Wednesday 19 November 2014

Diariklub - Riza Algül - The Nature of Believing!

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Bridging with Song - by Nigel A JAMES

The Nature of Believing!
Riza Algül

There is one thing about the Alevitan religion that says very much! It has, so far, survived for more than 3000 years. And surviving has not always been easy.

Like every other religious group, the Alevitans suffered periods of uncertainty, rejection, and persecution, and, they too, were almost brought to the brink of extinction! But not quite. For despite all of this, there have always been people prepared to carry the torch forward. And, so it is, that, thanks to people like Riza Algül, this nature religion which started on the banks of the Euphrates is now present all over the world. And, it is set to continue.

Being a nature religion, the Alevitan belief, which puts each and everyone of us in the centre, has no dogma, and, therefore, of course, no book. It is celebrated by means of music and singing, and dancing and poetry! And this is Riza Algül.

As he travels the world holding lectures about the Alevitans, he illustrates them with dances and songs that go back to days of long, long ago! But, Riza is not only an excellent musician, singer and dancer, he is an author and historian, too.

From his home in Vienna, he has completed two excellent histories of the Alevitans in his native Turkish. And a third is on its way! And, who knows, in 3000 years time, the Alevitans of then will be taking inspiration from his works as well!

Life is nature, and nature is all of us, too. We were born to be happy!

Selected Vocabulary

belief – Glaube
brink of extinction – Rande des Endes
carry the torch forward – Fackel weiter zu tragen / weiter führen
celebrated – gefeiert
means – Mittle
period – Zeiten/Perioden
persecution – Verfolgung
rejection – Ablehnung
suffered (suffer/suffered/suffered) – leiden
survive (survive/survived/survived) – überleben
uncertainty – Ungewissheit

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I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...