Sunday 26 June 2016

(B) Hard Times and Beauty - Monika Stanzel and Curtains!

For full AUDIO/VISUAL page please  please CLICK HERE-  

Hard Times and Beauty
Monika Stanzel

A new dress to put on is something that all women love.  Nowadays, it’s easy - the shops are full of beautiful clothes.  But, as Monika Stanzel explained, things were much different just after the war. Getting a new dress meant making it yourself, and everyone knew how to sew. And, the material?  That was no problem. For, in every home there was more than enough. It was hanging from ceiling to floor. Curtains! And curtainwere perfect for dresses!

And, so it was that every time Monika Stanzel needed something new to put on, she went up the ladder and took down a curtain.  And then, with the help of her mother, she turned it into a beautiful dress.

And, Monika Stanzel and her mother were two very imaginative people.

Sometimes, they made the front of a dress from a living room curtain, and the back from a dining room curtain.  This was not only clever, but practical, too. Monika Stanzel, instead of only having one new dress had two!  And, because of their simplicity, the dresses could be worn either way. Sometimes, the living room curtain was the front, and sometimes the other way round. But, when ever Monika Stanzel went out, she looked great.

But, of course, as everyone knows, great looks can be expensive. But, all they cost Monika Stanzel were some holes in the curtains and a needle and thread, and Monika Stanzel always looked super.  Curtains were not only for drawing, but for wearing as well!  And, what could be better?

Maybe, your curtains would look great on you, too! Just try it and see.

curtain – Vorhang
drawing - ziehen
dress – Kleid
either way- entweder oder  
even – sogar
for – weil
imaginative – einfallsreich
ladder - Leiter
material - Stoff
meant – mean/meant/meant – bedeutet
(to) put on – zum anziehen
sew – sew/sewed/sewn – nähen 
those days – Damals
took down – take down/took down/taken down – abmontiert
turn into – turn/turned/turned - umwandeln
which ever way – wie auch immer
worn – wear/wore/worn - tragen

Questions -

Why do women love new dresses?

From what did women make dresses after the war?
What was the main advantage of making dresses from curtains?
Would you make a dress from a curtain?
What is your favourite colour?
How often can women wear the same dress?
Can you remeber yout first dress?

Friday 24 June 2016

(A) - Donky Riding - A Great British Tradition -


All British kids love the seaside. There is sand to play on, sea to swim in, fish and chips to eat, ice cream to lick, and, of course, donkies to ride on. And donkey rides are a great British tradition.

Donkey riding started in England in the Victorian times at the seaside resort of Weston Super Mare. Now, there are donkies to ride on on every British beach. And, every donkey has its name on its harness.

Children love donkies, and even the Queen went donkey riding when she was little!

even – sogar
harness – Geschirr
its – sein/e ihr/e
lick – (lick/licked/licked) - lutschen
of course – natürlich
resort – Ferienort
ride – reiten
sea – Meer
seaside – Küste


Why do all British kids love the seaside?
Why are donkies special?
When did donkey riding start in England?
Where did donkey riding start?
Where do donkies have their name?
What can you do on a British beach?
Who liked donkey riding when she was a little girl?

And now the text again!

Wednesday 22 June 2016

(C+++) - From My English Country Garden - A letter from Builder Michael - Dagmar's Theory of time!


From My English Country Garden – A Letter from Builder Michael
Dagmar's Theory of Time!

I have a little secret. I am not only the only normal person in the world, but also, without any doubt at all, the most intelligent as well. This, I am sure, will come as no surprise to you, but, what is surprising is the following – I am not only the only person in the world who has succeeded in expanding Einstein's theory of relativity into something of practical use! There is someone else, too!

And, this person  is possibly even cleverer than I am! Her name is Dagmar and she lives in Baden, a small sleepy town in Austria. And Dagmar's thinking is far in advance of anything that I have ever encountered. For she has developed her own theory of time!

And, not only is her theory good in theory (you understand what I mean!), but it works perfectly well in practice, too. And, the amazing thing is, her theory not only slows down time, but it gives you extra valuable hours as well. And, what is even more astonishing – her theory is incredibly easy to put into practice. It's simplicity itself. Just follow the following and you will always succeed.

On your way to a party, turn your watch back by 2 hours. You will now be where you were 2 hours ago (in time I mean). This will not only ensure your punctual arrival, but will also mean that you can have your first drink 2 hours earlier than usual. Advantage number one.

What happens next is of the greatest importance. After your first drink, you then have to turn your watch forward by four hours. It is in this action that the secret and mystery of Dagmar's theory lies! Instead of having been at the party for only twenty minutes (or as long as it takes you to knock back your first G+T (Gin and Tonic)), you have now been there for more than 4 hours – and – you are still sober! Or, if you prefer to put it another way – how time flies when you're enjoying yourself!

But, now comes the real advantage. Instead of having to leave at midnight to catch the last bus home, you can now stay until 4. The bus will now be leaving at 5. You have given yourself an extra 4 hours, now making a total of 6. In effect – you have doubled your time.

But, the biggest advantage of all is the sleep that you will not now be missing. After arriving home at 4.30 in the morning, you will find that you will still have enough time to get a good night's sleep, at least 8 hours, before it is time to get up again at 7.

So, in total, what does this mean? It means that your evening and night would have had at least 18 hours, and not just 12 as is normal. Truly amazing and all very true. Some parties do seem to last for ever, and others are over too soon. It's all a question of what's good and what's bad. It's all relative. And, so what if you miss your last bus? Wait for the first one of course. It will be leaving at 5. But, what if you're Dagmar?

No problem. It is still only 2, or, is it really 6? if you had arrived at 4 – which was – in reality 6, and, after a drink it became 11, what time is it now? I'm confused!

And, what would Dagmar do? Upon arriving home, she would turn her watch back and sleep through the party that she had just arrived home from! How very simple.

See you next time, Yours, Builder Michael

encounter- begegnen
astonishing - erstaunlich
to knock back - schnell trinken

Listen and Enjoy!
Our Podcast – A9949

Sunday 19 June 2016

(A) - OLD MOON EYES - Little Clarence Kettlon - A trip to Norway on a donkey! - Great for young readers of all ages!

Please CLICK HERE for full page - Audio following later!

Little Clarence Kettlon

Little Clarence Kettlon lives in an old wooden house with his old aunty Sheila and his sister Rebecca. And, little Clarence Kettlon has a nice little room. He has a very old cupboard for his clothes, a bed which he got from his granny, and three wonderful pictures that hang on his wall.

In the picture on the left is the very fast train that took Clarence from London to Paris. In the picture on the right is the rocket that took Clarence's dad to the moon, and, in the picture in the middle is the very old donkey that Clarence and his sister rode on to Norway?
And, why did Clarence and his sister go on their donkey to Norway? Their very old granny is Norwegian and she lives in a caravan in Oslo. And, that's why Clarence and Rebecca love Norwegian cheese. Do you love Norwegian cheese? I do! Norwegian cheese is the best in the world!

caravan - Wohnwagen
cheese - Käse
clothes - Kleidung
cupboard - Schrank
got (get/got/got) - bekam
granny - Oma
hang (hang/hung/hung) – hängen
left - links
lives (live/lived/lived) - lebt
middle - Mittel
Norway - Norwegen
Norwegian - norwegisch
right - rechts
rode (ride/rode/ridden) – ritt
took (take/took/taken) - nahm
wall -Wand


With whom does little Clarence Kettlon live?
In what does Clarence live?
How many pictures has little Clarence Kettlon on his wall?
What is in the middle picture?
On what did Clarence and his sister go to Norway?
Why did Clarence and his sister go to Norway?
Does Clarence's granny live in a house?
Do you love Norwegian cheese?

Here is the LINK for more of OLD MOON-EYES

Saturday 18 June 2016

(B+) - Ernest Woller and Tom Platzer - Refugees on the Move - story of photos, dignity and respect

For full AUDIO / VISUAL PAGE - please - CLICK  - here !

Ernest Woller and Tom Platzer – Refugees on the Move!

Chance meetings can often lead to wonderful things, and when the Viennese city councillor Ernest Woller met photographer Tom Platzer in Mexico a super idea came-about. An exhibition of photos dedicated to the many refugees now moving through Europe. And now, this exhibition can be seen in the town hall of Vienna. And, *Refugees on the Move”, as this exhibition is called, is well worth a visit for more than one reason.

And, the biggest reason of all is that it's different. “Refugees on the Move” has none of the usual cliches of loss, suffering or pain. Instead, Tom Platzer, in his world-class style, has produced a collection of portraits showing sensational beauty. And, of course, photography on this level takes more than just minutes.

All together, Tom Platzer and his team spent considerable time in the refugee camp in the small Austrian town of Traiskirchen. And there, the most important thing of all was not only the choosing of subjects, but the getting-to-know them as well. And, the resulting empathy can clearly be seen in Tom Platzer's work. His pictures are truly amazing.

But, there is one more thing that Ernest Woller's and Tom Platzer's idea has succeeded in doing. “Refugees on the Move” has returned something special and valuable to these people with nothing left to lose. And, this is their  dignity. And, that's what this exhibition is. It's a show of feelings and respect. Things happen when friends bump-into each other in far-away places, but that which happened in Mexico is something that went far beyond friends. It has touched all those who've seen it. Have you seen it, too?

*“Refugees on the Move” is my English translation of the German name - “Menschen auf der Flucht


amazing erstaunlich
bump-into (bump-into/bumped-into/bumped-into) – begegnet
chance meetingZufalls Treff
dedicated (dedicate/dedicated/dedicated) – gewidmet
dignity Würde
getting-to-knowDas Kennen Lernen
reason - Grund
refugee Flüchtling
town hallRathaus
who've who have


Where was Ernest Woller when he bumped-into Tom Platzer?
What was Ernest Woller's and Tom Platzer's idea?
Where is this exhibition now?
Where did Tom Platzer and his team go to take the photos?
Where is Traiskirchen?
Why is empathy so important for good photos?
What is the most important thing about Tom Platzer's portraits?
This exhibition is on in the town hall of Vienna.
Entrance - Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1. 1010 Wien.

Work days only – 08.00 – 18.00hrs.

Saturday 11 June 2016

(B++) - Alexandra LANZ - Being Alive - There is life after life - and - life before death!


Alexandra Lanz – Being Alive!

Alexandra Lanz is unique. She's young, she's a mother, she's a surgeon, and, above all else, she's alive! And, being the way that she is, is the one thing about her that's special! For her way to where she is now is something that few have encountered.

When Alexandra Lanz was 14 years old, she experienced a trauma that stopped her life in its tracks. After collapsing at school, she was taken to hospital with a suspected liver complaint. She was to stay there for the next five years.

Her stay in hospital was a period of suffering and despair. It was all about tests and more tests and pain and more pain, and time that never moved forward. And, worst of all, Alexandra Lanz's youth, her best time of all, was draining away and there was nothing she could do. But, she had hope.

And, it was this hope that gave Alexandra Lanz the strength she needed to believe. And, she knew she would be better again one day. And, true enough, her health did return. But, first came the transplant.

After many long days of waiting and debating, Alexandra Lanz was finally given a new life. Her liver-transplant was a perfect success, and, from that moment on, her life began to come back. But, it was during her operation that Alexandra Lanz experienced something unique.

It was an out-of-body experience. She was floating calmly above herself and watching the work the surgeons were doing. And, this out-of-body experience was the most wonderful thing she had ever experienced; and Alexandra Lanz knew that the worst was behind her; her hope had not been in vain. Alexandra Lanz knew that her life was beginning again.
And, coming back to life meant other challenges, too. And, the first was the finishing of her school education. She had lots to catch up on, and without it, Alexandra Lanz would never have become the surgeon she is. But, there was one more miracle waiting for her.
Alexandra Lanz was told that becoming a mother would never work out. And, again Alexandra Lanz never lost hope. And, this was good so and the impossible happened. Alexandra Lanz became the first ever woman with a transplanted liver to give birth to a child. Alexandra Lanz is not only a woman of history, but an example for others to follow as well.

Alexandra Lanz discovered that there is not only a life after life, but also, and more importantly, a life before death. And now, with husband and two healthy young boys she is living every minute.
Are you doing the same, too?

above all else – vor Allem
betterwieder Gesund
catch up – (catch up/caught up/caught up) - nachholen
despair - verzweifeln
encountered – (encounter/encountered/encountered) – begegnet
experienced – (experience/experienced/experienced) – erlebte
in vainumsonst
meant – (mean/meant/meant) – bedeutet
miracle – Wunder
suspected liver complaintMögliche Leberleiden
unique selten
worst – bad/worse/worst


How old was Alexandra when she collapsed at school?
For how long did Alexandra stay in hospital?
What was Alexandra's stay in hospital?
What kind of operation did Alexandra have in hospital?
What did Alexandra experience while she was having her operation?
Why is Alexandra a woman of history?

Why is hope so important?

Monday 6 June 2016

(B++) - A Great New World - Ernst Schmiedere and a brave new project!

For Full Audio/visual  page CLICK HERE!

 Ernst Schmiederer - A Great New World

A Great New World!

Ernst Schmiederer is a well known Austrian journalist who writes for the German newspaper “Die Zeit”. And, his column about foreigners living in Austria and Austrians living abroad is very well read. And, the reason is simple. It's his interest in people. And, it is because of this interest in people that Ernst Schmiederer started his latest project in 2011. And, he called it “We in Vienna - Reports from New Austria”.

And, this project is all about how New Austria is. And, New Austria is the people who now live in Austria, and, in particular the young. And, the aim of the project is to collect and share as many autobiographies as possible. And, in meetings held in colleges and schools, Ernst Schmiederer and his team have so-far collected more than 1200 such stories.

And, the stories these autobiographies tell are as amazing and diverse as the places and circumstances these youngsters have come from.

Some tell of great dangers, some tell of sadness, and many are moving in a very deep way. Life for many New Austrian youngsters has not only been very unkind, but full of terrible suffering, too. But, these autobiographies have two very positive sides, too.

Firstly, they are a tremendous platform for the releasing of feelings. And, secondly, these autobiographies provide a valuable message for the people who read them. And, that is, there is nothing to fear. It's feelings that connect. People are people – there are no differences at all. And, “We in Vienna - Reports from New Austria” is Ernst Schmiederer's wonderful contribution to modern Austrian life.

And, Ernst Schmiederer has given us another valuable picture as well. And, this is a picture of a wonderful future that is already with us. It's the differences that make life exciting. And, sooner or later, the differences will all become one! And, this is a wonderful thing.


amazing - erstaunlich
circumstances - Umstände
contribution - Beitrag
diverse - diverse
features (feature/featured/featured) - schildert
provide (provide/provided/provided) - liefern
quality - Eigenschaft
releasing - Befreiung
resulted - Resultat
tremendous - enorm
valuable - wertvoll
well knownsehr bekannt
Which German newspaper does Ernst Schmiederer write for?
What is Ernst Schmiederer's speciality?
When did Ernst Schmiederer start his new project?
Why are autobiographies so valuable?
Why is it good to read autobiographies?
Why is the future exciting?

Why are all people the same?

Full info - Links – - or, Google Ernst Schmiederer


NewA9949 - Short stories and More – Listening pleasure -

Saturday 4 June 2016

(A) - Ildiko Palur - A nice voice and a life

For FULL AUDIO/VISUAL PAGE - Please click HERE- or onto picture or text!

Ildiko Palur

Ildiko Palur is Hungarian. She was born and grew up in a very small town called Erd. Now, she lives and works in Budapest.

Ildiko Palur is an actress. She has played in many good films. Ildiko Palur also works on the radio, she has a wonderful voice.

As well as her mother tongue, Ildiko Palur speaks German and English. And, Ildiko Palur loves travelling. This year she is going to Florida. Ildiko Palur is a very nice lady!


as well as – so wie auch
actress – Schauspielerin
actor – Schauspieler
grew up (to grow up/ grew up/grown up) - aufwachsen
Hungarian – ungarisch
mother tongue – Muttersprache
voice – Stimme
was born – wurde geboren


Where was Ildiko Palur born?
Where does she live now?
What is Ildiko's mother tongue?
What is your mother tongue?
How many languages does Ildiko speak?
Where does Ildiko work?
Where is Ildiko going this year?

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...