Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Survival - I Had a Little Nut Tree!

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Nut Trees by Nigel A JAMES

I Had a Little Nut Tree
A short story with roots by Nigel A James.

Trees are wonders of nature. There is something about them that everyone loves, and I have a tree in my life. It is a nut tree, and it arrived one year in July. It was still very small, and, as I planted it in my garden I thought of its chances of living. The summer was hot and still getting hotter, and all around plants, weeds and grasses were wilting and dying. Logically or illogically, I knew that my tree couldn't last long. The Hungarian sun was simply too strong.

But, not everything dies, and there must be a way. And, so it was that I started to water it. Once in the morning and once in the evening. And then, against all I believed, the little tree began to get bigger and bigger. Together, I believed, we were winning! But, as summer became autumn the little tree was still very small. Too small, I was sure, to survive a hard winter. Would it still be there in the spring?
And, April arrived and back I went to my garden. And, the first thing I did was to look for my tree. But, something had happened. It had become smaller, it had been eaten by pigs, and all that was left was a stem. I was sure it was dead! But, I was wrong! It was three or four days later when a small shoot appeared. Then came another and another, and soon there were seven or eight. My nut tree was strong, it had little leaves, and its chances were good!

And, the next winter it was eaten again; and, again it survived. And, that was eight years ago. And, my little nut tree isn't little any more. It is two metres high and impressive. But, it still has a long way to go. Nut trees can grow very high, and can live for sixty-five years.

Trees have a strength, its their character, they are stronger than us. That's why we love them and need them!

another – noch ein
appear – (appear/appeared/appeared) – erscheine
believe – (believe/believed/believed) – glauben
daily – täglich
impressive – beeindruckend
leaves pl. von leaf - Blatt/Blätter
once - einmal
plant – (plant/planted/planted) - einsetzen / pflanzen
shoot – Trieb
simply – einfach
soon – bald
stem – Stiel
sure – sicher
survive – (survive/survived/survived) – überleben
twice – zwei Mal
water (to water/watered/watered) – gießen (to water the plants)
weeds – Unkraut
wilting – (wilt/wilted/wilted) – verwelken

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