Thursday 9 October 2014

Diariklub Easy Text - Friendships

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Friendships – A Diariklub Easy Text

Human beings need friends! And, for some people, the more the merrier. People enjoy being popular! But, what is a friend and what are good friends?

There are different kinds of friends. There are best friends, school friends, friends from work, friends we go to the theatre with, and so on, and so on. But, what are real friends?

There are no real answers to this question. Everyone has different ideas about this subject. The most popular idea is that a best friend is someone you can share your problems with! But, there are problems and there are problems, and sometimes even your best friend is your problem. Life is full of surprises!

And these surprises are not always nice! There are some very bad stories starring best friends. And, these range from deceit to stealing, and many things more. And, then what happens?

Best friends become enemies! And, it's instant! And, what could be worse? And, you, of course, don't understand it! How could a best friend do such a thing? But, people are people and emotions are sometimes stronger than friendships.

So, how many friends do we need? And, do we need best friends? Good friends are fun so why not leave it at that? Being nice to each other is important, and when people are nice to each other they turn into friends! And, that is the nicest of all!


answer - Antwort
deceit – Betrug
different – verschieden

enemies – plural of enemy – Feind
enjoy – enjoy/enjoyed/enjoyed - genießen
even – sogar

kinds – Arten
need – need/needed/needed – brauchen
question – Frage

share – teilen
sometimes – manchmal
surprises – Überraschungen

there are – es sind
the more the merrier – desto mehr desto glücklicher (merry – happy/lucky)
worse – bad/worse/the worst

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber


Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...