Saturday 28 October 2017

(B) - Maxi Low - A Bookworm with Style

Please CLICK here for full AUDIO/VISUAL page.

Maxi Low – A Bookworm with Style

Maxi Low is a child of this world. Her childhood was spent in faraway places, and she has seen and done more than most people dream off. She has felt the Arabian sun on her brow, she has swum in the lakes of Dakota, and has played with Indian children. And, of course, much more as well.

And, Maxi Low is not only a lady of worlds, she's also a lady of words. Fine written words. She is a bookworm.  And now, Maxi Low is sharing this passion with us all. Maxi Low has a blog – and - it's a must for all who love books.

And, enthrallingumbrellabooks, Maxi Low's blog, is, in itself, enthralling to read. It's not only books she has read, but her future reading as well.  And, Maxi Low has a very fine way of writing her subjects. And, all in beautiful English.  Her discussions are not only easy and fun, they are meaningful, too. Maxi Low has a wonderful style.

And, Maxi Low's style is set to continue. Her first novel will be here when it's here! But, it's coming for sure. And, I'm looking forward to getting my copy. Maxi Low is a bookworm, and her style is great. And, her blog is a must for those who love reading.

Maxi Low – A Bookworm with Style

Please CLICK HERE  for Maxi Low's blog.

Language Assistance

bookworm - Bücherwurm
brow – Stirn
enthralling - spannend
meaningful - sinnvoll
passion – Leidenschaft

swum – (swim – swam - swum)

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Karli Brieber is a Friend of Diarikom!

Please CLICK HERE for link to Karli Brieber 




Sunday 22 October 2017

(A) Old Moon Eyes - Three Little Friends - They were the best and more in their class!

Please click here for full audio/visual page

Old Moon Eyes – A Carrot and Friends

Once upon a time, there were three little friends. A boy, a girl, and a carrot. And, these very good friends were the best in their class. They always got very good marks.

Stephen had won a gold medal for maths. He was a brilliant boy. He could count up to ten.

Janet had two silver medals. She knew that English was spoken in England and that French was spoken in France. Geography was Janet's best subject.

But, the carrot was the very, very best. He was the cleverest of all. His first gold medal was for winning the marathon. His second great gold was for skiing in Kitzbuhel. And, the carrot's third gold was for tasting the best! Tasting the best?

One day, Stephen and Janet were hungry and so they cooked little carrot for tea. And, that was the end of their friendship. Poor little carrot!

Once there were three very good friends. A boy, a girl, and a carrot. And then, one day, the carrot was eaten. A very sad end of a nice little story.

marks - Noten
Once upon a time – Es war einmal

(B+) - Isabel Hamilton - Stables and Horses and Only on Sundays!

Please click HERE for full Audio/Visual  page 

Isabel Hamilton - A Girl Who Liked to Ride Dreams – But Only on Sundays

Horses are real-life dreams for many young girls, and learning to ride is a very good way of fulfilling this vision. But, there is more to this dream than just saddles and reigns and gallop and canter. There is another side, too. And, I discovered the following whilst staying in Scotland a long time ago. Learning to ride can also mean learning to work.

It was a late summer day; autumn was not far away. I was at a riding school in the Borders of Scotland with two very good friends. Mike and Mary McLaughlin. Isabel, their 14 year old daughter was taking a lesson. And, having time on my hands, I wandered off to take a look-round.

I was impressed. Here were the cleanest and neatest stables I'd ever, ever seen. There was nothing out of place. And, the horses I saw looked incredibly happy. But, the most interesting thing of all was a small group of girls. Six or seven - and all between twelve and thirteen. They were having great fun – they were mucking out stables.

The girls told me that what they were doing was all part of a course. A Stable Management Course. And, because there was so much to learn, the course was a two day event. Saturday and Sunday. Two days for mucking out stables? No, much more as well. There was the grooming – thirty two horses in all, there was the polishing of reigns and saddles and many pairs of high riding boots, and, of course, the feeding and watering, too. A lot of hard work and learning. And, how much pay did they get? Pay? There was no pay at all! The girls had to pay for doing the work – it was all part of the course. The Stable Management Course. And, it was very expensive. And, they had to bring their own lunch. Nothing was provided – not even a drink. But, the girls were all happy; they were living their dreams – and – their parents had plenty of money.

And, then Isabel came, she had finished her lesson. Had she ever learned how to muck out the stables and polish the tackle? Certainly not! She was no fool. One hour a week was enough; riding was all that she wanted. Why pay for something that's just common sense? But, that's how life is. Dreams and owners of stables can be very persuasive. And, certificates, when framed, look great on the wall.

Horses are real life dreams for many young girls. And, learning to ride is a very real way of living this dream. And, so too is paying to muck out the stables and polish the tackle. But, if it makes people happy - why not? Life is for living, and, the owners of stables have to live, too!

Isabel Hamilton - A Girl Who Liked to Ride Dreams – But Only on Sundays

canterleichter Gallop
common senseHausverstand
I'd I had
mucking outausmisten
neatest - ordentlich
provided - bereitgestellt
saddles and reigns - Sättel und Zügel

tacklePferdeausrüstung (auch Sportausrüstung)-


canterleichter Gallop
common senseHausverstand
I'd I had
mucking outausmisten
neatest - ordentlich
provided - bereitgestellt
saddles and reigns - Sättel und Zügel

tacklePferdeausrüstung (auch Sportausrüstung)-

Sunday 15 October 2017

(B) - Mrs. Abel and A Flat With No Roof! A shower of rain and lunch under umbrellas!

 Please click HERE for complete Audio/visual page

Mrs. Abel and A Flat With No Roof!

Mrs. Abel - listen here

Last week, Mrs. Abel of Vienna told me an interesting story that had happened at the end of the War. And, although, now very funny, was, at the time, no laughing matter at all. In fact, it was really quite serious.

Mrs. Abel, who was just a young girl at the time, was out with her mother and sisters. They had gone to visit their granny. And, arriving home in the evening, they were all in good moods. It had been a wonderful day. But, then came the shock. Their top floor flat had no longer a roof. It was gone!
The girls and their mother were speechless.

It turned out, that whilst the girls and their mother were out, a Russian missile had taken their roof clean away! And, luckily, the rest of the building had suffered no damage at all.

So, what to do next? Organize.

Books, pictures and many other things, too, were put into cupboards for safety, and the beds were all moved to the back – the only part of the flat which still had a roof. Dry nights at least. And, so the family lived for the next three or four weeks until a temporary roof was erected. Open-air living with wonderful views of the sun and the moon and the clouds and the stars.

But, there was one funny thing that the girls have never forgotten. A Sunday lunch with a difference. Whilst happily enjoying a fine simple meal, it started to rain. No problem. The umbrellas were ready and waiting. And, lunch carried on as if nothing was happening. Lunch under umbrellas at home. Just eating in the rain – what a wonderful feeling – we're happy again. And, of course, the cucumber salad tasted of rain. A taste Mrs. Abel has never forgotten.

Last week, Mrs. Abel of Vienna told me an interesting story. Eating and laughing under umbrellas, and cucumber salad that tasted of rain. Things could have been worse. At least, the Schnitzels were great. And, that's what's important. 

Mrs. Abel and lunch in the rain.

Vocabulary and Language Assistance

erected – errichtet
it turned out – es hat sich heraus gestellt
at least - mindestens
no laughing matter – nicht zum lachen
open-air – Freiluft
quite – ziemlich
suffered no damage at all – nicht in Mitleidenschaft gezogen
umbrella - Regenschirm

whilst (while) – während  

Wednesday 11 October 2017

(A) - Man Ray - An American in Paris with DADA Ideas!

Please Click HERE for full AUDIO VISUAL page!
Man RayPlease  click here for full page - Audio following shortly!

Man Ray was an American artist, film-maker, art-photographer, and photographer. But, it was for his art-photographic compositions which he called Rayograms that he became famous.

And, in 1916, Man Ray became a leading figure in the Dada movementin New York. Dada was an art movement which was founded in Zurich in 1916. In 1921, Man Ray moved to Paris. There he continued to be part of the Dada movement.

Man Ray was born in 1890 and died in 1966.


artist - Künstler
composition - Komposition
famous – berühmt
leading figure – führende Persönlichkeit
movement - Bewegung
founded – (found/founded/founded) - gegründet
moved – übersiedelt


What was Man Ray?
For what did Man Ray become famous?
In which movement was Man Ray a leading figure?
To where did Man Ray move in 1921?
What was Dada?
Where was Dada founded?
When did Man Ray die?

Sunday 8 October 2017

(B+) - Hansi and His Party - A story that could only happen to a man!

Click HERE for full Audio/visual page

Hansi and His Party - An evening that was never to be!
One day, Hansi Seiler, a good friend of mine, decided to move. He'd had enough of the view and fancied a change. And, then, after some looking, Hansi Seiler found a nice flat in a nice part of town, Vienna's 3rd district.

And so, Hansi Seiler moved flat. And, 3 months later decided to have a house-warming party. A select dinner for close drinking friends and his mother. And, the invitations went out.
Now, dinner parties involve organization. Hansi made lists, borrowed chairs from his brother, and the Gasthaus where he went everyday lent him the glasses and plates. And, then the great day arrived.

Hansi got up and went shopping, and his afternoon was spent making salads, peeling potatoes, putting beer and wine in the bath tub to cool, and generally doing what had to be done. And, then at 8 on the dot, we arrived.

But, there was no smell of cooking and no drink to say welcome. Hansi told us to keep our coats on. We were all going out! Why, we all wanted to know!

The reason was simple. The time had arrived for Hansi to put the meat in the oven and the rice on to cook. So far – so good. But, then came the surprise. It was then, 3 months after moving in, that Hansi discovered his stove didn't work. A tragedy?

Not really. Hansi gave the food to his mother to freeze and off we all went to the Gasthaus. And there we stayed and had fun for the rest of the evening. Full circle again! There are places one can't get away from.

But, of course, Hansi bought a new stove and was happy. But, Hansi still hasn't used it. Cooking was never for Him. But, who knows? Celebrations can sometimes come out of the blue, and, maybe, one day, Hansi will need his new stove. But, there will be a difference. Hansi's stove definitely works! But, will he know how? Which knob for this and which knob for that? And, the oven?

The Gasthaus will always be better. We are, after all, creatures of habit!

Hansi Seiler, a man of good heart who moved flat and tried to cook a nice meal. But, never again. The Gasthaus will always be better!

Hansi and his party - An evening that was never meant to be!

bath tub – Badewanne
difference – Unterschied
invitations – Einladungen
move – übersiedeln
peeling – schälen
stove – Herd

Why did Hansi move flat?
Where did Hansi find a new flat?
What do dinner parties involve?
From whom did Hansi borrow some chairs?
Who lent Hansi some glasses and plates?
What was Hansi's very big surprise?
What did Hansi do with the food?
Do you like cooking?

Wednesday 4 October 2017

(A+) Marianne's and Erwin's Old Timer - A great way of coming in first - and - at great speed!


Marianne and her husband Erwin have got an old timer. It's a yellow Porsche. They bought it ten years ago,  and,  they take part in many rallies. Marianne is the driver and Erwin the navigator. They have won many cups and trophies. They have had much success. Marianne and Erwin love speed.  Their Porsche is perfect!


ago – vorher
bought - buy/bought/bought - kaufte
cup – Pokal
driver – Fahrer
take part – take part/took part/taken part – teilnehmen
many – viele
much - viel
navigator – Navigator
speed – Geschwindigkeit
success – Erfolg
trophy – Trophäe
won – win/won/won – gewonnen


Which colour is Marianne’s car?
When did Marianne and Erwin buy their car?
Is their car a Ford?
Who is the driver and who is the navigator?
Why do you like speed?
Why do people love racing?
How many cups and trophies have you won?

And, now the text once again!

Sunday 1 October 2017

(B) - Harry Golden - A unique man with a very unique story!

The Golden Years – Harry Golden and the Carolina Israelite

                                                        Harry Golden - listen Here

In 1958, when Harry Golden published his book Only in America, he was at the top of an incredible success story. His very own paper. The Carolina Israelite. It was monthly, had 16 very packed pages and was as diverse and as interesting as its readers. And, Harry Golden wrote it from home, and every single word in this very unique publication was his own.

And, Harry Golden's very own story was just as unique as his paper. When he was young in New York, he tried many things. He was a porter, salesman, editor, journalist, and many other things as well. In other words, a great life for getting to know and understand people. And, Harry Golden, being a great reader, was also a brilliant writer. And, being a great listener, too, he had all that was needed for success as a newspaper publisher. And, so it was, that after moving to Carolina, Harry Golden founded The Carolina Israelite. A newspaper with something for everyone.

And, The Carolina Israelite was a success. Many people said that Harry Golden's articles – which, by-the-way, he called editorials - were like letters from a friend. And, when time came round for the paper - time came round for the family. Reading the The Carolina Israelite together was the highlight of the month for many American families.

But, of course, sooner or later, everyone has to give into age, and in 1968, Harry Golden wrote the last of his editorials and put The Carolina Israelite to bed for the very last time. And there has never been anything like it since. Harry Golden was a nonconformist. And, that's how it was - and only in America!

The Golden Years – Harry Golden and the Carolina Israelite


founded – (to found/founded/founded)- to start something
highlight – big occasion/event
listenerone who gives someone else 100% when they are speaking
needed (need/needed/needed) – what is wanted
nonconformist – someone who is an individual/acts individually
paper - newspaper
success – the reaching of a goal
to bed – (to put a paper to bed) – get the paper ready for printing

Karli Brieber is a friend of Diarikom

Please CLICK HERE for link to Karli Brieber 




Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...