Monday 16 May 2016

(B) - Renate Kubitza - A spoon full of honey - the best daily medicine - and - it could be good for you, too!

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Renate Kubitza - Bees and Honey and Feeling Much Better!

Spring, for most people is the most wonderful time of the year. But, not all. For many, spring is a season of suffering. It means sneezing, sore watery eyes and general discomfort. In other words, hay fever. And, as Renate Kubitza knows very well, there is not much one can do except suffer! But now, and thanks to a tip from a friend, things have changed for the better.

All Renate had to do, she was told, was to take honey! A spoonful each morning. And, it worked. Her hay fever began to get better. But, there was just one little thing. The honey, if possible, had to be local. And, for Renate that was no problem. Finding a bee-keeper in her vicinity was easy. And, now she's a regular customer.

But, of course, honey is good for other things, too. And, number one on the list is energy. So, if you're feeling run down or just suffering from spring, go out and buy a jar of fresh honey. It has not only helped Renate, but many other people, too. So, why not put yourself next on the list. You've got nothing to lose. Make spring, once again, the best time of your year!


bee-keeper - Imker
hay fever Heuschnupfen
means (mean/meant/meant) – bedeutet
tip Hinweis
season Jahreszeit
sore – inflamedentzündet
suffer (suffer/suffered/suffered) leiden


What is your favourite season?
Why do some people hate spring?
When does Renate take her honey?
How much honey does Renate take each day?
What else is honey good for?
Where is your nearest bee-keeper?
Why do you like honey?

And - GOOD NEWS if you live in the 13th district of Vienna or nearby.  The VHS in Hietzing has its own beehives and it produces its very own excellent honey.  And, they sell it!  Google VHS Hietzing for details.

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I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...