Friday 29 June 2018

Karli Brieber is a friend of Diarikom

Please CLICK HERE for link to Karli Brieber 




Sunday 24 June 2018

(B) - Maxi Low - A book worm who enjoys sharing her fun!


Please CLICK here for full AUDIO/VISUAL page.

Maxi Low – A Bookworm with Style

Maxi Low is a child of this world. Her childhood was spent in faraway places, and she has seen and done more than most people dream off. She has felt the Arabian sun on her brow, she has swum in the lakes of Dakota, and has played with Indian children. And, of course, much more as well.

And, Maxi Low is not only a lady of worlds, she's also a lady of words. Fine written words. She is a bookworm.  And now, Maxi Low is sharing this passion with us all. Maxi Low has a blog – and - it's a must for all who love books.

And, enthrallingumbrellabooks, Maxi Low's blog, is, in itself, enthralling to read. It's not only books she has read, but her future reading as well.  And, Maxi Low has a very fine way of writing her subjects. And, all in beautiful English.  Her discussions are not only easy and fun, they are meaningful, too. Maxi Low has a wonderful style.

And, Maxi Low's style is set to continue. Her first novel will be here when it's here! But, it's coming for sure. And, I'm looking forward to getting my copy. Maxi Low is a bookworm, and her style is great. And, her blog is a must for those who love reading.

Maxi Low – A Bookworm with Style

Please CLICK HERE  for Maxi Low's blog.

Language Assistance

bookworm - Bücherwurm
brow – Stirn
enthralling - spannend
meaningful - sinnvoll
passion – Leidenschaft

swum – (swim – swam - swum)

Sunday 17 June 2018

(B) - The Tour de France - Martin Glossauer remebers

Click here for full AUDIO/VISUAL page

A Glass of Red Wine and a Smoke! - Martin Glossauer made a discovery!

Changes are part of everyday life. Things come and go, and others remain and change with the times. And, as Martin Glossauer discovered whilst watching a film, the Tour d. France was and still is the perfect example of change.

The film which Martin Glossauer saw was in black and white and shot just after the Second World War. And, the film not only showed the history and story of the Tour d. France, but three interesting changes as well. And, the thing that Martin Glossauer noticed the most was the fact that the competitors were not wearing helmets. The race was just as dangerous then as it is now. Then came the smoking. Most of the cyclists were not only smoking during the breaks, but also whilst cycling as well! This would never happen now. But, of course, a good cigarette needs a good wine, and the favourite refresher was a glass of red wine. Cycling and drinking was no problem then. But, the Tour d. France is not the only thing that has changed.

When Martin Glossauer was a boy there were no seat belts in cars, and very few motor-cyclists wore crash helmets. These were things that nobody thought of. And, smoking, too was widely accepted. It was done on buses, trains, aeroplanes, in cinemas, and homes, and every where else, too. Now, thankfully, planes, trains, offices, buses, and cinemas no longer smell of cold stale smoke. No smoking has been a very positive change.

So, as Martin Glossauer says, remember the now, it won't last for ever. Things disappear all the time and are quickly forgotten. And, Martin Glossauer believes that photos are the best way of saving the past. Our present will then be kept for the future.

Changes are part of everyday life. Things come and go, and others remain and change with the times. And, as Martin Glossauer discovered whilst watching a film, the Tour d. France was and still is the perfect example of change.


discovered – (discover(s)/discovered/discovered) – entdeckte
during – während
example - Beispiel
helmet – Helm
present – Gegenwart
shot – (shoot/shot/shot) – Film drehte
stale - alt
whilst – während
won't – will not

Sunday 10 June 2018

(B) - Margit Rüfach and A Clean Sweep in Life - A surprising result of a very big surprise. A true story!

Please CLICK HERE for full AUDIO/VISUAL  page - 

Margit Rüfach and A Clean Sweep in Life

The fun of most presents is in the unwrapping. And, that's usually it – nothing more. But, the present that Margit Rüfach received from her husband turned out to be a sensation. It was a ball dress and just right for the opera ball in Vienna. Margit Rüfach was very excited. An expensive French dress for the best ball in the world. What could be better?

But, there was one very small problem. Margit Rüfach's husband didn't like dancing. In fact, he hated it. He was not going to go to the ball. End of story! Margit Rüfach would have to find a new dancing partner or go to the ball on her own. What was she to do? Margit Rüfach had a beautiful dress, a ticket for the ball, but, no one to dance with. And, then it came. Whilst sweeping the floor in the kitchen, Margit Rüfach had an idea. A light went on in her head. The kitchen broom. Margit Rüfach would go to the ball with her broom.

And, that's exactly what happened. Margit Rüfach went to the opera ball with her broom. And, she had a wonderful evening. And, as the whole world watched on on TV with amazement, Margit Rüfach and her broom danced all the great waltzes and they didn't stop until the very last dance. Margit had been swept off her feet by her broom. And, of course, they danced the last waltz together. They were a wonderful couple. And, funnily, many other women borrowed Margit Rüfach's broom to dance with as well. The broom was a wonderful dancer. But, the fun didn't stop there.

Now, many other women can be seen at balls with their kitchen brooms, too. Vienna has become the city to take one's broom to a ball. And, this is something that you can do too. But, there is only one very small snag. You have to pay for all that you drink. Brooms are not very rich. But, that's the worst that can happen.

The fun of most presents is in the unwrapping. But, the present that Margit Rüfach received from her husband turned out to be a sensation. It was a ball dress just right for balls in Vienna. A very white dress for very blue waltzes.

Margit Rüfach and A Clean Sweep in Life

                                                 Margit Rüfach (without her broom)

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...