Sunday 24 June 2018

(B) - Maxi Low - A book worm who enjoys sharing her fun!


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Maxi Low – A Bookworm with Style

Maxi Low is a child of this world. Her childhood was spent in faraway places, and she has seen and done more than most people dream off. She has felt the Arabian sun on her brow, she has swum in the lakes of Dakota, and has played with Indian children. And, of course, much more as well.

And, Maxi Low is not only a lady of worlds, she's also a lady of words. Fine written words. She is a bookworm.  And now, Maxi Low is sharing this passion with us all. Maxi Low has a blog – and - it's a must for all who love books.

And, enthrallingumbrellabooks, Maxi Low's blog, is, in itself, enthralling to read. It's not only books she has read, but her future reading as well.  And, Maxi Low has a very fine way of writing her subjects. And, all in beautiful English.  Her discussions are not only easy and fun, they are meaningful, too. Maxi Low has a wonderful style.

And, Maxi Low's style is set to continue. Her first novel will be here when it's here! But, it's coming for sure. And, I'm looking forward to getting my copy. Maxi Low is a bookworm, and her style is great. And, her blog is a must for those who love reading.

Maxi Low – A Bookworm with Style

Please CLICK HERE  for Maxi Low's blog.

Language Assistance

bookworm - Bücherwurm
brow – Stirn
enthralling - spannend
meaningful - sinnvoll
passion – Leidenschaft

swum – (swim – swam - swum)

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...