Wednesday 16 August 2017

(A/B) - Austria - The First Republic - A short history

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The First Republic of Austria

The First Republic of Austria was proclaimed on the 12th of November, 1918. It lasted until shortly before the Second World War.

The First Republic was marked by very, very hard times. There was poverty, mass unemployment and hunger. Things were very bad, and, in 1934 there was a short civil war.

But, the First Republic was not only bad. In the 1920s and 1930s, very many schools, hospitals and good social housing projects were built.

The First Republic was hard! But, the Second Republic is perfect. Austria is now one of the nicest and happiest countries in the world!

The First Republic of Austria - a hard stepping stone on the way to where Austria is now. A time that made Austria strong!


apartment - Wohnung
civil war – Bürgerkrieg
hunger - Hunger
lasted- Dauerte (last/lasted/lasted)
poverty – Armut
proclaimed - ausgerufen (proclaim/proclaimed/proclaimed)
shortly before - kurz vorher
social housing projects - Gemeindebauten
still is - noch immer
unemployment – Arbeitslos
were built – wurde gebaut
world war – Weltkrieg

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