Saturday, 17 February 2018

(A) Jsarzem - A man from Iraq with a long way to go

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Jsarzem – The World is his Future

Jsarzem comes from Iraq and he's been in Vienna for 3 very fast years. And, when Jsarzem thinks back to home, it's the mountains he thinks of the most. Climbing and hiking. And, that's not all. Jsarzem was – and still is – a very keen chess player. In fact, Jsarzem has won many competitions and is set to win more, Chess is a game that connects; and friends can be found all over the world. And, Jsarzem could never sit still. Cycling, football, fishing, and friends were all part of his life and
are still very important.

But, at the top of Jsarzem's thoughts are his brothers and sisters and his mother and father. Family is family wherever one is.

Jsarzem's a man of this world, and he has a long way to go. The man from Iraq – the world is his future.

Irmi Knoblauch - Bad Luck Comes in Threes

It had snowed in the night. Just perfect for skiing.  Irmi Knoblauch, her husband Franz, and their daughter Martina were set to enjoy a day ...