Sunday 9 April 2017

(A) - Happy Birthday Vespa - This 2 wheel dream is still as young as ever!

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Happy Birthday Vespa!

This month is a very special month for Italy. Its favourite form of transport, the Vespa, is 70 years old.
Designed by Corradino D'Ascanio in 1946, the Vespa, so-called because of its wasp-like shape, soon became a world-wide success. Everyone wanted one. And, the Vespa soon became a film star as well.
In 1953, A Vespa appeared with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck in Roman Holiday, and later a Vespa played a role with Anita Ekberg in Fellini's La Dolce Vita.
Nowadays, Vespas are still very popular. Last year, more than 160,000 were sold. Happy Birthday Vespa!


appeared -(appear/appeared/appeared) – erschien
designed (design/designed/designed) – entwürfen
favourite form of transport – lieblings Fortbewegungsmittel
Italy – Italian
month - Monat
Nowadays – Heutzutage
played a role – spielte eine Role
popular - beliebt
sold -(sell/sold/sold) - verkauft
wasp-like shape – Vespa-ähnlich Gestalt


Why is this month a special month for Italy?
How old will the Vespa be this month?
Who designed the Vespa motor scooter?
In which two films did the Vespa star?
Who starred in Roman Holiday?
How many Vespa scooters were sold last year?
What colour is your dream Vespa?

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