Saturday 23 April 2016

(B+) - Coming Home from Wednesday - Friends will always be friends!


Coming Home from Wednesday
Crispin Muvaro and Steven Chikono
Crispin Muvaro was coming home from a very hard Wednesday when Steven Chikono walked into his mind. And, Crispin Muvaro was moved. He hadn't seen his old friend for a very long time.

Crispin Muvaro and Steven Chikono had been best friends at school in Harare. And then, after their school days had ended they went their separate ways. Crispin Muvaro became a diplomat, and Steven Chikono became a young Catholic Priest. Two very good friends - and both very different. And then, after just one or two years, Crispin Muvaro left Zimbabwe for London. His first overseas post.

But, time passes quickly, and after just three very short years, Crispin Muvaro and Judith his wife arrived back in Harare on holiday. And, the first thing they did was to go to the church where Steven Chikono was working. But, there they got a surprise. Steven Chikono was no longer there. He had gone!

But, finding out where he was was not hard. The priest of the church was able to help, and, the following Sunday, Crispin Muvaro and Judith drove into the bush to find Steven Chikono's new church. But, then came another surprise.

In the shade of a very big tree - and out of the African sun - was a small group of people. About 30. And, in the middle was Steven Chikono. And, as Crispin and Judith drew closer, they could feel a feeling of happiness. And, it was strong. There was praying and singing and all from the heart. And, when Steven Chikono spoke, everyone listened. Everyone loved him. It was written in their eyes! Then, Steven Chikono explained.

As a young priest he had never felt happy. Everyone was special and unique - and not only members of a chosen religion. And so, one day, he simply resigned and went into the bush and out to the people. And, there he had stayed with his new congregation. And Crispin and Judith were happy. Their friend had found happiness and his true path in life.

And then, the meeting turned into a picnic that lasted all day. And then, as is normal, came the farewells and they were emotional. And, Crispin and Judith set out for home just before dark. They would all keep in touch and meet again soon. And now, 20 years later, they haven't met since!

Crispin Muvaro and Steven Chikono simply lost contact. And now, on his way home from Wednesday, Crispin Muvaro promised himself to get back in touch with his friend. And, then he thought and he smiled. His old friend had just walked into his mind! Steven Chikono was already waiting for him. What a nice way to come home from Wednesday!


congregationGemeinde (Kirchlich)
drew (draw/drew/drawn)zog
get back in touch wieder in Verbindung setzen
in touchin Verbindung
met (meet/met/met)traf
moved (move/moved/moved) – bewegt
overseas post Auslands Dienststelle
praying – beten
resigned (resign/resigned/resigned) – zurücktrat
separate ways eigene Wege
spoke (speak/spoke/spoken)sprach
true path in life Wahrhaftiger Weg im Leben


Where did Crispin Muvaro go to school?
What did Steven Chikono become?
Why did Crispin Muvaro leave Zimbabwe?
Who helped Crispin and Judith to find Steven Chikono?
Why was Steven Chikono unhappy when he was a young priest?
How many people were under the tree in the shade?
What did Crispin Muvaro promise himself?

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...