Saturday 25 February 2017

(B+) - Beate Droppelmann and Rita Schiller - The Magic of Excitement - Two great little ladies with a magical theatre!

For full /AUDIO/VISUAL  page - please CLICK HERE  

Beate Droppelmann and Rita Schiller
The Magic of Excitement

There's always a feeling of excitement before the start of each show at the The Kasperlbühne Schillerdrops (The Schillerdrops Glove Puppet Theatre). And, this is all part of the action. For this is the time when the kids learn the songs of the show. And so, when the curtain goes up, the kids are not only excited, but geared up as well.

And, involving the children is the most important part of Beate Droppelmann’s and Rita Schiller’s glove puppet theatre. Children love being involved. The children’s singing is special; it makes everyone part of the action, meaning, everyone who comes is a very special guest.

And, the puppets, too, are very, very special. Each has a soul and a life of its own. And, of course, all were hand-made by Beate and Rita. And, of course, these special little puppets need very special plays to perform in. Every production is Beate's and Rita's own work. These girls, too, write wonderful plays. They are brilliant playwrights. Nothing but the best for their fine little players.

But, the best thing of all is that there is no violence at all. And, this is important. The Kasperlbühne Schillerdrops is not Punch and Judy. The children have nothing to fear. The only message the children take home is one of great joy and the hope to come back again.

There's always a feeling of excitement before the start of each show. And, the excitement and magic never stop at the Kasperlbühne Schillerdrops. The Kasperlbühne Schillerdrops has been going now for more than ten years, and it's still getting better and better.

Beate Droppelmann and Rita Schiller – they have something that's special - and it's open for all special people – and that includes you - and all the little people you love.

Beate Droppelmann and Rita Schiller. The Magic of Excitement

Please don't go away - recording automatically jumps to vocabulary - ca - 20 seconds!


excitement - Aufregung
geared up – Startbereit
joy – Freude

violence – Gewalt 

The Kasperlbühne Schillerdrops plays mainly in Vienna. For details of their programme and other information please visit their web-site – CLICK HERE!


excitement - Aufregung
geared up – Startbereit
joy – Freude

violence – Gewalt 

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A9949 – Short Stories and More – A new story each day!
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Thursday 23 February 2017

(B) Small Railway Blues - Tracking the Past -

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Small Railway Blues - Tracking the Past

There are things in life that can be very upsetting. And, the closing-down of a railway is just one of these things. And, the following story happened just about 5 years ago. A field railway in Vienna put its engines and wagons away for the very last time. It was as if someone had died! With a very deep feeling of sadness, the driver uncoupled the wagons for the very last time, and, as the power was switched off, a speech telling of the once golden days of this narrow gauge beauty was delivered in a very nostalgic and tear laden voice. And, the story began a long time ago.

This small railway was built about 100 years ago in the grounds of Lainz, a very large hospital on the edge of Vienna. And, the job of this little train was to transport hospital meals from a central kitchen to the wards which were housed in separate pavilions. And, not even once, despite two terrible world wars, did these hospital meals of great taste ever fail to show up! This train was very reliable.

But sadly, the hospital decided that other methods of meals on wheels were better, and so came the close! But, for this little train there is a life after death! The engines and trucks, now lovingly restored, have taken their place alongside other greats of the tracks in a railway museum.

And this is the point. Things from the past have a definite interest. And, even though, we never used them, or travelled in them, or flew in them, we miss them badly when they're no longer here! But, many still are.

And, it's all thanks to the very many enthusiasts who have both talent and time to keep the past still alive! These are the heroes of life. It is they who make sure we never forget.
There are things in life that can move people to tears, and the closing of a railway is just one of these things. Railways, it seems, have a life of their own. We don't want them to die.

Tracking the Past – A railway that's no longer with us!

alongside –A daneben
calamity - Katastrophe
chug - dampfen
dedication – Hingabe
delivered – (to deliver/delivered/delivered) - gehalten
despite – trotz
enthusiasts – Enthusiasten
even though – wobble
field railway – Feldbahn
knowledge – Wissen
laden - geladen
miss – (to miss/missed/missed) – vermisst
moving – bewegend
narrow gauge – Schmalspur
show up – (to show up/showed up/showed up) – erscheinen
tear – Tränen
trace – Spur

ward – Krankenstationen 

Friends of Diarikom

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber
Wirtschaftstreuhänder – Steuerberater – Unternehmensberater
Click here  for Link!

Have you listened to our podcast?
A9949 – Short Stories and More – A new story each day!
CLICKHERE for listening pleasure and fun!

Saturday 18 February 2017

(B) - Not in the Spotlight - A life on the stage was never to be! - A true story - written and read by Nigel A. JAMES

 For full article - Please CLICK HERE -

Not in the Spotlight – A true story by Nigel A JAMES

Theatre had always been one of my dreams. And, you can surely imagine how happy I was when two friends of mine phoned with an offer – a part in their upcoming play. And, being offered a part by Hannes and Gordon was an honour. Their little theatre club was very well known, and,
in those days, put on very good plays. I was very, very proud!

And, it turned out the play wasn't a play, but an opera – or – better put - excerpts from Tosca. And, I was to play the lead role. And, luckily, there was no singing involved – only miming. I had no words to learn. My theatre debut, I felt sure, was going to be a success. I, without any doubt at all, had been the best choice of all for the role! But, when the show came to an end the audience didn't agree! I had not been accepted. The applause had been only lukewarm.

But, not to worry. I wasn't alone. Even Shakespeare's first night had not been a success. Audiences, it seems, are often unable to recognize greatness. And, things haven't changed – poor me and poor Shakespeare. But, I was up at the top! I was flying. And, it wouldn't be long until the phone rang once again.

And, the next offer came. And, back to the theatre I went. But, something had changed. Would I mind pulling the curtain? I said no. I would do it with pleasure. Theatre, after all, was a big part of me. A starring role, I was promised, was waiting for me. It was only a matter of time. But, the next time wasn't much better. I was the doorman checking the tickets!

And, that was the end of my life on the stage. The world wasn't ready for me! I began at the top and worked my way down to the bottom. And, there I still am!

Theatre has always been one of my dreams, but, luckily there are people who can do it much better than me. But, maybe one day? Who knows? There must be a part that's waiting for me! So, until then, I'll just carry on dreaming.

Not in the Spotlight – A true story – written and read by Nigel A JAMES.


better put – besser gesagt.
debut – Debüt
excerpts – Ausschnitten
greatness – Große
lukewarm - lauwarm
miming - mimen
recognise - erkennen
turned out – heraus gestellt
upcoming – dem nächst
without any doubt – ohne zweifel

Questions -
Why was being offered a part by Hannes and Gordon a great honour?
What did Hannes and Gordon have?
Was the play a play or an opera?
Which opera was it?
How was the applause at the end of the show?
What is one of the things that the writer has in common with William Shakespeare?

Where is the writer now?

better put – besser gesagt.
debut – Debüt
excerpts – Ausschnitten
greatness – Große
lukewarm - lauwarm
miming - mimen
recognise - erkennen
turned out – heraus gestellt
upcoming – dem nächst
without any doubt – ohne zweifel

Questions -
Why was being offered a part by Hannes and Gordon a great honour?
What did Hannes and Gordon have?
Was the play a play or an opera?
Which opera was it?
How was the applause at the end of the show?
What is one of the things that the writer has in common with William Shakespeare?

Where is the writer now?

Friends of Diarikom

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber
Wirtschaftstreuhänder – Steuerberater – Unternehmensberater
Click here for link.

Have you listened to our podcast?
 – A9949  Short Stories and More – A new story each day!
CLICKHERE for listening pleasure and fun!

Sunday 12 February 2017

(B) - Marga Frank - Calling All Children - Popular stories that put lots of smiles on lots of little faces!

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Calling All Children
The Little Dream Man for Little Bedtime People
Marga Frank

Stories that come in from the air are moments of magic. And, radio not only conjures up pictures of fantasy, but provides for emotions as well. And, the best stories of all are the ones that send children to sleep with dreams in their pockets and smiles on their faces. And, this was children's radio as it once was! And, in Austria, it was all thanks to one woman!

It was 1955. The age of new radio in Austria. A period of excitement. Everything was starting again after the war. And, it was against this pioneering background that Marga Frank started The Little Dream Man, a program for children. And this, indeed, was something quiet special.

The Little Dream Man began around bedtime, and its little listeners were not only on the way to their beds, but also looking forward to a moment they loved. And the reason was simple. The Little Dream Man stories had the magical quality of ending each day on a high. And, that's what made them so special. And, the programs were loved by both children and adults alike. But, of course, the telling of good stories wasn't all that it seemed.

Each story was a challenge. They not only had to last for exactly 4 minutes and 45 seconds, they had to conform to Marga Frank's high standards as well, and, it was this that made The Little Dream Man successful. And, that wasn't all. The program went out every day, and that meant 365 brand new stories each year! And that was not always easy. But, everything always happened on schedule, and, as the years went by, so did the stories.

And the generations moved on as well. The Little Dream Man was so popular that it lasted for almost 40 years, and the first little listeners grew up to become the grandparents of the last little listening dreamers. And, when television became popular, the Little Dream man sadly disappeared into its shadow for ever.

And, Marga Frank was happily still with us until just a short time ago. And, with her more than 90 years, was able to look back upon a life of great pleasure. And, Austria said thank you in a very big way. She was awarded the Austrian medal of honour for her work. The highest honour of all! And, quite rightly so. For she – after all - was the one who sent millions of children to bed every night with a smile and a wonderful dream!

Stories that come in from the air are moments of magic, and Margo Frank was a lady of magic. Her stories were great listening pleasure and everyone loved them.

Calling All Children – Margo Frank

Audio automatically switches to vocabulary and Questions - Please wait (20 seconds)!


alike – wie
challenge Herausforderung
conjures up – hier zaubern
disappeared – (disappear /disappeared/disappear) – verschwand
lasted -(last/lasted/lasted) - dauertet
medal of honour - Ehrenzeichnen
period – Zeitalter
provides for – sorgt für
pioneering – wegweisender
shadow – Schatten


Why is radio special?
Why did Margo Frank's stories make people happy?
How long did Margo Frank's stories last?
Is writing short stories easy?
When did Margo Frank start The Little Dream Man?
How did Austria say thank you to Margo Frank?
Why did The Little Dream Man finish?

Friends of Diarikom

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber
Wirtschaftstreuhänder – Steuerberater – Unternehmensberater
Click here  for Link!

Have you listened to our podcast?
A9949 – Short Stories and More – A new story each day!

CLICKHERE for listening pleasure and fun!

(A) - Clouds - Pictures Above in the Sky - Pictures that come and go with the wind and never return!

Pictures Above – Clouds in the Sky

Please click here for full article – Audio following

Clouds are the pictures we see in the sky. They move and dance with the wind, and the pictures we see are never the same! There are many different kinds of clouds. There are snow clouds, rain clouds, thunder clouds, and, of course, many more, too.

But, clouds don't only bring rain and bad weather! They also bring wonderful dreams. It is said that people who dream have their heads in the clouds.

But, rain and bad weather are real. No clouds - no rain, and no rain - no water to drink. It is the clouds that give us all that we have. No clouds - no life, and, no clouds - no pictures to see in the sky!

Clouds are the pictures we see in the sky. They move and dance with the wind, and the pictures we see are never the same!

Pictures Above – Clouds in the Sky


cloud Wolken
dream Traum
imagination Vorstellungskraft
kind Art
many viele
move - (move/moved/moved) – bewegt
never niemals
picture – Bild
rain – Regen
snow – Schnee
storm – Sturm
sky – Himmel
thunder – Donner

Questions and Points

How often do you look up at the clouds?
Why are clouds good for the imagination?
What do you think off when you see big dark thunder clouds?
What pictures do you see in rain clouds?
Why is your head in the clouds?
What would a summer be like with no clouds?
Why do you like clouds?
Which clouds don't you like?


Saturday 11 February 2017

(-C) - Ring out the Old and Ring In the New - The TOORINGTON BELLS - A story of every day life in the English village of Toorington.

Please CLICK HERE for listening and reading

Ring out the Old and Ring in the New - The Toorington Bells – The story of every day life in the village of Toorington - Raechel Hall

There are two very important institutions in all English villages, the Church and the pub. Sadly, in many English villages the Church has lost much of its influence and pubs, too, are on the decline. But, time has stood still down in Toorington. The Church and the pub are still the centre of life. And, they have three things in common. They open on Sundays, they both have popular leaders, and the pub and the Church are both spiritual places. The Church in the meaning of the Holy Spirit, and the pub in the meaning of the spirits that flow. And, Raechel Hall (or Ray as she is lovingly known) is a very spiritual person. Ray is the owner of Toorington's pub, The Toorington Arms.

And, Ray, who left beauty behind a long time ago, is now very distinguished. She is a classical lady. Her dress is not only conservative English, but colourfully welcoming, too. And, with her 73 years, she still has a long way to go. And, everyone loves her. Ray is a lady of standing. But, fine dresses and fine hair styles are not things that make people popular. Ray understands people. Ray is a very good listener and people feel well in her company. Ray knows everyone's secrets, but no one knows Ray's. But, Ray with her humour is very good fun. Going to the Toorington Arms is like going to a party.

And, every evening is fun. And, the fun can be measured by the price of the drinks. Until about half past nine every evening, the drinks still cost as they should, but, then, and depending on how much drink Ray has taken and how many cigarettes she has smoked, the price of the drinks starts going up and down. And, of course, the jokes start flowing, and, the more people drink - the funnier the jokes. And, so the evenings continue until it is time for the bell! And, the bell being rung means it is time to go home. Closing time. But, closing time is different in the village of Toorington. Toorington, being far far away and in the depths of the country, has its very own laws!

At half past ten, Ray closes the curtains and locks the front door and the fun carries on. And, this is the best part of the evening. But, of course, sooner or later the last guests have gone and Ray can lock up. Another day gone in the Toorington Arms.

But, Ray will be up early next day. She has a meeting to go to. Ray is on the Church council. Ray is a spiritual lady. And, the Vicar? He, too is one of Ray's guests and sometimes one of the last to go home. The Vicar, too, is a spiritual man.

The Church and the pub. The life of the village. And, Ray, as she is lovingly known, keeps peace at the Toorington Arms. A wonderful pub that people enjoy. And, by the way, the meals are great!

Raechel Hall – The publican of Toorington - She is a very fine lady.


Church councilKirchenrat
closing timeSperrstunde
depths of the country – im tiefsten Land
publican – Wirt/in
rung – (ring/rang/rung) – geläutet

Friends of Diarikom

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber
Wirtschaftstreuhänder – Steuerberater – Unternehmensberater
Click here  for Link!

Have you listened to our podcast?
A9949 – Short Stories and More – A new story each day!

CLICKHERE for listening pleasure and fun!

Tuesday 7 February 2017

(-c) - Eugene Field - The poet of American childhood - and - Little Boy Blue - His greatest poem of all!

Please CLICK HERE for full article -  
Eugene Field
The Poet of Childhood

Eugene Field was one of America's most popular poets. He was born in 1850 and died in 1895, and, during his very short life, he wrote more than 300 poems. But, he was a very special poet. He only wrote poems for children and was known as the Poet of Childhood

And, Eugene Field not only knew about children, he loved them as well.

At the age of 21, Eugene Field married Julia Sutherland Comstock, and they had 16 children. And, it was for his children that he wrote most of his poems, and, night after night they fell asleep to the rhythm of his work. But, of course, Eugene Field had to work hard to support his very large family. And, with his writing skills, he became one of America's most popular newspaper columnists.

But, it was only in 1876 that Eugene Field started publishing his poetry. His first book was called A Little Book of Western Verse. It was an immediate success. But, his most popular poem was Little Boy Blue, a sad little poem about patient toys waiting for their little owner who toddled off to bed and died in his sleep.

And, sadly, Eugene Field died too early, too. He was only 45 years old. But, he hasn't been forgotten. In the Midwest of the United States of America there are more than 100 schools which are named after him. Eugene Field was a great American and he knew how to write about feelings, and, that's why Little Boy Blue was his greatest of all. It was a subject that most understood. It was close to very many hearts.

And now, here it is: Little Boy Blue

Little Boy Blue
by Eugene Field (1850 – 1895)

The little toy dog is covered with dust,
But sturdy and staunch he stands;
And the little toy soldier is red with rust,
And his musket moulds in his hands.
Time - was when the little toy dog was new,
And the soldier was passing fair;
And that was the time when our Little Boy Blue
Kissed them and put them there.

Now, don't you go till I come,” he said,
And don't you make any noise!”
So, toddling off to his trundle bed,
He dreamt of his pretty toys;
And, as he was dreaming, an Angel song
Awakened our Little Boy Blue.
Oh! the years are many, and the years are long,
But the little toy friends are true!

And, faithful to Little Boy Blue they stand,
Each in the same old place
Awaiting the touch of a little hand,
And the smile of a little face;
And they wonder, as waiting the long years through
In the dust of that little chair,
What has become of our Little Boy Blue,
Since he kissed them and put them there.
Vocabulary -

childhoodKindheit - Gyermekkor
poem Gedicht - Vers
poet - Dichter- Költö
support unterstützen - tamogatni
popularbeliebt - nepszerü
toddle – (toddle/toddled/toddled) – zotteln -ingadozo jaras, tipeges /kisgyermeke/
trundle bed Rollbett - Kihuzhato agy


Saturday 4 February 2017

(B+) - Sister Eli - Invisible Footsteps - A true ghostly story from a long time ago!

Please click here for full article -

This true story happened many years ago - Sister Eli  – Invisible Footsteps

Outside it was cold and the wind could be heard in the trees. It was warm inside and Sister Eli had only 3 hours left of her duty. The night had gone well. The patients were sleeping and Sister Eli was looking forward to a well earned day off. But, then came the footsteps.

At first, Sister Eli thought nothing. But, being curious, she put down her tea and left her small office to look. There was no one. There was only the sound of the footsteps. And, as they came closer, Sister Eli could feel the feeling of freezing cold fear and she was unable to move. And, the footsteps went on and carried on into the ward. And, there they stopped at a man's bed. An old man who lay sleeping. And, then all of a sudden there was nothing. The ice cold feeling had gone and Sister Eli was once again alone with her patients. She felt a bit weak, but otherwise fine. But, then came the shock.

The man was dead and his sheets were covered with blood! Quickly, Sister Eli went back to her office and picked up the phone. 2 minutes later the doctor on duty was there.

Shiveringly and unable to speak, Sister Eli pointed to where the man lay. But, 2 seconds later the doctor was back. There was no trace of blood and the patient was alive and still fast asleep. And smiling, the doctor went on his way.

And, everyone else was smiling as well. No one believed Sister Eli. But, it was true. And, years later Sister Eli made a discovery. There had been other nurses, too. And, they, too had heard footsteps, and had also found people dead, - and all in the middle of the night - and in the same ward. And, then Sister Eli felt strong. It had not been a dream. She had experienced something unusual.

Outside it was cold and the wind could be heard in the trees and Sister Eli had only 3 hours of work left to do. The night had gone well. But, then came the footsteps and with them a feeling. And, this Sister Eli has never forgotten. An invisible ghost with an ice cold feeling of fear.


doctor on dutyArzt im Dienst
experienced – (experience/experienced/experienced) - erlebt
fear Angst
ward Krankenstation

What was Sister Eli's job?
Was Sister Eli on night duty or on day duty?
What made Sister Eli curious?
Was the man in the bed dead?
Was the bed covered in cold tea?
Who killed the man in the bed?
Did the doctor believe Sister Eli's story?
Did anyone else experience the ghost?

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...