Sunday 25 June 2017

(B+) The Toorington Bells - Raechel Hall - She is very important!

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The Toorington Bells – Raechel Hall – The Toorington Arms

There are three very important people in every village in Britain. The doctor, the vicar, and the lord of the pub. And, the lord of the Toorington Arms – Toorington's pub – is no lord at all, in fact, she's a lady. Mrs Raechel Hall. The owner, or, to be correct, the landlady of the Toorington Arms.

And, Ray, as she is lovingly known, is everyone's idea of what a landlady should be. Ray is no longer young – she has wrinkles to prove it – and her voice has been formed by many long years of drink in great plenty and strong Cuban cigars. But, Ray is happy with life and this shows in her dress. Nothing but the finest, the best, and most expensive there is. Ray is a very proud lady and she likes to show it.

But, beware! Ray is not only very good fun, she can be very hard, too. There's no misbehaving at the Toorington Arms.

But, Ray, of course, has her own understanding of what's right and what's wrong. And, closing time at the end of each day is a flexible thing. Closing time means drawing the curtains and locking the door. The fun then carries on until late in the night, and, the Toorington bobby is one of the locals.

And, the prices Ray charges are flexible, too. Drinks and cigars have been known to alter Ray's thinking. But, this is the fun of The Toorington Arms and nobody minds. But, all in all, the Toorington Arms is a great little pub.

There are three very important people in every village in Britain. The doctor, the vicar, and the lord of the pub. But, down in Toorington, Raechel Hall is at the top of the list. Her food is delicious, her beer is the best beer in Europe, and there's always good fun at the Toorington Arms.

Raechel Hall and the Toorington Arms


bewarewatch out – be careful – pay attention -
drawing the curtains pulling the curtains together (closing the curtains)
local(s) - regular customer(s) (guest(s))
misbehaving people being bad – acting in a bad way
nobody minds nobody thinks anything of it - (it's no problem)
Toorington bobbybobby = policeman

Have you ever listened to A9949 - our podcast?
Short stories and more and the Toorington Bells.

Saturday 24 June 2017

(B/C) Harry Golden - A man with a story and his very own newspaper!


The Golden Years – Harry Golden and the Carolina Israelite

In 1958, when Harry Golden published his book Only in America he was at the top of an incredible success story. His very own paper - The Carolina Israelite. It was monthly, had 16 very packed pages and was as diverse and interesting as its readersAnd, Harry Golden wrote it from home and every single word in this very unique publication was his own.

And, Harry Golden's very own story was just as unique as his paper. When he was young in New York he tried many things. He was a porter, a salesman, an editor, a journalist, and  many other things as well. In other words, a life which was perfect for getting to know and understand people. And, Harry Golden, being a great reader was also a brilliant writer. And, being a great listener, too, he had all that was needed for success as a newspaper publisher. And, so it was, that after moving to Carolina, Harry Golden founded The Carolina Israelite. A newspaper with something for everyone.

And, The Carolina Israelite was a success. Many people said that Harry Golden's articles - which he called editorials - were like letters from a friend. And, when time came round for the paper - time came round for the family. Reading the The Carolina Israelite together was the highlight of the month for many American families.

But, of course, sooner or later, everyone has to give into age, and in 1968, Harry Golden wrote the last of his editorials and put The Carolina Israelite to bed for the very last time. And there has never been anything like it since. How could there be! Harry Golden was a nonconformist. And, that's how it was, and only in America!


founded – (to found/founded/founded)- to start something
highlight – big occasion/event
listener – one who gives someone else 100% when they are speaking
needed (need/needed/needed) – what is wanted
nonconformist – someone who is an individual/acts individually
paper - newspaper
success – the reaching of a goal
to bed – (to put a paper to bed) – get the paper ready for printing


How often did the Carolina Israelite appear?
Where did Harry Golden spend his youth?
What do you need to be a great writer?
Where did Harry Golden found his newspaper?
What did Harry Golden call his articles?
Where did Harry Golden work?
Was Harry Golden a conformist?
Why was the Carolina Israelite unique?

Tuesday 20 June 2017

(A) - Sir Antony Gormley - Chains of things to remember - and - all across Europe!

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Sir Antony Gormley

Sir Antony Gormley is a Britissculptor who is well known throughout the world for his famous human figures. His best known works include The Angel of the North - a giant sculpture in the North of England, Another Place - an installation where 100 figures stare out to sea on Crosby Beach near Liverpool, and Horizon Field - an installation of 100 life-size statues standing in line across the Austrian Mountains in Vorarlberg.

Sir Antony's works are very realistic and very interesting. Some people are shocked when they see them.

Sir Antony has won many prizes for his work. He was born on the 30th of August, 1950.

Two little children admiring an Antony Gormley sculpture


best known – meist bekannt
figure – Gestalt
giant – riesig
Mountains – Berge
sculptor - Bildhauer
sculpture - Plastik
stand in a line (stand../stood../stood..) – in eine Reihe stehen
stare (stare/-stared/stared) starren
well known – sehr bekannt
won (win/won/won) – gewonnen


What is Sir Antony Gormley?
Why has Sir Antony Gormley become famous?
Where is the Angel of the North?
Is Horizon Field in France?
How many figures are staring out to sea on Crosby Beach?
Are Sir Antony's works realistic?
Have you seen Horizon Field?

Sunday 18 June 2017

(B) - The Church of Felsöörs - A wonderful place to visit


Felsöörs  Church -  A Romanesque Beauty!  

The Balaton Uplands in Hungary lie to the north of Lake Balaton. And, the Balaton Uplands are a wonderful part of Hungary. Beautiful countryside, forested hills, traditional villages, Hungarian wine and Hungarian food, and, of course, Lake Balaton itself with all that it offers. But, there are many surprises as well. And, the church of Mary Magdalene in the picturesque village of Felsöörs is possibly one of the finest surprises of all.

The Church of Mary Magdalena in Felsöörs is not only the second oldest church in all Hungary, but also a Romanesque gem. And there, standing in the middle of its wondeful Romanesque nave, I could feel the power and strength and deep peace that the people of Felsöörs have been sharing for 500 years. This church is a building of beauty and strength, and, since it was built has survived periods of war, good times and bad times, invasions and even one or two fires. But, this church has not only an interesting history; it has a story as well.

One of the villagers told me of a secret tunnel that used to run from the church to an airfield in aclearing nearby. And from there, in the Second World War, resistance fighters were flown out to safety. A wonderful story. But sadly, no traces remain of this life saving tunnel.

But happily, the wonderful Romanesque beauty of this magnificent church is no secret at all. And so, if you find yourself in the Balaton Uplands, stop off at Felsöörs and go into the church. It's well worth a visit. And, if you're lucky, you may even catch one of the many fine concerts that are put on in this church. Its acoustics are great!

The Church of Mary Magdalena in Felsöörs, an amazing  church in a picturesque village. A timeless place for a wonderful day!


airfield – Flugplatz
amazed – erstaunt
clearing - Lichtung
experienced – erlebte
nave – Schiff
picturesque – lieblich
remarkable – bemerkenswert
resistance fighters – Wiederstandkämpfer
secret – geheim
traces - Spurren


Which style is the church in Felsöörs?
How did I describe the village of Felsöörs?
Is the church the oldest church in Hungary?
What did I experience in the church?
How old is the church?
What is the story of the church?
Where was the airfield?
When was the airfield used?

FOR MORE INFO – please visit the website of Felsöörs –

Thursday 15 June 2017

(-C) - From My English Country Garden - A letter from Builder Michael - He knows the meaning of time - it's all very simple!

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From My English Country Garden
A letter from Builder Michael

Today – so far – has been much the same as yesterday, and, yesterday - just like today I became another day older – and -tomorrow – I will be older than today. And, looking the other way round -yesterday, I was one day younger than today, and, at the same time - one week older than one week ago. Time hits us all in this way or that way. And then, whilst thinking of the comings and goings of time, my telephone rang.

It was a lady I've known for a very long time. And, she was calling from Ireland. And, the reason for her call was her search. She was looking for the answer to the question of time. And, her husband, a good friend of mine, suggested that I was the only person on earth who could answer this question. And, he was right!

The answer to my good friend's wife's question was, after some serious thinking, really quite simple. Time is based upon our understanding of the movement of years, and, this understanding has all to do with the comparisons in time from when we were born to where we are now and where we were in-between, and, of course, the differences in age between us and everyone else. All very simple.

As an example, we can take little Johnny. When Johnny was born, his brother Paul was 5 – meaning - Johnny was 5 years younger than Paul. But, when Paul reached the age of 10, Johnny, who was then 5, was twice as young as Paul, and Johnny had doubled his age. This is quite logical – and my friend's wife got the point straight-away.

And, the next point was just as easy as well. To be double the age of somebody else is not the same as being double the age that you are. But, doubling one's age is something one can do all the time. But, being twice as old as somebody else is only a question of timing.

If, say, you're 40 years old, you can say you're twice as old as you were 20 years ago, and, that 6 years ago you were twice as old as you were when just 17. And, at this point, I noticed something unusual. My friend's wife was beginning to think – and this - for her - is really unusual. She had discovered that the difference between old and young is in reality no difference at all.

Her husband, my very good friend, is, in reality, 30 years older than she is – which means that 20 years ago he was already 40 whilst she only 10. And, that in 30 years time, he will be 90 and she only 60 - and that she will have to live for another 30 years in order to double the age she is now in order to become half as old as he – provided, of course, that he lives to 120!

But, as we all know, we are as old as we are – and – that's how it is. But, the chances of my friend's wife doubling her age are extremely high, whereas his are out of the question. But, is this true? 10 years ago he was 50 – and – the double of 50 is 100. It all depends from where one is starting. So – why not try it yourself? Half your age and then double it again – and – you, too will have doubled your age! See you next month – Yours Builder Michael

Sunday 11 June 2017

B) Traveller's Return - Evelyin Dawid found a box in a cellar - and - it was no usual box - it had a big sleeping role in many people's lives!

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Burg Reifenstein - by Nigel A JAMES

 Evelyn Dawid
 Traveller's Return

Travelling is full of surprises! Some big and some small. And, the box which Evelyn Dawid discovered at the castle of Taso in South Tirol was very, very interesting. It was big and down in the cellar!

And, it was there for the servants. It was their bed for the night and it must have been awful.

At the end of each day, with all 30 servants inside, the box was closed and wasn't opened till morning. But, how did the servants sleep? What was it like in the box? What about the air that they breathed and the smells and the unpleasant sounds? And, the getting up the night? Unanswerable questions! But, one thing is clear, upstairs it was life as was normal!

The duke and his family enjoyed nothing but the best of the best of normal aristocratic everyday luxury life. Beds and no boxes for them!

But, why the box for the servants? Was it to stop them from escaping? Or, could it have been that the duke was afraid of being murdered in his sleep? Or, was he simply a very nice generous man. After all, what better than a cosy warm box on a cold winter's night in an unheated cellar?

Of course, we will never find out! But, one thing is clear. The more we see, the more we discover! And, I wonder what Evelyn Dawid will be bringing back from her next journey. Something of interest, I'm sure!

P.S. South Tirol has a history! It used to be part of Austria, but is now part of Italy. Castel Taso is the Italian name for Burg Reifenstein.

aristocratic – adliger
awful – furchtbar
cosy – behaglich
generous – großzügig
unheated – nicht geheizt


Saturday 10 June 2017

(B) - Albert Gunter - A driver - a pilot - and - all in a bus! A story to fly to!

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Albert Gunter and a Very Hard Landing

Way-homes on London red buses are for taking it easy. These stop and start trips allow time for the reading of papers, and, if sitting upstairs, the view of a London evening on its way into darkness is possibly the best in the world! But, passengers to Dulwich in South London got more than they paid for while riding home for their suppers one late afternoon a long time ago. They not only flew, but made headlines as well!

It was the 30th of December, the last working day of 1952. Albert Gunter had just steered his number 78 bus onto London's famous Tower Bridge when it happened. All of a sudden, he felt his bus going-up! The arm of the bridge on which he was driving was rising! And, it looked as though his bus was about to make history, the first London bus to fly off a bridge and sink in the Thames! But, Albert Gunter knew what to do and went into action.

Automatically, Albert Gunter dropped down in gear and put his foot on the gas. His bus needed speed and he only had seconds. The gap between the two arms of the bridge was increasing, and soon it would be too late. His bus had to fly over the gap or crash into the river. There was no other choice, there was no going back! But, Albert Gunter succeeded, and his bus took off and flew for just a few seconds, and that was enough.

And, down came the bus with a bang! And, it was loud. And, the passengers and seats were thrown about as the bus came to a stop on the other side of the bridge. And, thankfully, there were only one or two minor injuries. But, that wasn't the end of the story.

Albert Gunter was decorated for bravery by the Queen. He had saved the lives of his passenger's. And, by-the-way, that was the first ever medal that the new young Queen Elizabeth the Second was to award. A medal, not only for bravery, but also for flying a bus. And, all London joined in with its praise and its thanks, and Albert Gunter was made London's man of the year for 1952. And, that was good so. He had not only saved the lives of 63 people, he had given them a story to take home as well. The day they flew home in a bus! Have you ever flown home in a bus?


all of a sudden – ganz plötzlich
as well – auch
award – (to award/awarded/awarded) – verleihen
bravery – Kühnheit
cheering – Jubeln
choice – Wahl
currents – Strömungen
decorated – (to decorate/decorated/decorated) - auszeichnen
dropped down in gear – Das Gang hinunter geschaltet
gap – Spalt/Abstand
gear – Gang
incredible – unglaublich
steered – (to steer/steered/steered) – lenken
took-off – (to take-off/took-off/taken-off) – flog-ab
way-homes - Heimreise

Questions -

What do bus trips allow time for?
Where was the 78 bus going?
In which year did this story take place?
What was the bus driver's name?
Why did the bus need speed?
Why was Albert Gunter decorated by the Queen?
Why was this a special medal for the Queen?
Have you ever flown in bus?

Karli Brieber is a friend of Diarikom




Monday 5 June 2017

(B) The Toorington Bells - Colin Jarvis - The vicar of Toorington village - A man with a calling!

Please click here for full audio/visual page.

The Toorington Bells - Colin Jarvis – Comfort and Power

The Reverend Colin Jarvis is the vicar of Toorington village. He's a popular man with a calling, and his church is full every Sunday. And, Colin is one of the best when it comes to speaking to people. He's a listener 100%. And, his eyes show full concentration. People get comfort when speaking to him, in fact, being with Colin is like being attached to a great source of power. Colin is a man with charisma.

And, Colin's charisma shows in his sermons as well. Colin never speaks to a crowd, he speaks only to you! And, this is how everyone feels as well. But, Colin, too, can sometimes run short of ideas for his sermons, and, it is then that Colin starts walking. Round and round and round and round. Summer in the garden and winter inside in his study.

And, it's whilst walking in circles that Colin gets his ideas. First comes an idea, then a word, and then another word, and before very long, Colin has a sermon to preach. And, it works every time. But, Colin has always been a great walker.

Just five years ago, just before his 55th birthday, Colin walked home from Gibraltar. His wife was waiting in Toorington, and, for Colin, being alone was a wonderful thing. And, for six wonderful weeks, Colin had time for himself. Being alone can sometimes be great.

But, of course, being with people is Colin's great calling. And, for some of his sheep – and others as well – being alone is not a nice thing. And, Colin is there when he's needed.
The Reverend Colin Jarvis is the vicar of Toorington village. He's a popular man with a calling, and his church is full every Sunday. And, people get comfort and courage when being with him. Colin is a man of great depths. He is a man with charisma.

Colin Jarvis – Comfort, Power and Peace


circle Kreis
comfort Trost
showszeigt sich
source - Quelle
whilst (while)während

Listening Fun!
A9949 – Our Podcast – Short stories and more -

Sunday 4 June 2017

(B) - Christian Rinder - Coming home - the sweetest of all!

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Christian Rinder – The Sweetest Moments of All

Coming-homes are possibly the shortest and sweetest moments of all. Coming-homes are things to look forward to, moments to dream of, and things to hope and pray for as well. And, coming-homes are seldom forgotten. But, there are special coming-homes that happen only once. And, Christian Rinder never forgot his coming-home from war.

It was a hot summer day as Christian Rinder came up the road. It was a long road. And, being back where he was was something he'd never imagined. For him, and millions of others as well, still being alive was a question of chance. And, Christian Rinder had had a very hard war. He had survived Holland, Belgium, and Stalingrad, too. And now, all that mattered was home. And, when he got home the door was wide open. And, there was his mother. She was down on her knees and washing the floor.

And, Christian Rinder just stopped. And, then his mother looked up. And, she froze. This was a moment she had never expected. But, before she could reach him, she fainted. And, he caught her. And, then she fainted again. And, when she came round she was in her son's arms. This was a moment she had never dared dream of. A dream had come true without being a dream.

Coming-homes are beautiful moments. But, the ones that come out of the blue are the nicest and sweetest of all, and, when Christian's girlfriend Lucy arrived it made the moment complete. Coming home is all about those who are waiting. Coming home is the nicest of all!

The Sweetest Moments of All – Christian Rinder

Please wait!   Vocabulary and questions start in (ca) 20 seconds - Please wait!


came round (come / came / come) – zu sich kommen
caught – catch/caught/caught) – fangen
dared – (dare/dared/dared) – gewagte
fainted – (faint/fainted/fainted) – in Ohnmacht fallen
hope – (hope/hoped/hoped) - hoffen
look forward to . . . – sich freuen auf 
pray – (pray/prayed/prayed) beten
survived – (survive/survived/survived) – überlebte

Questions -

Was it summer or winter when Christian Rinder came home?
Where was Christian Rinder in the war?
Did Christian Rinder have an easy war?
What was his mother doing when Christian Rinder arrived home?
How many times did Christian's mother feint?
Where was Christian's mother when she came round?

What made Christian's coming-home complete?

(A) - The Trevi Fountain in Rome - 3 coins and a wonderful marriage.

Click HERE for full Audio/Visual page!

The Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain in Rome is the most famous fountain in the world. It is 26 metres high and was built in 1762.
The films La Dolce Vita and Three Coins in the Fountain made the Trevi Fountain famous and a popular sight to visit.
Tradition says you will have a happy marriage if you throw three coins in the fountain. So, next time you go to Rome, take three coins in your pocket. They will bring you luck!


coins – Münze
Fountain – Brunnen
high – hoch
marriage – Ehe
pocket – Tasche
popular – beliebt
sight – Sehenswürdigkeit
throw (throw/threw/thrown) – werfen
was built – wurde gebaut


Is the Trevi Fountain the most famous fountain in the world?
Is the Trevi Fountain in Paris?
How high is the Trevi Fountain?
When was the Trevi Fountain built?
Which two (2) films made the Trevi Fountain famous?
Will you have a happy marriage if you throw two coins in the fountain?
What must you take in your pocket when you next go to Rome?

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...