Sunday 15 November 2015

(C) - Bridges in Life - Anka Iwa Clausen uses reels to connect to the past!


Anka Iwa Clausen
Bridges in Life

We all have a past. But, it's not always the way we remember. Our memories change with the years, and, that's why old photos and films are important. But, sadly, our old super eight films are no longer accessible. We no longer have the necessary equipment, and, very often, our old reels of films have become too fragile to put in a projector. We are in danger of losing our past. But, not quite. There is hope. And, this hope is Anka Iwa Clausen.

Just two years ago, Anka Iwa Clausen took over the running of Cinedoc, a small company in Vienna that's dedicated to bringing our pasts back to us. And, they're doing so by digitalizing our old films and videos. And, the results are not only amazing, but also full of unknowns. Old films are full of surprises.

And, there is history, too. War time Vienna reappeared after Anka Iwa Clausen digitalized a collection of old films that had been found in an attic. And, old films are full of other discoveries, too. There are buildings that are no longer there, old cars we once loved, clothes that people once wore, and, of course, the trams and buses of our everyday life. In other words, life as it once was.

But, more often than not, old family films show holidays and other fun times of life. And, re-watching them after many long years can be very emotional. Anka Iwa Clausen remembers the day when an old lady broke down and cried after seeing her father again. And, this, in a way, is the sense of Anka Iwa Clausen's work. She's a bridge that's connecting us to our pasts.
We may believe we remember the past, but our films are the best memories of all. They have stayed in their time. It is us who have moved on and changed. But, now we can pass on our pasts to the future. We, too are bridges in life!


accessible - zugänglich
amazing - erstaunlich
dedicated - gewidmet
discoveries - Entdeckungen
necessary – notwendig
reappeared - wider-erschienen
reels – Spülen
surprises - Überraschungen
unknowns – unbewusste Dingen

More information -

PS - CINEDOC has its studios in the 4th district of Vienna, and, as well as its working rooms, it also has rooms which can be rented. These are great for exhibitions, lectures, parties, etc. Full details on their web site!



Handgefertigter Weihnachts- und Christbaumschmuck
Frische Adventkränze, Kerzengestecke und Wandschmuck
Hornschmuck, Deko aus Thomas Petz Hornmanufaktur
Hausgemachtes: Weihnachtsbäckerei, ERNA'S Eierlikör,
Marmeladen, Kräutersalz, Feigensenf
Eine Vielfalt an Schals und Tüchern aus Seide,
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Muranoglas: Engel, Bäume, Kugeln, Ketten, ….
Schmuck in großer Auswahl
NEU: MAJORICA Perlenketten
Und vieles mehr . . . .
Zum Besuch meines Adventmarktes, dessen Erlös wie immer
an hilfsbedürftige Menschen in Rumänien geht, möchte ich
herzlichen einladen
Freitag 20 Nov. 11.00 – 19.00
Sam. 21 Nov. 11.00 – 19.00
Son. 22 Nov. 10.00 – 17.00
1140 Wien – Myrbachgasse 5 - 0664 357 36 59
Hausgemachten Punsch, Kaffee, Tee sowie Snacks servieren
wir gerne gegen eine kleine Spende!

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