Sunday 29 November 2015

(B+) - The Pendulum of Time - A moving experience in far away Mongolia. Michael and Judith Basch


The Pendulum of Time
Michael and Judith Basch

Just last week, I had the very great pleasure of meeting Michael and Judith Basch once again. And, they told of their trip to Mongolia. And, there was very much to see and admire.

There were the vast empty plains that went to horizons, there was the flora with its strength to survive the hardest of winters, there were the rivers that flowed from the mountains, and there was the uniqueness of its wonderful people as well. They understood fully the balance of nature in connection with everyday life. But, this beauty had its dark sides as well.

There were the post-communist ruins of industrial plants, the huge blocks of flats that should never have been, and, and this was the saddest of all, the many ruins of fine Buddhist temples. Communism had had no time for religion. But, then came the surprise!

And, the surprise was in the middle of nowhere and all alone on a plain. It was a beautiful Buddhist temple that miraculously had not been destroyed. And, being open, Michael and Judith Basch entered in. And, there in front of their eyes was the pendulum of time! A grandmother, her daughter, and her daughter's daughter. Three generations. And, what they were doing was not only telling, but moving as well.

The grandmother was carefully wrapping sacred books in fine silk, and, whilst doing so, gently patting each one and saying a prayer. Her daughter was very clearly nervous and wanted to leave. She was still feeling the terrible oppression of times that had gone. But, the granddaughter was doing exactly the same as her grandmother. Gently patting each book and saying a prayer. It was as if communism had never existed. She was living the magic of belief. The pendulum had swung back again.

It was Spring when Michael and Judith Basch visited Mongolia. And, it wasn't only the flowers that were coming out again, the Mongolian soul was blossoming, too. And, that was a wonderful thing.


blossoming – blühen
empty – leer
in connection – in Zusammenhang
pendulum - Pendel
plain - Ebene
present – anwesend
telling - wegweisend
terrible - furchtbar
uniqueness - einzigartig

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Saturday 28 November 2015




The Longfield Gospel Choir

08.12.2015 – 16.00 Uhr

Benefizkonzert zugunsten der österreichischen
Muskelforschung. Eine Veranstaltung der VHS
Meidling unter dem Ehrenschutz von
Bürgermeister Dr. Michael Häupl.

Moderation: Miriam Hie

Theatersaal Längenfeldgasse

Längenfeldgasse 13 – 15, 1120 Wien

Eintritt: 12,- Euro

(A) - Boxing Day - An old English Tradition that made people feel happy!


Boxing Day

In England, the 26th of December is known as Boxing Day. This is an old tradition that goes back to 1550.

Because servants had to work hard on Christmas Day, the 25th of December, their employers gave them a box of presents on the 26th of December. That is why Boxing Day is called Boxing Day.

But, that's not all. Servants were allowed to go home on Boxing Day, and that's why Boxing Day became a very special day. A day at home with their families. The best gift of all!


because - weil
box - Schachtel
employer - Arbeitgeber
gift - Geschenk
present - Geschenk
Servant - Diener
work - Arbeit


When did the tradition of Boxing Day start?
What did servants have to do on Christmas Day?
Why is Boxing Day called Boxing Day?
What did servants get on Boxing Day?
Why was Boxing Day a special day for servants?
What do you do on Boxing Day?

And, now the text once again.


The Longfield Gospel Choir

08.12.2015 – 16.00 Uhr

Benefizkonzert zugunsten der österreichischen
Muskelforschung. Eine Veranstaltung der VHS
Meidling unter dem Ehrenschutz von
Bürgermeister Dr. Michael Häupl.

Moderation: Miriam Hie

Theatersaal Längenfeldgasse

Längenfeldgasse 13 – 15, 1120 Wien

Eintritt: 12,- Euro

Diarikom's PodcastA985

Friends of Diarikom

Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone
Mariahilfer Straße 110 A 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 111
Fax: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 191

Diarikom and Lexmatica are sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

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Mountains, rivers, lakes and much more.
Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky
Texts about people, places and surprises!

More Lexmatica Texts!


Friday 27 November 2015

(A) - A Duchess and A President - Discovering great differences!


A Duchess and a President

It was a cold and bitter day when the Duchess of Devonshire confided her thoughts to her diary. She and her husband were in Washington as guests of the Kennedy family. It was the 20th of January 1961, the day of Jack Kennedy's inauguration.

The Duchess's day had been divided into three parts. The swearing in at the capitol, the march-past at the White House, and the ball in the evening. And, each part of this interesting day had provided some fascinating glimpses of a very similar, but totally different culture. And, the first surprise came at the White House.

The Duchess was very clearly upset by the way that everyone completely ignored the prayers during the most solemn part of the swearing-in ceremony, preferring, instead to move around taking photos! But, what happened during the march-past at the White House was clearly one very big shocker.

Whilst an air force contingent was marching proudly by, one of the airmen broke rank, took a snap of the President, then fell back into line! Just imagine this happening in London! But, there was still more to come, and it came from the top.

Whilst the great march was marching majestically by, the President was drinking coffee and eating chocolate biscuits! How strange! But, the ball was full of pleasant surprises.

The Duchess was very obviously taken by everyone's willingness to speak to the press. Unlike in London at the time, there was no aggressive questioning, and  journalists were very respected people. But, there was still one more important impression. The whole occasion was a melting of rank. Whoever you were, you were important. Could this happen in England?

And, with this thought, the Duchess stopped writing and turned off the light. She had had a very long and interesting day and was tired. She had not only accompanied the making of history, but had discovered great differences, too. Conservative Britain and liberal America. But, what is liberal and what is conservative? It's all a question of timing! What then was conservative could easily be liberal now, and, of course, the other way round as well!

Last summer, I read “Wait for Me”, the Duchess of Devonshire's memoirs. It was a very stimulating and exciting read full of not-too-distant-past-history. And, the characters involved still mean very much to very many people. “Wait for Me”, by the Duchess of Devonshire is published by Picador, ISBN 978-0-312-61064-7 51800. I enjoyed it very much!


accompanied (accompany/accompanied/accompanied)begleitet
broke rank - aus der Reihe treten
confided (confide/confided/confided) - vertraut
contingent - Kontingent
glimpses Einblicke
inauguration - Amtseinsetzung
melting - Schmelzen
swearing-in - Vereidigen
taken - bewegt
Diarikom's PodcastA985

Friends of Diarikom

Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone
Mariahilfer Straße 110 A 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 111
Fax: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 191

Diarikom and Lexmatica are sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
Mountains, rivers, lakes and much more.
Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky
Texts about people, places and surprises!

More Lexmatica Texts!


Thursday 26 November 2015

Old Moon Eyes - (No 2) - Very Simple Text - Great for Kids! - Roger the Rocket and Clarence the Cat!


OLD MOON EYES – Little Roger Rocket

Little Roger Rocket and Clarence the Cat

Little Roger Rocket lives in New York in a luxury flat. And, little Roger Rocket's best friend is Clarence the cat. And, Clarence the cat is no normal cat.

Clarence the cat is white in the night and black in the day. And, Clarence the cat can fly! He has two (2) very big wings.

Last night, Clarence the cat flew to China and back! Where is Clarence going to-night?


black - schwarz
flat – Wohnung
flew -(fly/flew/flown) - flog
fly – (fly/flew/flown) – fliegen
little - klein
lives – (live/lived/lived) – lebte
no – kein/e
to China and back – ...nach China und zurück
white – weiß
wing - Flügel


Where does little Roger Rocket live?
Does Roger Rocket live in a house?
Who is Roger Rocket's best friend?
Is Clarence the cat normal?
What colour is Clarence?
Can Clarence fly?
Where did Clarence go last night?
Can all cats fly?

And, now the text once again.

Diarikom's PodcastA985

Friends of Diarikom

Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone
Mariahilfer Straße 110 A 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 111
Fax: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 191

Diarikom and Lexmatica are sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

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Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky
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More Lexmatica Texts!


Monday 23 November 2015

(B+) - The Queen and A Storm - An up and down majestic farewell in a storm!


The Queen in a Storm and an Up and Down Day

Mrs. Kastner

It was 10 years ago. I was having a coffee with Mrs. Kastner when she told me the following story. It was all about the Queen and a storm.

Queen Elizabeth the second was on a state visit to Austria and she was having a wonderful time. But, then, sadly, came the end of her visit, and Queen Elizabeth the second was waiting for her plane to go home. And, she was looking forward to home and nice cup of hot tea in front of the fire. But, then came the storm!
And, it was fierce. In fact, so fierce that the Queen's special plane was unable to land. And, there was the Queen stuck fast at the airport. But, she wasn't alone.

There was the Austrian President, the prime minister, all the government ministers, the British Ambassador, the Mayor of Vienna, and many more important people as well. And, all having to think of something to say! Small talk with the Queen - and in English – it was a stress.

But, fortunately there wasn't long to wait. The Queen's plane was soon able to land and a feeling of relief came over the meeting. Soon, the Queen would be on her way home. But, this is isn't the end of the story. There were the soldiers.

And, the soldiers were wet, cold and miserable. They had been outside the whole time in the storm. They had been waiting to give the final salute. And, when the Queen finally came out to go to her plane the general in charge ordered his men to salute. But, that was easier said than done.

The wind was still very strong, and not all the soldiers were able to hear his command. And, so it was that only the soldiers nearest the general actually saluted. And, then came the ups and the downs. Seeing that the soldiers at the beginning of the line had saluted, the ones further down the line saluted as well. And, then the ones at the beginning saluted again to catch up. And then the ones down the line did it again. And, this went on for at least three or four minutes. An up and down show. And, holding her hat, the Queen boarded her plane. And, I wonder if she ever thinks back to that up and down day in Vienna - the day her hat nearly blew off in a storm!

And, Mrs. Kastner? She certainly never forgot that stormy afternoon. She watched it live on TV. Her son was one of the soldiers in that great guard of honour. And, Mrs. Kastner was proud. There was her son saluting the Queen. Not only once, but four or five times in a row!

Hold onto your hat, it might blow away!


fierce – wild
guard of honour Ehrengarde
how terrible – wie schrecklich
looking forward – sich freuen
miserable - unglücklich
she'd (she would)
state visit - Staatsbesuch
stuck fast - steckengeblieben
(the) whole time – die Ganze-zeit

Diarikom's PodcastA985

Friends of Diarikom

Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone
Mariahilfer Straße 110 A 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 111
Fax: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 191

Diarikom and Lexmatica are sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
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Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky
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More Lexmatica Texts!


Friday 20 November 2015

Very Simple Text - Great for little learners - Old Moon Eyes - Hilary Benson - The Little London Dustbin Girl!


Hilary Benson  – The Little Dustbin Girl from London

Hilary Benson is a very unusual little girl. She lives in a dustbin in the middle of London. And, Hilary Benson goes to school every day. Her school is Pringle's primary school in The Mall. And, Pringle's primary school is the best school in London. And, Hilary Benson is a very lucky girl. Mrs. Honey, her teacher, is a very nice lady. Hilary Benson loves going to school. Her favourite lesson is history.

And, after school? Hilary Benson goes home to her dustbin for tea. Her mother is a very good cook. Good night little Hilary – sweet dreams - see you tomorrow at school.


favourite - lieblings-
lesson - Unterrichtsstunde
lives – (live/lived/lived) – lebt
nice - nett
primary schoolGrundschule
tea - Abendmahl
teacher - Lehrer/Lehrerin
tomorrow - Morgen
unusual - ungewöhnlich


Where does Hilary Benson live?
Where does Hilary Benson go every day?
What is the name of Hilary Benson's school?
Where is Hilary Benson's school?
What is Hilary Benson's favourite lesson?
Is Hilary Benson's mother a very bad cook?
What do you do after school every day?

 . .

Diarikom's PodcastA985

Friends of Diarikom

Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone
Mariahilfer Straße 110 A 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 111
Fax: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 191

Diarikom and Lexmatica are sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
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Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky
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(A) - Marianne's and Erwin's Old Timer - Great speed for trophies and cups!


Marianne and her husband Erwin have got an old timer. It's a yellow Porsche. They bought it ten years ago,  and,  they take part in many rallies. Marianne is the driver and Erwin the navigator. They have won many cups and trophies. They have had much success. Marianne and Erwin love speed.  Their Porsche is perfect!


ago – vorher
bought - buy/bought/bought - kaufte
cup – Pokal
driver – Fahrer
take part – take part/took part/taken part – teilnehmen
many – viele
much - viel
navigator – Navigator
speed – Geschwindigkeit
success – Erfolg
trophy – Trophäe
won – win/won/won – gewonnen


Which colour is Marianne’s car?
When did Marianne and Erwin buy their car?
Is their car a Ford?
Who is the driver and who is the navigator?
Why do you like speed?
Why do people love racing?
How many cups and trophies have you won?

And, now the text once again!

Sunday 15 November 2015

(C) - Bridges in Life - Anka Iwa Clausen uses reels to connect to the past!


Anka Iwa Clausen
Bridges in Life

We all have a past. But, it's not always the way we remember. Our memories change with the years, and, that's why old photos and films are important. But, sadly, our old super eight films are no longer accessible. We no longer have the necessary equipment, and, very often, our old reels of films have become too fragile to put in a projector. We are in danger of losing our past. But, not quite. There is hope. And, this hope is Anka Iwa Clausen.

Just two years ago, Anka Iwa Clausen took over the running of Cinedoc, a small company in Vienna that's dedicated to bringing our pasts back to us. And, they're doing so by digitalizing our old films and videos. And, the results are not only amazing, but also full of unknowns. Old films are full of surprises.

And, there is history, too. War time Vienna reappeared after Anka Iwa Clausen digitalized a collection of old films that had been found in an attic. And, old films are full of other discoveries, too. There are buildings that are no longer there, old cars we once loved, clothes that people once wore, and, of course, the trams and buses of our everyday life. In other words, life as it once was.

But, more often than not, old family films show holidays and other fun times of life. And, re-watching them after many long years can be very emotional. Anka Iwa Clausen remembers the day when an old lady broke down and cried after seeing her father again. And, this, in a way, is the sense of Anka Iwa Clausen's work. She's a bridge that's connecting us to our pasts.
We may believe we remember the past, but our films are the best memories of all. They have stayed in their time. It is us who have moved on and changed. But, now we can pass on our pasts to the future. We, too are bridges in life!


accessible - zugänglich
amazing - erstaunlich
dedicated - gewidmet
discoveries - Entdeckungen
necessary – notwendig
reappeared - wider-erschienen
reels – Spülen
surprises - Überraschungen
unknowns – unbewusste Dingen

More information -

PS - CINEDOC has its studios in the 4th district of Vienna, and, as well as its working rooms, it also has rooms which can be rented. These are great for exhibitions, lectures, parties, etc. Full details on their web site!



Handgefertigter Weihnachts- und Christbaumschmuck
Frische Adventkränze, Kerzengestecke und Wandschmuck
Hornschmuck, Deko aus Thomas Petz Hornmanufaktur
Hausgemachtes: Weihnachtsbäckerei, ERNA'S Eierlikör,
Marmeladen, Kräutersalz, Feigensenf
Eine Vielfalt an Schals und Tüchern aus Seide,
Wolle, Viskose, Pelz und handbemalt
Kalender, Billetts und original Aquarellbilder
Muranoglas: Engel, Bäume, Kugeln, Ketten, ….
Schmuck in großer Auswahl
NEU: MAJORICA Perlenketten
Und vieles mehr . . . .
Zum Besuch meines Adventmarktes, dessen Erlös wie immer
an hilfsbedürftige Menschen in Rumänien geht, möchte ich
herzlichen einladen
Freitag 20 Nov. 11.00 – 19.00
Sam. 21 Nov. 11.00 – 19.00
Son. 22 Nov. 10.00 – 17.00
1140 Wien – Myrbachgasse 5 - 0664 357 36 59
Hausgemachten Punsch, Kaffee, Tee sowie Snacks servieren
wir gerne gegen eine kleine Spende!

See you there!

Diarikom's PodcastA985

Friends of Diarikom

Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone
Mariahilfer Straße 110 A 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 111
Fax: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 191

Diarikom and Lexmatica are sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

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Elisabeth Razumovsky
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Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...