Wednesday 11 January 2017

(-C) - Things to Believe In - Believing must not be seeing! Some thoughts for today!

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Things to Believe In – Some thoughts for today.

There are many things one can believe in. There is religion, there is art with its many schools, and, amongst many other things  are the past, the present and the future!

So, let's take the belief in the future as just one small example. How can one believe in the future? Is it easier to believe in things which are totally unknown, and, is believing in the future more a kind of hope than anything else? And, why do many people find belief in the future so important? And, how does believing in the future effect the present? And, of course, these questions lead nicely into the next question. What is the role of the past in the future?

So far, only questions. But, one thing is clear, there is only the future, and, when it arrives it's the present, and, it, too, and very quickly, if not instantly, becomes the past! Meaning, the only thing that is important is the present because the present forms the basis for the future (or, all future nows).

So, is belief in the future really practical? Not really. All we have – in reality – is the present. And, this used to be the future of the past which will, very soon, be the past of the future, which, in any way, will be the present in the future! So, in order to believe in the future we must believe in the now! But, of course, this all contradicts any form of planning for the future.

Nothing will work without planning for the future. This is true. But, there is one thing that is 100% fix, and that is, the future will come without any help from us. Or, does the future simply develop? Are all our plans for the future simply nothing more than reactions of now? Meaning, everything is more-or-less preordained! There is nothing other than fate. Hardly! All there is – in reality – is our thinking and the reality of now.
There are many things one can believe in. There is religion, there is art, and there are the times - the past, the present, and the future. And, of course, other people as well! All fine and well. But, the most important of all should be at the top of list. And, that is yourself. Self-belief should be at the top of the list! And, why not?

Things to believe in – Some thoughts for today.

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...