Friday 1 December 2017

(B) Audry Bowls and Her Great Apple Crumble - A very weak moment that changed English cooking for ever!

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Audrey Bowls and Her Great Apple Crumble

Apple crumble is one of the few British dishes that really tastes great. Everyone likes it. It can be eaten with custard and cream or taken just as it is. And, this Great British dish is a thing that happened by chance. And, its story began just after the war.

Audrey Bowls was was just seventeen at the time. And, because there were no other jobs to be had, she was cooking school dinners for a living. And, in those days, school dinners were things that everyone hated. Nobody liked them. They simply didn't taste nice.

And then, one day, things suddenly changed. School dinners took a turn for the better. And, all because Audrey Bowls forgot something important!

The apple pie had been in the oven for more than an hour when Audrey Bowls went white in the face. She even had to sit down. The milk, the eggs, and the water were still on the table. She had forgotten to add them. Dry pastry! Oh no! What could she do? 300 hungry young children and no apple pie. A disaster was looming.

Quickly, Audrey Bowls took the apple pie out of the oven. But, there was no smell of burning and no burned apple pie. The dry apple pie had crumbled, instead. And, it was really quite nice. Just a little too dry. And, this was no problem. Hot runny custard was all that was needed. And, Audrey's apple pie which was now apple crumble was an immediate success. The kids simply loved it. And, this was the first time in the history of British school dinners that the kids wanted seconds. A great day for Britain.

And, word quickly spread. Soon, apple crumble was being served on all the big ships that crossed the Atlantic, and, of course, on all major airlines as well. Everyone everywhere loved it.

Sometimes it's the small people in life who contribute the most. They make people happy. And, Audrey's mistake in the kitchen was the best thing that ever happened in Britain. The day the pie crumbled was the day that all children smiled! Great British cooking was up at the top! And, all thanks to young Audrey Bowls. If she hadn't forgotten the eggs, milk, and water there would be no apple crumble – just apple pie!

Audrey Bowls and her great apple crumble.

Vocabulary English/ German/ Finnish/ Hungarian

contribute - tragen dazu bei / edistävät / hozzájárul
crumbled – zerbröckelt / zerbröselt / taipui / morzsolt
looming - Katastrophe drohte / uhkaavasti / fenyegetően
runny – flüssig / vuotava / nyúlós

secondsnoch ein Portion bitte/ vielä yksi palvelee/ még egy szolgálatot kérünk

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