Thursday 31 July 2014

The Harry Golden Years

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The Harry Golden Years

In 1958, when Harry Golden published his book Only in America he was at the top of one of the most unusual success stories that America had ever seen. And, it happened each month!

Harry's monthly newspaper The Carolina Israelite consisted of 16 pages, and each complete with adverts and articles. And, every single word was his own. In fact, the whole thing was a solo achievement. He was his paper. What he wrote came all from himself and his past, and, month in and month out he would put it together by writing about just about everything!

And his past had a thread. When he was young in New York there was nothing he wouldn't do. He was a porter, salesman, editor, journalist, and, many other things, as well. Perfect for getting to know and understand people. And, it was there, with the energy of youth, that he spent most of his spare time with a book in his hands. He loved reading. And, what better for writing than reading? And, so it was, that after moving to Carolina he founded The Carolina Israelite. A paper, which despite its name, spoke to every man, woman and child in America.

And, his paper was a success. Harry Golden understood people. Many folk, whilst reading his articles (which, by-the-way, he called “editorials”) said that they were like reading letters from a friend. And, when the time came round for the paper - time came round for the family. Reading the The Carolina Israelite together was the highlight of the month for many American families. There was something in it for everyone.

But, of course, sooner or later, everyone has to give in to the years that they’ve saved, and, in 1968, Harry wrote the last of his editorials and put The Carolina Israelite to bed for the very last time. And there has never been anything like it since. How could there be? As Ralph Emerson wrote, “Whoso would be a man - must be a nonconformist”. And a nonconformist was Harry in one!

advert - Werbung
consisted (to consist/consisted/consisted) – besteht aus
despite – trotz
founded – (to found/founded/founded)- gründen
Highlight – Höhepunkt
month in and month out – Monat für Monat
nonconformist - Nonkonformist
success - Erfolg
to bed – (to put a paper to bed) – bereit stellen für drücken

whoso – wer immer 

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Aranka Acs and a Black Hole by the Lake!

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The now once disco by the lake - by Nigel A JAMES

A Black Hole by the Lake
A Story from Hungary

There are certain things in life that can only be imagined as that which you know them to be. Buildings included. And, so it was that I had a surprise.

I was in Alsoors, a small village on lake Balaton in Hungary, and, whilst walking out to the mole, I noticed that the disco was closed. In fact, not only closed, but barred and shuttered as well. I didn't want to believe what I was seeing.

It was the same feeling as experiencing a disused theatre or cinema. Buildings with life, discos included, are not meant to die. And, this monumental, almost cathedral like building, had, after all, been the venue for the wilder side of life for thousands of youngsters as they danced and drank their way through the last of their youth. Maybe, it was the disco's cloud of sound that spread out across the lake that caused its demise, or, maybe, it was no longer “in”. But, what-ever had happened, it was sad. And, where are the kids going now? And, what about the future? But then Aranka Acs told me something quite interesting.

When she was a child, her family lived nearby, and, as only to be expected, they spent many pleasant days swimming and relaxing in Alsoors by the lake. And, it was to the canteen that they and everyone else went for their lunch. And the canteen was the same building that later became the disco. But, Aranka has no feelings of nostalgia when she thinks back to the canteen.

The food was not very good. It was industriously produced and tasted accordingly. And, being mainly constructed out of glass, the canteen was unbearably hot. It was not the ideal place for hanging around and chatting, in fact, it was a place to escape from. And, so it was, that after the end of the socialist era this day-time disaster became a night-time wonder. And, it stayed that way for just about 25 years. So, buildings, too, have more than one life. And the question is: what is to happen next?

The choices are many, and they range from becoming an art gallery to becoming a canteen once again. But, I secretly hope that this magnificent lake-side palace of glass will once again become a palace for the celebration of life, a meeting place for the young! There is, at the moment, a black hole where fun used to sound. It's as if someone has turned off a heart! Please, someone come and kiss it awake! The beat that once kept people awake is now, in its silence, keeping the youngsters away. And, a place without youth is a place that is dead! The building's still there. Why not open it up and let it live once again?

accordingly – dem entsprechend
barred and shuttered – geschlossen und geriegelt
demise – Ende
era – Zeitalter/Epoche
escape (to escape/escaped/escaped) – entkommen

nearbyin der Nähe/nahe gelegen

Aranka Acs - by Nigel A JAMES

Friday 25 July 2014

Good Fun and Success - On the Right Track - Margaret Felber

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   Neuwaldegg - a wine district of Vienna - by Nigel A JAMES

On the Right track! - Margaret Felber

Passages through life are often a question of making the most of things as they come. Many people are good at it, few are excellent, and those who understand this art of survival are the ones who can see the promise in even the meanest of work.

For them, there is no job too low. They are prepared to do anything and everything; it's all to do with survival! These people are humble, and this is their strength! And, one such person who has been down the highways and byways of life and succeeded is Margaret Felber. And, she has the strength of great steel!

It was just after the war. Things were hard. And Margaret was hungry and looking for work. Vienna was rebuilding, and, at the top of the list was the public transport system. This was not only good for the city, but perfect for Margaret as well.

And, so she became a tram conductress. In those days, a very sought after job. Not only was the money good, there was a smart dark blue uniform, too! But, there was more to it than just selling tickets and smiling. There were other sides, too, and they weren’t always easy!

There are two things that stand-out in Margaret's mind. The first, and perhaps the hardest, was the coupling, uncoupling and re-coupling of the rear carriages at the beginning and end of each journey. This wasn’t so bad in the summer, but, in the winter with its icy temperatures and early afternoon darkness, the lifting of the heavy and dirty and often freezing cold hooks and chains was something that nobody envied. But that was life and all part of the job.

The second thing she looks back on are the moments of fun! They were always great and late Saturday nights were the best. Margaret's route, the line 43, connected the outlying wine district of Neuwaldegg with the centre of town. Many of the passengers- if not most - were still over-merry and over-happy as they boarded the tram for a late-night-ride-home of laughing, joking and very loud singing; and, more often than not, Margaret broke all of the rules and joined in with the fun!

And fun makes life easy and nice. Margaret has gathered together the threads of her life in a book. And it is very, very interesting. In it are the people she met and the good and bad times which she had! But she was happy! And all because she kept off of the high roads of life, and travelled to where she is now on the low ways instead!

darkness – Dunkelheit
humble – bescheidend
meanest – niedrigste
Passages through life – Reisen durchs Leben
rear carriage - Hinter Wagon
survival – überleben

tram conductress – Straßenbahn Schaffnerin 

Margaret Felber - by Nigel A JAMES


Tuesday 22 July 2014

Food! Christmas Dinner in the Salzkammergut!

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Christmas Dinner in the Salzkammergut!
Some mouth wateringly mountainous thoughts
by Nigel A JAMES

There is something very mouth wateringly tempting about the thought of a fine Christmas meal. Christmas meals are, after all, the climax of the best celebration of all, and, just the fine smell of Christmas meals cooking is more than enough to raise the fackles of our sensitive fickles! And things are no different in the Salzkammergut, a mountainous region in Austria.

And, this fine long awaited Christmas meal kicks off with one of the most delicious traditional mountain soups that exists. It is a clear soup with a most incredible bread dumpling. But, this is not just any bread dumpling. For in it are woven the delicate threads of tremendously fine tasting slices of delicious mature mountain cheese. And, as the whole thing just pleasantly melts in your mouth, it conjurers up the fresh taste of what farms in the mountains actually smell like! But, this is nothing to that which comes next!

The time has arrived, This is the crowning moment, this is the end of the waiting, there is nothing to beat it!

The main course is a pair of stunningly scrumptious fried veal sausages accompanied with boiled potatoes and sauerkraut which is out of this world! And, if you think that this is too simple, you would be wrong.

This, in its simplicity, is the finest Christmas meal that exists. In it is a humbleness of spirit that leaves plenty of room for the more serious side of this season of cheer. We are, and in contrary to all we believe, not the most important of all. There is another more meaningful side to Christmas as well.

And, in any case, veal sausages are simply non-fillingly fine, meaning, there's still plenty of room for the many traditional cookies that conclude this fine festive feast of thanks and good will! nj 

Saturday 19 July 2014

Finding Cold Comfort! Hilde Blaschek

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 Hilde Blaschek - Storm Clouds Gathering

It is, very often, that the small mercies of life that turn out to be gestures of deep saving graces. And, what happened to Hilde Blaschek and her best friend Monika helped them in more than one way!

It was late August in 1962. The two young Austrian girls were on a hiking holiday in the south of Ireland and heading for the small town of Cork. And, being the last but one day of their holiday their feelings were jumping between wanting to stay and wanting to go. The weather had been kind to them, the Irish had been kind to them, and many memories for life had been made and were ready and packed to take home. But then came the cloud!

It started as a speck on the horizon and grew bigger and bigger and bigger. And then, all of a sudden, their circles of horizons were firmly connected by one incredibly large dark menacing mass of imminent storm. And then the rain started with force. And the youth hostel was still over an hour in the distance.

And, when Hilde and Monika arrived at the hostel they could hardly contain their feelings of joy. What better than two evening meals and two comfortable beds? But then came the shock. The hostel was full! Everyone it seemed had wanted a bed for the night. What was going to happen to them?
They were dripping wet and cold! But, the warden was a man with a heart. His hostel was full, but, if they were prepared to sleep on the table then there would be no problem at all. And, so it was, that after a wonderful meal of Irish roast chicken and vegetables the table was cleared and made ready for the night. And it was no normal night. It was the most uncomfortable night that Hilde had ever experienced. When she woke up in the morning she was freezing. The blankets, having all fallen off in the night, were all in a heap on the floor. But then came the breakfast.

And it was great and it was Irish. Bacon and eggs, black pudding, toast and strong tea. Peter Dunn (Hilde still remembers his name) did everything possible to make sure that his two Austrian guests enjoyed a good finish to their holiday in Ireland. And they did! And, on their way home on the ferry to France they thought of the people they had met. And they were happy. And, after all these years when they think back to their holiday in Ireland, it is still Peter who comes first to their minds!

Every dark cloud has a silver lining. And, Peter was much brighter than silver!

all of a sudden - ganz plötzlich
black pudding – Blutwurst
circles of horizons – Horizonten
dark menacing mass of imminent storm – dunkel bedröhende Masse von nahe bevor stehende Storm
dripping wet – total nass
saving graces - rettenden Gnaden
small mercies of life – kleine Gnaden des Lebens
speck on the horizon – kleine Fleck am Horizont

warden – Aufseher 

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Survival - I Had a Little Nut Tree!

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Nut Trees by Nigel A JAMES

I Had a Little Nut Tree
A short story with roots by Nigel A James.

Trees are wonders of nature. There is something about them that everyone loves, and I have a tree in my life. It is a nut tree, and it arrived one year in July. It was still very small, and, as I planted it in my garden I thought of its chances of living. The summer was hot and still getting hotter, and all around plants, weeds and grasses were wilting and dying. Logically or illogically, I knew that my tree couldn't last long. The Hungarian sun was simply too strong.

But, not everything dies, and there must be a way. And, so it was that I started to water it. Once in the morning and once in the evening. And then, against all I believed, the little tree began to get bigger and bigger. Together, I believed, we were winning! But, as summer became autumn the little tree was still very small. Too small, I was sure, to survive a hard winter. Would it still be there in the spring?
And, April arrived and back I went to my garden. And, the first thing I did was to look for my tree. But, something had happened. It had become smaller, it had been eaten by pigs, and all that was left was a stem. I was sure it was dead! But, I was wrong! It was three or four days later when a small shoot appeared. Then came another and another, and soon there were seven or eight. My nut tree was strong, it had little leaves, and its chances were good!

And, the next winter it was eaten again; and, again it survived. And, that was eight years ago. And, my little nut tree isn't little any more. It is two metres high and impressive. But, it still has a long way to go. Nut trees can grow very high, and can live for sixty-five years.

Trees have a strength, its their character, they are stronger than us. That's why we love them and need them!

another – noch ein
appear – (appear/appeared/appeared) – erscheine
believe – (believe/believed/believed) – glauben
daily – täglich
impressive – beeindruckend
leaves pl. von leaf - Blatt/Blätter
once - einmal
plant – (plant/planted/planted) - einsetzen / pflanzen
shoot – Trieb
simply – einfach
soon – bald
stem – Stiel
sure – sicher
survive – (survive/survived/survived) – überleben
twice – zwei Mal
water (to water/watered/watered) – gießen (to water the plants)
weeds – Unkraut
wilting – (wilt/wilted/wilted) – verwelken

Saturday 12 July 2014

Change of Direction - Donna McCarthy

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Boiling Over
Meeting Donna McCarthy
by Nigel A JAMES

Sometimes life reaches a point above boiling, and, when the handle gets too hot for holding the best thing there is is to take yourself off of the fire and discover the you that's been hiding within you!

And, Donna McCarthy did exactly just that! She was brave! She stood back, took a look, and said a definite goodbye to a life that was bringing her down. And, as she stepped over the line she found herself once again in a world that was hers. And the life that she left with its stress and its dangers is now best where it is, in her past.

And what does this once lawyer now do with all that is hers? The answer is simple! She has allowed her creativity to take wing and fly! And, it isn't only flying, it is soaring as well! Her knitted welsh cardigans in their fine pastel shades have become quite the thing and are now being worn all over the world. But, her life is much more than just needles and wool. This little Welsh dragon is breathing more than one flame!

Donna’s other side is paper. Not only does she write and illustrate children's books, her first full length and life size shockingly blood thirsty book with teeth is about to appear! A must for all lovers of vampires!

And, so it is, that Donna has taken her life from being dangerously hot to a speed that's just bubbling along at just the right pace, and, because she is being herself, there is never too much. Burnout's a thing of the past! Life is now made up of the mountains of Wales, creativity, and a bowl of leek soup every Sunday!

Wednesday 9 July 2014

A Last Meal? A Big Grey Elephant - Charly Steidel

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A Big Grey Elephant
Charley Steidel's day was more than a big grey elephant!

Farewells belong to the way that life is. And, sometimes these points in our lives are best understood when viewed through the distance of years. And this is how Charley Steidl remembers a day from long, long ago.

It was 1939. It was late summer, it was hot, and Charley was still only three. And, so strong and so deeply did this day impress him that it still swims on on the top of his thinking as a wonderful memory.

Because of the fine weather, his family had decided to spend the day at the Viennese Prata, an amusement park just close to the centre of town. With its rides and swings and roundabouts it was a wonderful place for kids! And, even Charley won an inflatable big grey elephant. He was happy and his world was in order! But, this magical day was not only for riding the fare, there was something even more important, and this was eating, and, this was at the top of the list!

Lunch was spent at Emminger's, a restaurant very close to the Prata. Charley remembers that the meal was good, but he no longer recalls that which he had. And then after finishing lunch the party moved on to the Hauswirt another nearby eatery for afternoon coffee and cakes, and then, with the coming of evening, Charley's father ordered another main meal of roast goose and everything else that goes with it. The fun and the eating then carried on until late.

And, of course, it was much later in life that Charley realized the meaning of all of this eating. His family weren't being greedy, they were simply bidding farewell to the good times of plenty! And they were right! Within just a short space of time the dark clouds of hunger had eclipsed the fine days of not wanting for anything at all! The world was at war! There was not enough food to go round. All that was good was falling apart - and the sun was not to come back for a very long time!


eatery – Restaurant
fare – Vergnügungspark
farewells – Verabschiedungen
greedy – gierig
inflatable – aufblasbar
meaning – Bedeutung

recall (to recall/recalled/recalled) – erinnern 

Sunday 6 July 2014

Good Feelings - Gabriela Meszarics - A Walk of Human Contact

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Mountains of Spain by Nigel A JAMES

Gabriela Meszarics
A Walk of Human Contact

Achieving that which one thinks is impossible is something that can be euphoric, and, just recently, Gabriela Meszarics of Vienna got more than expected when she walked herself free from her own self made shackles. And, the footsteps she followed were those of St. James, and they were ready and waiting! The way of St. James was her way.

Gabriela had not been well. Burnout! Her world had caved in, there was darkness. There was no way forward and no way out. She had always a reason as to why nothing could work. This once bundle of fun who once loved darts, soccer, music and dance was set on a course that was spiralling out of control and downward at speed! She needed help.

And help came in the form of a friend. He had the answer, and the answer was simple, it was belief. “Believe in yourself and just do it!” And these seven short words were all that were needed. A light had come on and she was on her way back.

And, step by step she returned. Her life was happening again. But, there was still one thing left which she passionately needed to do, and that was the way of St. James. And, again, just do it were the words which were driving her on. And then, one bright summer day she was there! In Spain. She was ready to go and ready to climb. The Pirenese were waiting!

It was not easy! It took time. There were moments of deep doubt and high moments of joy, 227 kilometres, is, after all, a very long way! But, with every step she could feel the power of the route which was pulling her on. And, everyone else on the route felt exactly the same, and, it was this strength which enabled everyone to help and encourage each other. Discussions in depth at the close of each day provided the power for the morrow! This walk was all about close human feeling and contact.

And then she was there. There Gabriela stood in the middle of an early morning deserted square in front of the cathedral of Santiago. She had made it. Now she could do all. She was free! She was euphoric! She had not only arrived at this beautiful place, she had also arrived at herself! She had come home! She had achieved – what was for her - the impossible! Life is for living. Just do it!

belief – Glaube
believe (to believe/believed/believed) – glaube
deserted – Menschen leer
doubt – Zweifeln
encourage – ermutigen
euphoric – euphorisch
impossible – unmöglich
joy – Freude
morrow – Das nächsten Tag
passionately – leidenschaftlich
Self made shackles – selbst gemachte Ketten
square – Platz

St. James way – Jacobs Weg

Thursday 3 July 2014

Coming Home From Wednesday - Thoughts from Everyday Life - May Feelings

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May Feelings

There are certain days in the year which are special, and one of them is Mayday. And, here in Vienna it is still very popular. But now, I believe, for not the right reasons.

When I first came to Vienna, and that was many years ago, I was surprised and amazed by the spirit of oneness that this day used to stir up. It was a celebration of achievement and the workers (and everyone else, too) had reason enough to be happy. The country had been rebuilt and socialism was providing all that was needed for prosperity in general. And, life was indeed good. And, so it was that the people in their thousands used to turn up to be part of the Mayday fun – and - because even the public transport was on holiday – the only way to show up was to march. And, in they marched from every direction. And, in those days the routine was always the same.

At first light the people would gather before setting off through the flag decorated streets for the centre of town. Distance was no problem, the mood was too good for pain, and then, after having reached their destination, Vienna's famous Ringstrasse, the marchers became part of a giant - almost jelly like body - which was pulsating its way round the streets.

What followed next on the town hall steps were the usual boring optimistic political speeches that made everyone cheer and applaud. And, because they were always packed full of names and never ending statistics of success they made the conclusion the best. Mayday always finished in true Viennese style with sausages and beer.

And now? Mayday has become just another day off. A part of a long weekend and a chance to leave town. There are no longer the lines of people marching in time, and, in Vienna there is hardly a flag to be seen. Many of the great builders of then have passed on and the young are all used to what's good. The job has been done. The overcoming of hardship was a question of then – not now. And, maybe that’s the best reason of all to keep marching. We should never forget!


achievement - Errungenschaft
boring – langweilig
giant – riesig
prosperity – wohlhabend
pulsating – pulsierend
reason enough - Grund genug
rebuilt – wieder aufgebaut
show up (to show up/showed up/showed up) – auftauchen
spirit of oneness – Einheitsgefühl
stir up (to stir up/stirred up/stirred up) – hoch bringen

turn up (to turn up/turned up/turned up) – auftauchen/aufkreuzen

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Essay - What! Bad Times? Written and read by Nigel A JAMES

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What!  Bad Times?
A short essay of thinking questions.
Written and read by Nigel A JAMES

There seems to be a modern disease! A thinking disorder! Everything everywhere is rotten and bad, and the end of the world is approaching at speed! And, the people who are suffering the most (as they see it) are well educated, right here in Europe, and between 20 and 40 years old. And, worst of all, they believe they know best! But, they have never experienced anything other than good, and, as far as their understanding of bad goes, they are illiterate.

Of course it's easy to point to what's going on in Africa, the middle East, Egypt, Iran, Iraq and so on. Things are certainly not as they should be, but, in order to get the real picture, it is necessary to start looking at the flowers which are growing right under our feet!

And, right here in Europe is where we have to start looking, and to do this we have to start asking questions. Is the 2nd world war still going on? Are people still being shot and murdered in Northern Ireland? Are Poland, Eastern Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary still in the hands of the Soviet Union? Is the Berlin wall still standing? Well, it wasn't there the last time I visited Berlin!

And, what about the environment? 40 years ago we were promised, that, within 30 years all the forests would be dead and that most of central Europe would have been swallowed by an ever expanding desert from the south! As far as I know the forests are still as green as ever, and I still can't see a desert from my balcony window! And, by the way, there is still enough oil to go round, and it's likely to stay that way for a very long time!

And, much of the rest of the world is OK as well!

America has a black president! Would this have been possible in 1961? Where has apartheid gone in South Africa? Is the Vietnam war still raging in the far east? What about Korea? And so-on and so-on!

So, why are there still bad times? The answer is human nature. It us who create the problems, and it us who cure them. This is why we should never ignore the fact that everything that happens is nothing other than a reaction of that which has gone before. And this includes everything from the first world war to 9/11! And, this is why understanding and being able to read the past is the key to the future.

So, will the future be easy? Certainly not, but it could be. As soon as we start living without revenge then things will happen! Inclusion instead of exclusion is the answer! In other words – forgiveness. Our world is getting smaller so let's start thinking small in a very big way! Things are great, let's start building on that! Everyone everywhere has something to offer, and this includes you!

Vocabulary and phrases

anything other than – nichts anders als
approaching at speed – nähert sich sehr schnell
as they see it – von ihrem Sichtpunkt
cure (to cure/cured/cured)– heilen
desert – Wüste
environment – Umwelt
ever expanding – immer ausbreitende
experienced (to experience/experienced/experienced) – erfahren
forgiveness – Vergebung
illiterate – Lebens unkundig
revenge – Rache
still raging – noch im tobende Gänger
worst of all – am schlimmsten von allem

Nigel A JAMES – Christmas 2013

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...