Monday 21 April 2014

Diariclub - Intermediate Texts - Architecture

Some thoughts for discussion by Nigel A JAMES
An Intermediate Essay

Architecture influences us all. We live in it, we work in, we pray in it, we learn in it, and, at the end of the day, we are buried in it! Architecture is all about life, and likewise it has many different forms.

And, its many forms depend upon only seven things. These are imagination, time, necessity, money, prestige, power and function. The more money and power there is, the more pompous the building! And the same is true in reverse. But, without good imagination there can be no good architecture.

So, what is good architecture? This is a matter of personal taste. Some people prefer modern, some say that Jugendstil is better, and many people quite like the style of the 20s and 30s. But, there are two architectural styles that are above personal taste. Everyone thinks and believes that Norman (Gothic) and Romanesque are the most beautiful styles that there are!

So, why is this? And, what has gone wrong with modern imagination? Why has timeless thinking totally disappeared? Why has our thinking become only functional? There are many more questions as well, but one thing is true, how we live and what we build is only a question of money.

But, the answer can't only be money! We have more than enough to do what we want. Maybe the answer lies in the thinking of tomorrow! What will people say in three hundred years time about our style of today? What would we say if we were to be them? Let's all agree that it's time for a change! naj – April 2014

Vocabulary and Phrases

at the end of the day – zum Schluss
buried (bury/buried/buried) – begraben

disappeared (disappear/disappeared/disappeared) – verschwinden
form – Gestalt

imagination – Vorstellungskraft
lies (lie/lay/lain) legt

matter of – eine Frage von …
maybe – vielleicht
necessity Notwendigkeit

personal tastepersönliche Geschmack
pray (pray/prayed/prayed) – beten
prefer – (prefer/prefered/prefered) – bevorzuge
prestige – Prestige


thinking of tomorrow – Denken von Morgen
timeless - zeitlos

Points and Questions for Discussion

How does architecture influence us?
What is good architecture?
Why does bad architecture depress us?
Norman and Romanesque?
How should modern architecture be?
Industrial architecture – past and present?
Educational institutes?
Which building do you hate the most?
Your favourite building?
Why is money NOT the answer to everything?

What will people say in three hundred years time?

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...