Sunday 30 July 2017

(B+) - Erika Berger - A Great Christmas Party - But an almost disaster! This true story happened many years ago and Erika Berger has never forgotten it!

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Erika Berger – An Advent Wreath and a Wonderful Meal in the Heart of the Forest

It was 1975 and the last Friday before Christmas. Erika Berger had had a great year. Her hairdressing business had done amazingly well, and, with the recent opening of her second saloon, Erika Berger and her team of hard working girls were going out to celebrate Christmas in a very big way. And so, at three o-clock on the dot, Erika Berger locked up and off they all went for a nice Christmas meal.

And, the restaurant Erica Berger had chosen was perfect. It was in the depths of the Vienna Woods in the picturesque village of Sulz. And, with snow on the ground the magic of Christmas was complete. And, the meal was fantastic and the girls were having a wonderful time. And then, Monika, one of the girls, pointed at the giant Advent wreath with its 4 burning candles. It looked great hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the restaurant.

And, Erika Berger went white in the face.

She had forgotten to blow out the Advent wreath candles in her saloon. They were still burning. And, Erika Berger began to feel ill. Advent wreaths, being made out of fir twigs and fir cones, could easily burn.

But, Erika Berger kept a clear head and went into action.

There were two other people with keys for the saloon. Erica Berger's mother and the lady living next door to the saloon. And so, leaving the girls to phone these two ladies, Erika Berger jumped into her car and drove with great speed back to town! But, would she get there in time, and, would she still have a saloon?

And there, in the saloon was her neighbour. The neighbour had got there just in time. The girls had managed to reach her. Two minutes later and the saloon would have gone up in flames.

And, Erika Berger felt both ill and relieved – a mixture of both. She was unable to cry and unable to laugh! She had, after all, just spent the last two or three months painting and decorating and renovating her saloon, and, had almost just lost it! There could have easily been a disaster.

But, of course, Erika Berger went back to her party and they carried on until late. And, everyone was happy that they still had a saloon and a job to go back to. And, ever since that day, Erika Berger has never again allowed candles in any of her hairdressing shops.

Erika Berger. She went out for dinner and forgot to blow out the candles, but kept a calm head and all was OK!

Erika Berger – An Advent Wreath and a Wonderful Meal in the Heart of the Forest!

A Christmas Party - by Nigel A JAMES

extinguish - löschen
fir cones – Tannenzapfen
fir twigs - Tannenzweig
hard working – fleißig
neighbour - Nachbar
never once – nicht ein Mal

on the dot - pünktlich

Saturday 29 July 2017

(C) - Some Summer Time Thinking - The Natural Chain - You may or may not agree! Some thoughts by Nigel A. JAMES

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The Natural Chain - Some logical thoughts and a simple explanation!
by Nigel A JAMES

It is a fairly accepted fact that Charles Darwin was correct when he wrote On the Origin of the Species. And, I, too, like most people, agree with that which he wrote. That is to say, with most of it. There were just one or two minor things that I wasn't happy with and one of them was that man is at the top of the evolutionary pile! Man is more than that. Man is more than himself!

It is a fact that everything on this earth shares exactly the same origin, and, everything that exists does so because of one incredible coincidence. All of us, and everything else, too, has not only to thank the big bang for being here, but also that which preceded it. All of us, with no exception at all, have been on our way here since that first fiery moment of long, long ago (and possibly before it, too). And, the fact that we are here right now has only to do with our position in the chain of the being! But, people are unlike anything else on this planet. We are special.

And we are special because of our status! Every other being, be it animal, vegetable or mineral is simply a passive link in the natural chain. We, on the other hand, are able to decide upon the next link, and it doesn't have to be a son or a daughter. It can even be a ship or a plane or a train! Because we are part of nature, then everything which we create is also a part of nature, and, our creations and inventions will then assume their role as part of the natural chain. And airplanes are the perfect example.

The first plane which was able to actually fly was a very simple machine, and, it flew for just a few meters. But, once out of the box, it had to become more. This invention of man sucked more and more people into its being until it became what it is today. It has, if you so wish, decided the fate of millions of people. And in more than one way! Planes can do much. They can take us on holiday, they can rescue us, and, unfortunately, they can kill us. Just look at fighters and bombers. So, this of course means that all of the horrible bombs which they drop, because they are only possible because of planes which we built, are also a part of the natural chain! And, of course, when we bomb people we injure them, and then (if there are any survivors!) we need medicine.

And medicine, too, is also part of the natural chain! Sometimes good, and sometimes absurd! We can terminate life with it, abortions are perfect examples, and we can cure. Meaning, then, that our power over life and death is also a part of the natural chain.

But, much of that which we created was intangible, too. And, at the top of the list was religion. And, like most abstracts, it not only caused great hardship, but moments of joy and pure beauty as well. But, of course the big question still remains: did we create God, or, did he create us? The choice, again, is all ours. Again it is simple! God exists because we want him to.

And, so, where does this leave the future? It leaves it in the same place as the past before we arrived! Before we were born we were happy! We had no idea of life or this world or anything else. Nothing existed. And the same will be again when we leave! Nothing will exist – and we will be happy again! And that, too, is part of the natural chain!

Wednesday 26 July 2017

(A) - Edward Cave - He produced the world's very first magazine - A story from Canada!

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Edward Cave and the First Magazine in the World!

There are women's magazines, sports magazines, motoring magazines and many other kinds of magazines, too. But, why are magazines called magazines?
In 1730, Edward Cave, a French Canadian printer decided to produce general interest magazine for men. And, he wanted to call it  “A Store of General Information”. But, this didn't sound good. So, instead, he chose the French word “Magazine”. And, the word magazine has the same meaning as the word store and sounds much better.
Edward Cave and the first magazine in the world.


chose (choose/chose/chosen) - aussuchen
French – französisch
general interest – allgemeine Interesse
instead – stattdessen
printer – Drücker
produce - erzeugen
magazine - Zeitschrift
meaning - Bedeutung
Store - Lage

When did Edward Cave decide to produce a magazine?
Was Edward Cave's magazine a fishing magazine or a women's magazine?
What did Edward Cave want to call his magazine?
Why did Edward Cave chose the name “Magazine”?
Is the word magazine Spanish or English?
What does the word magazine mean?
Which magazines do you read?

Saturday 22 July 2017

(A) - The North Yorkshire Moors Railway - A great place to go to discover the power of the steam driven past!

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The North Yorkshire Moors Railway (NYMR)

The North Yorkshire Moors Railway runs from Pickering to Whitby. This English railway journey, which takes about 1½ hours, is not only beautiful, but sensational, too.

The trains, which are pulled by steam engines, go through the North Yorkshire National Park which is an area of great natural beauty. In the North Yorkshire National Park there are moors, forests, countless rivers and streams, and, of course, many horses, sheep, and cattle. On the way from Pickering to Whitby, the trains stop at 4 typical English villages.

The North Yorkshire Moors Railway (the NYMR) has also starred in many great films. One of them was Harry Potter. I’m sure you remember the Howgwart’s Express!

The North Yorkshire Moors Railway, the nicest railway in England.


cattle – Rindvieh
countless – unzählbar
line - the - Eisenbahnstrecke
moors – Heide
Pulled – pull/pulled/have pulled - gezogen
railway – Eisenbahn
takes (take/took/have taken) - dauert
village - Dorf

Questions -

How long does the journey from Pickering to Whitby take?
What kind of engines pull the trains?
Which national park does the railway go through?
What can you see in the national park?
In how many villages do the trains stop at on their way from Pickering to Whitby?
Name one famous film in which the railway starred in?

Why do you like old railways?  

Friday 21 July 2017

(B) Hubert Schachinger - As Cool as a Cucumber - His mother knew best - Cucumbers cool

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Hubert Schachinger – As Cool as a Cucumber

This summer has been a very hot summer. It's been keeping us up every night, and our days have become lazy, sleepy, and slow. The heat has been simply too much. But, no need to worry – there is a solution – and it's cheap, simple, and easy to get.

Last week, Hubert Schachinger, an old friend of mine, told me the following story. It was about his mother cutting up cucumbers when it got hot. And, cooling off was all very simple. A piece of cucumber held firmly in place on one's forehead was all that was needed. And, it worked every time. Cooling off took just a few minutes.

And, cucumbers are good for other things, too. They protect against illness, are great for your skin, and cucumbers contain much that is needed for a good healthy life. Cucumbers are great, and, when mixed with a salad make a wonderful meal.

This summer is set to continue. It's going to stay hot. So, cut up a cucumber, put a piece on your forehead, and, you, too will soon become as cool as a cucumber. And, that's a cool way to be!

Hubert Schachinger – He's as cool as a cucumber, and his mother always knew best.

                            Two cyclists after cooling off with a cucumber!   By Nigel A. JAMES

Saying Hello to Good Friends!




Saturday 15 July 2017

(B) - Country Life - Country life is no bed of roses! There are wasps and flies, but Jolan Nini knows what to do

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Jolan Neni
No Bed of Roses

Living in the country is no bed of roses. There are the normal farmyard smells, the noises of work being done, and, worst of all, the flies and the wasps. They are a nuisance and always invade when it's time to sit down to eat.

But, there is a solution. And, it's something that Jolan Neni would like to share with us all. And, it is simple. It's tomatoes! And, Jolan Neni knows what she's talking about, she grew up on a farm.

And, it was there she was taught that flies and wasps don't  like tomatoes. All one has to do to keep flies and wasps away and at bay is to hang sprigs of tomatoes above all windows and doors.

And, there's more to it as well. Jolan Neni discovered that sprigs of tomatoes, if hung above the entrance to pigsties, would, as if by magic, stop flies flying by and upsetting the pigs. And, the results were amazing, lots of very happy pigs. And, very happy pigs make very good meals. And, Jolan Neni's roast pork and dumplings are simply delicious. In fact, the best in all Hungary.

And, very good meals make everyone glad. Jolan Neni is happy, and her family, too. Tomatoes, it seems, are more than we think! So, stop giving roses, give tomatoes instead, and, who knows, your life, too, may also become a bed of red roses.


at bay – entfernt
glad – happy
nuisance – Ärgernis
pigsty – Schweinestall
roast pork - Schweinsbraten
sprig – Zweig

upsetting – verärgern

Thursday 13 July 2017

(A) - Roast Pork - A great Sunday lunch for very hungry Austrians

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Roast Pork

 Roast pork is the the number one dish in Austria! It is everyone’s favourite Sunday lunch. And why not? Pigs are very healthy animals. They live in the forest and only eat acornschestnuts, grass, flowers and fruit. Pigs are perfect!

So, why don't we do the same? We, too, should live in the forest and only eat natural foods! And then? Maybe the pigs will eat us! We would be delicious, too!


acorns – Eichel
chestnuts – Kastanie

delicious – schmackhaft
dish – Gericht
eat – essen (eat/ate/eaten)
eat (re animals) – fressen
*! In English, both animals and people eat! No difference!
favourite – lieblings-
forest - Wald
healthy – gesund

maybe – vielleicht
pigs – Schweine
roast pork – Schweinsbraten
same – Gleiche

they live – sie leben .. (live/lived/lived)
too - auch
why not? - warum nicht?


Why do you like Roast Pork?
What is your favourite food?
What is healthy food?
Why is milk so unhealthy?
Why is sugar good for you?
Why is exercise so important?
Why is junk food so bad?
Why is water so important?

What is the perfect life?

Sunday 9 July 2017

(B) - Traude Mooshammer - Kitchens and food are made for making new friends - and - Traude knows how!

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Traude Mooshammer – Delicious Food for Thinking Together

Nowadays, integration is a word that is used all the time. Integration, it is believed, is the great equalizer. We should all be the same. All very simple. But how? The answer is simple.

And, the answer, as Traudi Mooshammer discovered, is indeed very easy. Integration is all about sharing, And, the best way of sharing is cooking and eating together. And, Traudi Mooshammer's Viennese cooking workshops have become very successful. Good food connects!

But, Traudi Mooshammer's workshops are more than just eating and drinking and fun, there's also a lot of hard work. And, everyone has to join in. There's the preparation of food, the laying of the table, the clearing away, and, of course, the washing-up, too. But, there's an another dimension as well. Education.

In her workshops, Traude Mooshammer not only combines delicious good fun with the learning of appropriate vocabulary, but provides an insight into Austrian meal time culture as well. Perfect for every day life.

Traude Mooshammer is bringing cultures together in the best way of all. Cooking and eating. And, what could be better? Integration is very important. But, what could be nicer than a sizzling hot schnitzel? And, Traude's Viennese schnitzels are the best in the world!

Traude Mooshammer – Delicious Food for Thinking Together


clearing away - wegräumen
connects - verbindet
delicious - schmackhaft
equalizer - Ausgleicher
insight - Einblick
laying the table - Tischdecken
preparation - Vorbereitung
sharing - teilen
washing-up - Abwaschen

Saturday 8 July 2017

(B) - Where There's A Will - There's A Way - A story that's open and shut -and true!


Hedi Pröller
Where's there's a Hammer - there's a Way!

Action speaks louder than words, and when Hedi Pröller suggested a door from the kitchen into the dining room she was met with surprise. Her husband's reaction was not very nice. The door was no good idea and should be forgotten. There would be the mess, the cost and the house might even fall down whilst knocking a hole through one of its walls. In other words, an idea that no body needed.

But, Hedi not only needed this door, she wanted it, too, and she was determined to get it. And, so without asking her husband, Hedi went out and ordered a blue folding door. Where there's a will there's a way, and ways are mostly a question of time! And, time came quicker than expected.

Hedi's husband had to leave town. Perfect. Hedi and her sister and three of their friends went into action. First came the hole, then came the plaster, and last of all came the door. And, it not only looked great, but worked perfectly, too. And, Hedi's life suddenly changed. Serving hot meals was no longer a chore, in fact, it became very good fun.

And, Hedi's husband? He came home as expected, and, to Hedi's surprise, he didn't even notice the new folding door! And, then, when 3 days later the penny finally dropped, Hedi Pröller's husband's reaction was not as expected. He actually liked the new folding door. Hedi Pröller, her husband agreed, had been right once again. And, to say sorry, he took her to Sacher's for dinner!

And, the mess and the cost? There was none. And, the house was still even standing! Where there's a will there's a way – or - as Hedi Pröller would say - where there's a hammer there will be a door! Action speaks louder than words.

Hedi Pröller, a woman of action who simply just did it and never took no for an answer. If you have a hammer, you'll have a door!

Hedi Pröller – a woman of spirit.


actually – tatsächlich
probably – wahrscheinlich
suggested – (suggest/suggested/suggested) vorschlagt
. . . when the penny finally dropped – . . . als (er) endlich kapiert hat


What did Hedi Pröller's husband say to Hedi's suggestion?
Why did Hedi want the new door?
Which 2 rooms did the new door connect?
Who helped Hedi with the new door?
When did Hedi and her friends make the new door?
Where did Hedi's husband take Hedi to say sorry?
Was the house still standing when Hedi's husband came home?

New– A9949 – The Best of Short Stories and More!
Listen and Enjoy! Click HERE to connect!

Sunday 2 July 2017

(B) Andrew J. Roberts - The Small Things in Life - The things we treasure the most!

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Toorington Bells – Andrew J. Roberts - The Small Things in Life

Andrew J. Roberts is a man who's very well known. He's successful, wealthy and wise, and has spent all his life selling tractors and combines and wheeling and dealing. Everyone in Toorington knows him. And, Andrew J. Roberts has a life to look back on.

But, it's the small things in life that one never forgets. And, Andrew's small moment came at the Toorington Sale – a flea market that's held once a year on the green in front of the church. And, it was there, a long time ago, that Andrew J. Roberts was selling little stuffed animals from China. He had a stall and was doing very well.

But, then came the surprise!

In the evening when Andrew came home a little stuffed dog was waiting for him. And there with a very big smile was his little girl Emma. And, the little stuffed dog was a present from her.

Whilst Andrew J. Roberts was having lunch at the Toorington Arms, Emma had gone to the Toorington Sale, and, there she had found it. The perfect present for her hard working dad. The little stuffed dog. And, where did she find this little stuffed dog? On her dad's very own stand. Whilst Andrew J. Roberts was enjoying his lunch, one of his workers was manning the stand, and, knowing little Emma, had given her a very good price.

And, that's how Andrew J. Roberts got one of his own little toys as a present from his own little daughter. But, that's how life is and it's a nice little story. And, where is the little dog now?

It's still on the shelf where it's been for a very long time. Keeping an eye on old Andrew. And, whenever he looks up at that little stuffed dog, he sees little Emma and she's smiling at him. Her deep little smile from long, long ago.

Andrew J. Roberts is a man who's very well known. Everyone in Toorington knows him. But, it's the little stuffed dog that he treasures the most. A gift he was given with a beautiful smile.
Andrew J. Roberts - The Small Things in Life


manning – working there
treasure(s) – value – think it is very special – it means very much
wheeling and dealing – buying and selling (not always honestly or correctly)
wise – clever from experience (seen very much – done very much) – knows a lot

For listening pleasure and fun -
A9949Our podcast

Karli Brieber is one of our friends!




Saturday 1 July 2017

(B) A Night in the Hay - A long ago story of help

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Margerite Mizera

Once upon a time - there were two friendly men. A policeman and a farmer. And theses two men very much impressed a very young lady with their help. And now – 60 years later, Margerite Mizera still remembers them well. For she was that very young lady.

It was a close summer evening in the Austrian Styrian Alps. Margerite Mizera and her newly wedded husband had just completed a long and hard 7 hour hike and they were hungry and tired and looking for a bed for the night. But, the little village of St. Oswald had nothing to offer. There were no rooms to be had – and Margerite Mizera and her husband were beginning to worry. There was a storm coming on - and a night outside in the cold and the wet was not something they wanted.

But, then Margerite Mizera had an idea. The police station. Maybe, they could spend the night in a cell. And, they knocked on the door. A night in a cell was out of the question, but, the policeman knew something better. And, soon Margerite Mizera and her husband were being driven by the friendly policeman to a farm on the side of a mountain.

And, the farmer was their second Angel of the evening. His rooms, too, were all taken. But, what he could give them was not just a night in the hay in the barn, but an evening meal as well. And, Margerite Mizera and her husband were grateful and accepted. Their day had been hard, and all that they needed was food and some sleep. And, as Margerite Mizera and her husband lay wearily down in the hay they could hear from outside the storm in all its great fury. Margerite and her husband were warm safe and dry. And, as they peacefully dreamed, the morning gradually came – and with it another surprise.

The farmer and his wife had prepared a wondeful breakfast, and when time came for Margerite Mizera and her husband to leave, the farmer and his wife accepted no payment at all. Such was their kindness. And, Margerite Mizera and her husband went on their way with hearts full of thanks.

And, that's why the policeman and the farmer will never be forgotten. But, where are they now, these Angels from then? Margerite Mizera doesn't know either. But, one thing is clear, both were wonderful people. And Margerite Mizera's and her husband's night in the barn of a farm in the mountains was also unusual. A memory for life that will never be forgotten.

There was a farmer and a policeman in the mountains of Austria who helped two people in need when they needed it most. And, Margerite Mizera will never forget them.

Angel – Engel
barn – Scheune
close – (humid) – feucht
dreamed – dream // dreamt/dreamed // dreamed – träumte
fury – Wut
hay Heu
hike - Wanderung
impress – impress/impressed/impressed – beeindruckt
spend – spend/spent/spent – verbringen
wearily – erschöpft

St. Oswald in Austria

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...