Sunday 4 December 2016

(B) A Patchwork Christmas Present - Lucy Abel had an idea - and - it's still going strong!

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Christmas is coming and Lucy Abel is at home in Vienna and knitting a patch. And, this little patch has a long way to go. It fact, it's going to Canada. But, when it gets there it won't be alone. There will be other patches, too, and they will be coming from China, Africa, the USA, Great Britain and France. And, all to become part of a patchwork present for little Sarah Abel.

When little Sarah Abel was born 5 years ago, Lucy Abel had an idea. Why not make a patchwork blanket for her new little granddaughter? It would be perfect for Christmas. And, Lucy Abel's daughter in law agreed without question. What a brilliant idea! But, then together they had a brilliant idea! Why not ask other friends and relatives to join in with the present as well! Everyone who wanted could knit a patch and send it to Canada, too. And, not only once, but also year after year, and all to be part of an on-going ever growing blanket of colourful patches. And now, 5 years later, 27 more little patches will be making their way from far away places to Canada.

 And, there's another interesting side to this story as well. These patches don't only look nice when all sewn together, they keep family and friends together and in contact as well. And, because each little patch arrives with a card, the Abels in Canada have lots of nice Christmas cards to admire and hang up - and all from all over the world.

 Lucy Abel had an idea. And now, people all over the world are doing the same. Everyone's knitting a patch. And, little Sarah Abel in Canada is keeping warm in the winter in a blanket that grows every Christmas. Lucy Abel, a lady who not only thinks of today, but the future as well, and next year, she'll be knitting again. Happy Christmas, Lucy Abel.


Where does Lucy Abel live?
When was little Sarah born?
Where was little Sarah born?
How many patches have so far been sent?
From where do the patches come?
With what do the patches arrive?
Why is this patchwork blanket unusual?

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I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...