Monday 5 January 2015

Diariklub - A Photo - On the Front in Trieste - With lots of Questions -

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On the Front in Trieste

This is one of my favourite photos. I took it in Trieste on Easter Sunday, 2012. And, I like it because it's not only a picture of pictures, but, also a picture of questions! To begin with, there are two people sitting on a bench in the bottom left hand corner. Are they a couple? Are they man and wife? Or, is he her father and she his daughter?

And, what are they looking at? What's going on on the mole? We don't know. But, what we do know is that moles are very popular places to visit. They are like tongues which protrude into the sea. They provide a feeling of being at one with the elements without getting wet. And, of course, there is the sea in its largeness. Today it's at peace, Tomorrow maybe different.

Why are people attracted to the ocean? What is its attraction? Maybe, because it's there that all life began?

And, it's cold in the picture! Too cold for the time of year. Everyone is dressed for a cold afternoon walk. But, there is one thing which everyone has in common. They have all just finished lunch. But, what did they have? How do Italians celebrate Easter?

And, what about the crew of the ship on the horizon? Have they just finished lunch, too? And, where is the ship bound for? What's her next port of call? And, from where did she come? Questions, questions and more questions!

Of course, this picture completely rejects all normal rules of good photography. There is no golden middle. The picture doesn't need it. The sea, the weather, the sky, the mole, the people and the ship are all centres of interest. And, anyway, who needs rules? And, that in itself is another good question.

Selected Vocabulary

attracted - (to attract/attracted/attracted) – anziehen
attraction - Anziehungskraft
being at oneeins sein
bound forunterwegs nach
going on – happening – (to go on/went on/ has gone on)
mole – Mole
protrude - herausstrecken
rejects – (to reject/rejected/rejected) - ablehnen
tongue - Zunge


Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...