Thursday 2 February 2017

(-C) - What the Dickens - A Dickensian Tale - Stuck in the snow and an interesting story.

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What the Dickens! An Unknown Destination – A Dickensian Tale!
I discovered the following anecdote whilst reading Charles Dickens's novel, Nicholas
Nickleby. And, I liked it.

Nicholas Nickleby whilst on his way from London to Yorkshire was involved in an accident. The coach on which he was travelling overturned and Nicholas Nickleby was thrown into a snow drift. He and everyone else survived to tell the tale, and, whilst waiting for the coach to be repaired told each other stories. And, this was one of them.

Once upon-a-time, there was a German Baron, Baron Koeldwethout and he was a very happy man. The Baron spent most of his time hunting, getting drunk, and generally having lots of good fun. But, one day, the baron started getting fed up with his life. It was too easy. And so, to cut a long story short, the baron got married.
But, marriage wasn't for him. And, after 12 years he'd had enough. With a permanently miserable wife and 12 rowdy children, the baron discovered he was sorely missing his former life of revelry and drunkenness.

Things were bad. And, to add to it all, his money was spent. He was depressed. The only way out, he believed, was suicide! And so, there he was with a final pipe, a final bottle of wine, and his knife. But, he wasn't alone. For, there in the corner and waiting for him was the genius of suicide!

And, the genius of suicide was no happy apparition. He was in a hurry and busy. There were many others waiting as well, and, the next on the list was a young man who had too much money! The Baron burst into laughter. How could someone kill himself because of too much money? Totally absurd! And then the baron started thinking!

Was where he was going better than where he was now? The ghost of suicide was, without any doubt at all, a very miserable being. And, maybe, everyone else who had committed suicide was miserable, too. And so, the Baron changed his mind, and, after getting his life back in order and becoming happy once again died many years later.

And, what about Nicholas Nickleby? He resumed his journey and became an assistant at the school which belonged to the notorious alcoholic and child hater Mr Newman Noggs. And, Nicholas Nickleby did not live happily ever after! But, to find out why, you will have to read the book! Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens.


Vocabulary and Phrases -
after-all – nach dem
apparition – Geist
boring – langweilig
bringing about – verwirklichen
coach – Kutsche
genius – Geist
get fed up – genügt davon haben
Once upon a time - es war einmal
revelry - Feiern
snow drift – Schneewirrung
sorely – sehr stark
suicide – Selbstmord
whilst/while – während

outside passenger - a passenger travelling on the outside of a coach – usually next to the driver. It was cheap and very cold in winter and Nicholas Nickleby was very poor!

Survived to tell the tale – lived to talk about it. (survive - überleben)

without any doubt – without question (ohne Zweifel)

Where was Nicholas Nickleby going when the accident happened?
How did the German baron spend his life before he got married?
Why did the German baron get married?
Why was the Baron depressed?
What did the German baron find absurd?
Why was Mr. Newman Noggs not a nice man?
Did Nicholas Nickleby have a happy life?

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I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...