Picture - Birds of a Feather - Pencil drawing by Nigel A JAMES
Birds of a Feather!
It was a very hot day in Vienna. I was sitting in the shade of a secluded corner in the park of Schönbrunn when a woman came into view. And, she wasn’t alone. She was being followed by an entourage of crows which was wobblingly walking behind her. And, as she passed by, I told her she seemed to be a very popular woman. She smiled and said it was lunch time, and that she daren’t come to the park without a bag full of nuts. Crows, she explained, love nuts more than anything else. Then, this unusual procession carried on round the corner. I was once again on my own; but, not for too long.
In fact, it took just a minute or two. One by one the crows started returning the way they had come; but, now in full flight, and each with a nut in his beak. It was a wonderful sight. And, then came the woman again. She told me she had been coming to the park for more than ten years and had rarely missed a day. Birds, for her, were a source of great joy. And, this I fully understood. Watching the birds had given me great pleasure, too.
And, all this great pleasure was thanks to a very hot day, the shade of a wonderful park, and the unexpected appearance of a little old lady. My wait in the heat had been worth every minute. And, I, too, went happily on!
appearance – Erscheinung - megjelenés - ilmestys -
crow - Krähe - varjú - varis
daren’t (dare not) - nicht trauen - nem merem - En usko
entourage - Gefolge - kíséret - säestys
expected – erwartet - várható - odotettu
feathered – gefedert - rugózott - jousitettu
joy - rugózott - öröm - ilo
nuts - Nüsse - dió - saksanpähkinä
procession – Umzug - díszszemle - paraati
rarely - selten -ritkán - harvoin
secluded - abgelegen - elvonult - eristäytynyt
shade - Schatten - árnyék - varjo
source - Quelle - forrás - lähde
unexpected – unnerwartet - váratlanul - yllättäen