Sunday 29 January 2017

(B) - A Glass of Red Wine and a Smoke - Changes - Martin Glossauer remebers!


A Glass of Red Wine and a Smoke! - Martin Glossauer made a discovery!

Changes are part of every day life. Things come and go, and others remain and change with the times. And, as Martin Glossauer discovered whilst watching a film, the Tour d. France was and still is the perfect example of change.

The film which Martin Glossauer saw was in black and white and shot just after the Second World War. And, the film not only showed the history and story of the Tour d. France, but three interesting changes as well. And, the thing that Martin Glossauer noticed the most was the fact that the competitors were not wearing helmets. The race was just as dangerous then as it is now. Then came the smoking. Most of the cyclists were not only smoking during the breaks, but also whilst cycling as well! This would never happen now. But, of course, a good cigarette needs a good wine, and the favourite refresher was a glass of red wine. Cycling and drinking was no problem then. But, the Tour d. France is not the only thing that has changed.

When Martin Glossauer was a boy there were no seat belts in cars, and very few motor-cyclists wore crash helmets. These were things that nobody thought of. And, smoking, too was widely accepted. It was done on buses, trains, aeroplanes, in cinemas, and homes, and every where else, too. Now, thankfully, planes, trains, offices, buses, and cinemas no longer smell of cold stale smoke. No smoking has been a very positive change.

So, as Martin Glossauer says, remember the now, it won't last for ever. Things disappear all the time and are quickly forgotten. And, Martin Glossauer believes that photos are the best way of saving the past. Our present will then be kept for the future.

Changes are part of every day life. Things come and go, and others remain and change with the times. And, as Martin Glossauer discovered whilst watching a film, the Tour d. France was and still is the perfect example of change.

After (ca) 20 seconds - the recording will continue with vocabulary and questions!

discovered – (discover(s)/discovered/discovered) – entdeckte
during während
example - Beispiel
shot (shoot/shot/shot)Film drehte
stale - alt
whilst während
won'twill not

When was the film of the tour d. France made?
Was the film in black and white or colour?
What three changes did Martin Glossauer notice in this film?
Why does a good cigarette need a good wine?
Why was it normal to smoke in the 60s?
Where did people smoke in 60s?
What is the best way of keeping the present for the future?

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Friday 27 January 2017

(A) - The Flying Dutchman - A ghostly white ship that never comes to rest!

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The Flying Dutchman

The Flying Dutchman is a ghost-ship that sails the seven seas. The ship is ghostly white, and, if hailed, its crew try to send messages to land or to people who are already dead. The Flying Dutchman can never make port. She is set to sail for ever. Sailors believe it is bad luck to see the Flying Dutchman!

The Flying Dutchman, a ghost-ship that sails the seven seas.

bad luck - Pech
believe – glauben
crew - Mannschaft
ghost ship - Geistesschiff
sail(s) - (to sail/sailed/sailed) segelt
try - (to try/tried/tried) - versuchen
hailed - (to hail/hailed/hailed) – rufen
make port (to make port/made port/made port) – ein Hafen anlaufen
messages (message) – Nachrichten - Botschaft
set to - bestimmt


What is the Flying Dutchman?
How would you describe the Flying Dutchman?
What can the Flying Dutchman never do?
What is the Flying Dutchman set to do?
Why do sailors believe that it is good luck to see the Flying Dutchman?
What does the crew of the Flying Dutchman try to do when hailed?
Why would you like to see the Flying Dutchman?

Wednesday 25 January 2017

(c) - The Natural Chain - Some short thoughts which may or may not help with links in the natural chain!

For full audio/visual  article PLEASE CLICK HERE -  

The Natural Chain - Some logical thoughts and a simple explanation!
by Nigel A JAMES

It is a fairly accepted fact that Charles Darwin was correct when he wrote On the Origin of the Species. And, I, too, like most people, agree with that which he wrote. That is to say, with most of it. There were just one or two minor things that I wasn't happy with and one of them was that man is at the top of the evolutionary pile! Man is more than that. Man is more than himself!

It is a fact that everything on this earth shares exactly the same origin, and, everything that exists does so because of one incredible coincidence. All of us, and everything else, too, has not only to thank the big bang for being here, but also that which preceded it. All of us, with no exception at all, have been on our way here since that first fiery moment of long, long ago (and possibly before it, too). And, the fact that we are here right now has only to do with our position in the chain of the being! But, people are unlike anything else on this planet. We are special.

And we are special because of our status! Every other being, be it animal, vegetable or mineral is simply a passive link in the natural chain. We, on the other hand, are able to decide upon the next link, and it doesn't have to be a son or a daughter. It can even be a ship or a plane or a train! Because we are part of nature, then everything which we create is also a part of nature, and, our creations and inventions will then assume their role as part of the natural chain. And airplanes are the perfect example.

The first plane which was able to actually fly was a very simple machine, and, it flew for just a few meters. But, once out of the box, it had to become more. This invention of man sucked more and more people into its being until it became what it is today. It has, if you so wish, decided the fate of millions of people. And in more than one way! Planes can do much. They can take us on holiday, they can rescue us, and, unfortunately, they can kill us. Just look at fighters and bombers. So, this of course means that all of the horrible bombs which they drop, because they are only possible because of planes which we built, are also a part of the natural chain! And, of course, when we bomb people we injure them, and then (if there are any survivors!) we need medicine.

And medicine, too, is also part of the natural chain! Sometimes good, and sometimes absurd! We can terminate life with it, abortions are perfect examples, and we can cure. Meaning, then, that our power over life and death is also a part of the natural chain.

But, much of that which we created was intangible, too. And, at the top of the list was religion. And, like most abstracts, it not only caused great hardship, but moments of joy and pure beauty as well. But, of course the big question still remains: did we create God, or, did he create us? The choice, again, is all ours. Again it is simple! God exists because we want him to.

And, so, where does this leave the future? It leaves it in the same place as the past before we arrived! Before we were born we were happy! We had no idea of life or this world or anything else. Nothing existed. And the same will be again when we leave! Nothing will exist – and we will be happy again! And that, too, is part of the natural chain!

Saturday 21 January 2017

(B) - The Train That Goes Up To Gyor - An Hungarian journey of beauty!

Please click here for full audio/visual article

A Hot Summer Journey – A trip from Veszprim to Gyor

It was a very hot day when we took the train from Veszprim to Gyor. We were in Hungary. And, our short journey north was full of summer time fun. Amongst the passengers were hikers, picnickers, school children on trips, families out for the day, and regular passengers, too. And, there was noise.

There was the sound of eating and bottles being opened. There was laughing and singing. And, of course, the screaming of kids every time the train went into a tunnel. And, the magic of the country passed us by at very slow speed. And, that was just right.

This short Hungarian route is unique. It is 80 kilometres of beauty non stop, and the three hours that it takes are worth every minute.

And, there is plenty to see. On its way north, the train passes through the Bakony. An area of outstanding natural beauty. There are forests and streams, and the fauna and flora are simply amazing. A paradise for those who love nature. And, of course there are towns and villages, too. And, they haven't changed for many long years.

And, these are not only places of life as it is now. These are places of history, too. There are castles,monasteries, churches, farms, schools, inns, and much more as well. And, all to be seen from the train. And, this is the sense of the trip. The journey itself.

So, next time you have time, why not take it and go down to Hungary and take the train from Veszprim to Gyor and back again, too. And, by the way, there is plenty to see and do in both of these places as well. And, that's how Hungary is. A country full of surprises. And, perhaps, this little train is the biggest of all.

It was a very hot day when we took the train from Veszprim to Gyor. We were in Hungary. And, our short journey north was full of summer time fun.

A Hot Summer Journey - A trip from Veszprim to Gyor


amongst - unter
castle – Burg
hiker - Wanderer
inn – Gasthaus
monastery – Kloster
noise - Lärm
outstanding außerordentlich
perhaps - vielleicht
screaming - Schreien
took – (take/took/took) – nahm
trip - Ausflug
worth - wert

Monday 16 January 2017

(B) Christian Rinder - Home-comings are those who are waiting!

Please CLICK HERE for full AUDIO/VISUAL page.

Christian Rinder – The Sweetest Moments of All

Coming-homes are possibly the shortest and sweetest moments of all. Coming-homes are things to look forward to, moments to dream of, and things to hope and pray for as well. And, coming-homes are seldom forgotten. But, there are special coming-homes that happen only once. And, Christian Rinder never forgot his coming-home from war.

It was a hot summer day as Christian Rinder came up the road. It was a long road. And, being back where he was was something he'd never imagined. For him, and millions of others as well, still being alive was a question of chance. And, Christian Rinder had had a very hard war. He had survived Holland, Belgium, and Stalingrad, too. And now, all that mattered was home. And, when he got home the door was wide open. And, there was his mother. She was down on her knees and washing the floor.

And, Christian Rinder just stopped. And, then his mother looked up. And, she froze. This was a moment she had never expected. But, before she could reach him, she fainted. And, he caught her. And, then she fainted again. And, when she came round she was in her son's arms. This was a moment she had never dared dream of. A dream had come true without being a dream.

Coming-homes are beautiful moments. But, the ones that come out of the blue are the nicest and sweetest of all, and, when Christian's girlfriend Lucy arrived it made the moment complete. Coming home is all about those who are waiting. Coming home is the nicest of all!

The Sweetest Moments of All – Christian Rinder

Please wait!   Vocabulary and questions start in (ca) 20 seconds - Please wait!


came round (come / came / come) – zu sich kommen
caught – catch/caught/caught) – fangen
dared – (dare/dared/dared) – gewagte
fainted – (faint/fainted/fainted) – in Ohnmacht fallen
hope – (hope/hoped/hoped) - hoffen
look forward to . . . – sich freuen auf
pray – (pray/prayed/prayed) beten
survived – (survive/survived/survived) – überlebte

Questions -

Was it summer or winter when Christian Rinder came home?
Where was Christian Rinder in the war?
Did Christian Rinder have an easy war?
What was his mother doing when Christian Rinder arrived home?
How many times did Christian's mother feint?
Where was Christian's mother when she came round?

What made Christian's coming-home complete?

Wednesday 11 January 2017

(-C) - Things to Believe In - Believing must not be seeing! Some thoughts for today!

For full article, please CLICK HERE - Audio following

Things to Believe In – Some thoughts for today.

There are many things one can believe in. There is religion, there is art with its many schools, and, amongst many other things  are the past, the present and the future!

So, let's take the belief in the future as just one small example. How can one believe in the future? Is it easier to believe in things which are totally unknown, and, is believing in the future more a kind of hope than anything else? And, why do many people find belief in the future so important? And, how does believing in the future effect the present? And, of course, these questions lead nicely into the next question. What is the role of the past in the future?

So far, only questions. But, one thing is clear, there is only the future, and, when it arrives it's the present, and, it, too, and very quickly, if not instantly, becomes the past! Meaning, the only thing that is important is the present because the present forms the basis for the future (or, all future nows).

So, is belief in the future really practical? Not really. All we have – in reality – is the present. And, this used to be the future of the past which will, very soon, be the past of the future, which, in any way, will be the present in the future! So, in order to believe in the future we must believe in the now! But, of course, this all contradicts any form of planning for the future.

Nothing will work without planning for the future. This is true. But, there is one thing that is 100% fix, and that is, the future will come without any help from us. Or, does the future simply develop? Are all our plans for the future simply nothing more than reactions of now? Meaning, everything is more-or-less preordained! There is nothing other than fate. Hardly! All there is – in reality – is our thinking and the reality of now.
There are many things one can believe in. There is religion, there is art, and there are the times - the past, the present, and the future. And, of course, other people as well! All fine and well. But, the most important of all should be at the top of list. And, that is yourself. Self-belief should be at the top of the list! And, why not?

Things to believe in – Some thoughts for today.

Sunday 8 January 2017

(A) OLD MOON EYES - Arthur McGregor - He lives on a farm and has a family of 3 unusual animals!

Old Moon Eyes – Arthur McGregor

Recording automatically switches to questions and vocabulary  after (ca) 20 seconds

Arthur McGregor lives on the little Scottish Island of Mull. And, Arthur McGregor has a very small farm. And, he has a pig, a cow, and a horse with 2 legs.

And, all Scottish horses have only two legs. This is because of the very steep mountains. Only two legged horses can climb Scottish mountains.

And, last year, Arthur McGregor took his pig and his cow and his two legged horse down to England. And, there they had a very fine time and lots of wonderful meals. On Monday, they had fish and chips, on Tuesday they had bangers and mash, and on Friday they had lunch with the Queen in Buckingham Palace.

And, on Saturday they went home to Scotland. Next year, they're going to France.

Arthur McGregor, his cow, his pig, and his two legged horse!



Austria - Österreich
bangers and mash – Bratwurst und Kartoffelpüree
because -wegen
climb – kletter
farm – Bauernhof
lives – (live/lived/lived) - lebt
mountain - Berg
pig - Schwein
two legged - zweibeinig


Where does Arthur McGregor live?
How many animals has Arthur McGregor?
How many legs has Arthur McGregor's horse?
Why have Scottish horses only two legs?
Where did Arthur McGregor go with his animals last year?
What did they have for dinner on Monday?
Who did they have lunch with on Friday?
How many legs have Austrian horses?

Thursday 5 January 2017

(B) Jimmy McGregor - His Crime of a Lifetime - He was rich for 5 very short minutes!

For full article - please click here!
Jimmy McGregor – The Crime of a Lifetime

Edinburgh is not a city that is famous for crime. But, what happened one afternoon a long time ago made Edinburgh rock! Not, as expected with shock, but laughter instead!

Jimmy McGregor had just finished work early and was walking down George Street. Soon, he'd be home down in Wardie and playing bowls with his friends. It was a fine afternoon and not a cloud in the sky. And, as Jimmy McGregor went on his way, he saw a security van delivering cash to a bank. And - being inquisitive - Jimmy McGregor slowed down to watch.

One of the guards – an enormous fellow - having just taken two bags of cash into the bank was returning for more. It was all very simple. After knocking three times on a small hatch in the side of the van - the hatch was opened - and two more big heavy bags of cash were passed out from inside. The guard then carried them into the bank. And - Jimmy McGregor said “ahah” to himself!.
And - as he got closer he stopped.

The security guard who was delivering the money was obviously inside the bank. And then, Jimmy McGregor walked up to the van and knocked three times on the hatch in its side. And, it was opened - and out came two very heavy bags full of money. And, Jimmy McGregor just took them and carried on walking and went round the corner.

But, of course, Jimmy McGregor didn't get far. He was no longer the youngest and the money was heavy. And soon, Jimmy McGregor was being marched off to prison. But, he didn't stay long, he was let off with a warning and a thirty pound fine.

Jimmy McGregor became rich for just five very short minutes and it happened on his way home from work. It was all due to temptation.

Edinburgh is not a city that is famous for crime. But, what happened a long time ago made Jimmy McGregor the talk of the town for a very long time!

Jimmy McGregor – He became rich for 5 very short minutes!

Jimmy McGregor – The Crime of a Lifetime

Wardie in Edinburgh


let off – frei gesprochen
WardieStadtteil von Edinburgh


In which city did this story take place?
What was Jimmy McGregor doing in George Street?
In which part of Edinburgh does Jimmy McGregor live?
What does Jimmy McGregor enjoy doing down in Wardie?
How did Jimmy McGregor rob the security van?
Why did Jimmy McGregor rob the security van?
How far did Jimmy McGregor get with the money?
How much was Jimmy McGregor fined?

Sunday 1 January 2017

(B) - Erika Berger - An Advent Wreath and a Wonderful Meal in the Heart of the Forest! The almost heat of the moment!

Please CLICK HERE for full AUDIO/VISUAL article -  

Erika Berger – An Advent Wreath and a Wonderful Meal in the Heart of the Forest

It was 1975 and the last Friday before Christmas. Erika Berger had had a great year. Her hairdressing business had done amazingly well, and, with the recent opening of her second saloon, Erika Berger and her team of hard working girls were going out to celebrate Christmas in a very big way. And so, at three o-clock on the dot, Erika Berger locked up and off they all went for a nice Christmas meal.

And, the restaurant Erica Berger had chosen was perfect. It was in the depths of the Vienna Woods in the picturesque village of Sulz. And, with snow on the ground the magic of Christmas was complete. And, the meal was fantastic and the girls were having a wonderful time. And then, Monika, one of the girls, pointed at the giant Advent wreath with its 4 burning candles. It looked great hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the restaurant.

And, Erika Berger went white in the face.

She had forgotten to blow out the Advent wreath candles in her saloon. They were still burning. And, Erika Berger began to feel ill. Advent wreaths, being made out of fir twigs and fir cones, could easily burn.

But, Erika Berger kept a clear head and went into action.

There were two other people with keys for the saloon. Erica Berger's mother and the lady living next door to the saloon. And so, leaving the girls to phone these two ladies, Erika Berger jumped into her car and drove with great speed back to town! But, would she get there in time, and, would she still have a saloon?

And there, in the saloon was her neighbour. The neighbour had got there just in time. The girls had managed to reach her. Two minutes later and the saloon would have gone up in flames.

And, Erika Berger felt both ill and relieved – a mixture of both. She was unable to cry and unable to laugh! She had, after all, just spent the last two or three months painting and decorating and renovating her saloon, and, had almost just lost it! There could have easily been a disaster.

But, of course, Erika Berger went back to her party and they carried on until late. And, everyone was happy that they still had a saloon and a job to go back to. And, ever since that day, Erika Berger has never again allowed candles in any of her hairdressing shops.

Erika Berger. She went out for dinner and forgot to blow out the candles, but kept a calm head and all was OK!

Erika Berger – An Advent Wreath and a Wonderful Meal in the Heart of the Forest!

A Christmas Party - by Nigel A JAMES

extinguish - löschen
fir conesTannenzapfen
fir twigs - Tannenzweig
hard workingfleißig
neighbour - Nachbar
never oncenicht ein Mal

on the dot - pünktlich

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...