Saturday 3 September 2016

(B) - Where There's a Hammer - There's a Way! Hedi Pröller - A woman who said that action speaks louder than asking!


Hedi Pröller
Where's there's a Hammer - there's a Way!

Action speaks louder than words, and when Hedi Pröller suggested a door from the kitchen into the dining room she was met with surprise. Her husband's reaction was not very nice. The door was no good idea and should be forgotten. There would be the mess, the cost and the house might even fall down whilst knocking a hole through one of its walls. In other words, an idea that no body needed.

But, Hedi not only needed this door, she wanted it, too, and she was determined to get it. And, so without asking her husband, Hedi went out and ordered a blue folding door. Where there's a will there's a way, and ways are mostly a question of time! And, time came quicker than expected.

Hedi's husband had to leave town. Perfect. Hedi and her sister and three of their friends went into action. First came the hole, then came the plaster, and last of all came the door. And, it not only looked great, but worked perfectly, too. And, Hedi's life suddenly changed. Serving hot meals was no longer a chore, in fact, it became very good fun.

And, Hedi's husband? He came home as expected, and, to Hedi's surprise, he didn't even notice the new folding door! And, then, when 3 days later the penny finally dropped, Hedi Pröller's husband's reaction was not as expected. He actually liked the new folding door. Hedi Pröller, her husband agreed, had been right once again. And, to say sorry, he took her to Sacher's for dinner!

And, the mess and the cost? There was none. And, the house was still even standing! Where there's a will there's a way – or - as Hedi Pröller would say - where there's a hammer there will be a door! Action speaks louder than words.

Hedi Pröller, a woman of action who simply just did it and never took no for an answer. If you have a hammer, you'll have a door!

Hedi Pröller – a woman of spirit.


actually – tatsächlich
probably – wahrscheinlich
suggested – (suggest/suggested/suggested) vorschlagt
. . . when the penny finally dropped – . . . als (er) endlich kapiert hat


What did Hedi Pröller's husband say to Hedi's suggestion?
Why did Hedi want the new door?
Which 2 rooms did the new door connect?
Who helped Hedi with the new door?
When did Hedi and her friends make the new door?
Where did Hedi's husband take Hedi to say sorry?
Was the house still standing when Hedi's husband came home?

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I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...