Tuesday 26 August 2014

Marty Siwy - Charging Boars and the Big Wide World

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Marty Siwy in her English country  garden in Vienna - photo by Nigel A JAMES

 Marty Siwy
Charging Boars and the Big Wide World

There's something that shows in the eyes of a runner. It's an expression of depth that comes from success. For they who go running are everyday winners; and winning, when running, is reaching a goal. Short to begin with and getting longer with fitness. And Marty Siwy's first goal was from here to the corner, and that was a long time ago!

But soon, the corner was a long way behind and Marty was putting on distance. And, with distance comes peace. For the first time in years, she had time to not only think, but plan and make schedules as well. Whatever the weather, be it sunshine, lightening, rain or snow, she was out and alone with her thoughts and her feelings. There were no phones to answer, no boys and no husband. She was there for herself, and that was a wonderful thing! But, the Vienna woods where she trained every day were full of surprises, and not always nice!

And, Marty's surprise was the pigs! And, wild boar can be very wild indeed! She had just run into a clearing, and, there they were, in their hundreds, blocking her path. And, worst of all, they were protecting their young! Marty had no time to think! With charging boars on her heels, she fled back the way she had come. She was no longer thinking of patterns and recipes, she was thinking of getting out of the park in one piece and alive. Her life was the prize, and she wasn't about to give up! And then, with just seconds to spare, she was over the fence and in safety. Her running had saved her!

And speed and condition were essential for her next stage as well. And, that was the world. The biggest goal of them all!

With New York in her sights, Marty went up in gear and took her training to serious new heights. And, it paid off! She not only came first in many of the city runs she went in for, but crossed the finishing line in very good time in every one of her 21 marathons. She had won! Her prize was the world, and it stretched from Hong Kong to Europe with New York and the States in between!

Of course, there were medals and cups and great praise, but, the best things of all were not only the people she met and the friendships that followed, but also the discovering of the little known and out-of-way corners of the far away cities that she went to. Running is fun. It's social, it's slow and it's fast, and you can do it wherever and whenever you want! It's all up to you!

And the future? Marty, with her many years to her credit has no intention of stopping. And, anyway, running won't let her! It's not only essential for good health and clear thinking, it's the best anti-ageing there is! So, why not follow her perfect example? However old or how young you may be, simply put away the creams, forget all the promises and put on your running shoes instead. Just go for the corner, start winning, and the rest will come on its own!


charging – stürmen
clearing – Lichtung
discover – entdecken
expression – Ausdruck
fled – (to flee/fled/fled) – fliehen
heels – Fersen
paid off – (to pay off/paid off/paid off) – zahlt sich aus
patterns - Schnittmuster
protecting – schützen
recipe – Kochrezept
sights - Sicht
wild boar – Wildschwein

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Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...