Thursday 26 June 2014

Care - Elizabeth Haidler - Fighting on the Front of Sorrow!

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 Elisabeth Haidler - by Nigel A JAMES

 Fighting on the Front of Sorrow

Looking to far away places to offer our help is simple and easy. But, recognizing the need that's always in front of our eyes is often impossible. Mostly, it's hidden behind masks that smilingly tell of problem free living. And, this almost invisible penury only breaks cover when things are almost too late! And, when this happens it is help that is needed and fast! And so, where does one go with one's sorrow when times become too hard to handle? To people who care is the answer – and one such very caring person is Elisabeth Haidler.

It was the 7th of November, 2011. It was a cold windy night that looked like the coming of winter and Elisabeth was on her way home and she was cold, and, she was thinking. In her mind were the growing number of people she was meeting on a regular basis who were finding it hard to get by. Not far away – but right here in one of the most well-off cities on earth! Something had to be done!

Being a socialist city, Vienna was well equipped in dealing with personal shortages. And, amongst organizations involved was the more than excellent Volkshilfe (People's Help) - a wonderful socialist volunteer organization attached to the socialist party. But, in those days, it was not active in all districts and parts of Vienna, and one of the gaps was Elisabeth's district. And, gaps – when encountered - are there to be filled!

And, so it was, that after recognizing the need and seeing the solution Elisabeth went into action. To begin with, she rounded up a group of close associates, and then with just a small core of active supporters came the gathering of funds and the action that was needed. And, within just a very short space of time Elisabeth and company were able to open the Volkshilfe 14th district of Vienna's branch. And, so it still is.

And, just like then, the Volkshilfe is supported by fund raising events and personal membership fees, and everything that comes in goes to the helping of people. Sometimes there are utility bills that can't be met, and sometimes there's simply not the cash for the shopping or even new shoes for the kids! But, whatever the help that is needed, Elisabeth is there with assistance. And, thanks to her, and all others involved, the lights are still burning where before there would have been darkness!

The battle against sorrow will never be won, but, thanks to those like Elisabeth, the fronts of encounter need not be so drastic as they were years ago!

battle – Kampf
break cover (to break cover/broke cover/broken cover) – sich zeigen
core – Kern
encountered (to encounter/encountered/encountered) – begegnet
gathering - Sammeln
get by (to get by/ got by/ got by – (gotten by - (US)) – auskommen
hidden – (to hide/hid/hidden) – verstecken
penury – Armut
recognize – erkennen
something - etwas
sorrow – Leid

well-off - wohlhabend

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...