Saturday, 4 February 2017

A9949 - My Podcast - Something for every one! - Listening Pleasure -

For full page and link  - please click here!


On A9949, I present a new short story each day. Some short and others long. But, most, on average, are about 3 or 4 minutes long. Some stories are funny, some sad, some meaningful, and others -well - that's up to you to decide! And, kids included, there is something for everyone. Each story stays posted for 7 days – so - depending on your time and mood – you can listen again and again. All stories are my very own work!

Please CLICKHERE to go A9949 – Enjoy your listening!


Irmi Knoblauch - Bad Luck Comes in Threes

It had snowed in the night. Just perfect for skiing.  Irmi Knoblauch, her husband Franz, and their daughter Martina were set to enjoy a day ...