Tuesday, 23 January 2018

(A) - Alaa - Chicken and Rice and a Great Family Life!


Alaa grew up in Baghdad. Now he's living in Vienna. And, Baghdad Sundays were special for him. Sundays were family. Chicken soup and rice. His parents, his five brothers and sisters, and, of course, on occasions, his grandparents as well. The magic of family. Peace, good fun and family music together. And, Alaa and his friends loved football as well. A match every day after school. Alaa's heart is still in Baghdad. Baghdad is still home. Family and friends. And, the future? Who knows!

Erika Berger

A few weeks ago, Erika Berger told me the following story. It happened on a cold Thursday November afternoon in 1968, and Erika Berger thoug...