's dower

- Far brighter than this gaudy melon-flower!

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...