Saturday 22 September 2018

(B) - Down to Earth and Up to the Stars - Oskar Magocsi

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Picture - An Alien Space Ship After Landing in Austria-

Down to Earth and up to the stars
Oskar Magocsi

Getting books published is no easy thing - and Oskar Magocsi was having no luck. The USA wasn't ready for him. Rejection after rejection. But, Oskar Magocsi kept trying and trying. And, when Oskar's Magocsi's book finally flew, it went like a rocket. And the course it was steering was straight for the stars.

But, how it took off was very unusual.
One day, Oskar Magocsi was waiting to send off a parcel. And, the post office cue was a very slow things. And there, on one of the racks was a pet-magazine - all about dogs, cats and rabbits. Just right for waiting in line and killing some time. And then, Oskar Magocsi stopped. An advert had caught his attention. An advert for colourful pots for the kitchen.

Then, Oskar Magocsi had an idea. Why not put an add in this pet magazine? If ads work for colourful pots for the kitchen, then why not for his book as well? Science-fiction was loved and well read in America, and also the rest of the world.

And, right there and then, Oskar Magocsi mailed off an ad to this pet magazine. Total costs, 9 US dollars and 50 dollars upfront for a post office box.
And, two weeks later, Oskar Magocsi went back to the post. Yet another manuscript and yet another publisher. Maybe, he'd be lucky this time. But, before queuing up to send off his packet, Oskar Magocsi went over and opened his box. There, waiting for him, were 5 wonderful letters. 5 letters with orders and cheques. Oskar Magocsi was very surprised. His advert had worked. Selling books was really quite easy. No publishers needed. Oscar Magocsi had discovered his very own way. And, Oskar Magocsi copied 5 books and mailed them the very next day. 5 happy readers. An excellent start.

And, from that day on, the orders and money kept coming and coming! Oskar Magocsi was flying.

And, all in all, Oscar Magocsi's 4 popular books sold almost 84.000 copies. A tremendous success and all in the space of twenty five years. Oskar Magocsi started writing at 60, and stopped on his 85th birthday. Just 3 years before he sadly passed on.

And, Oskar Magocsi's books opened other doors, too. Because of his writing success, Oscar Magocsi became a regular guest on TV and a popular speaker as well. Oscar Magocsi was not only a man in demand, but popular, too. And, the reason was simple. Oskar Magocsi just followed himself and did that which was always within him. And, not only one, but 4 brilliant best sellers took off! The way forward is not always the one that's believed. Life is full of surprises. And, as Oskar Magocsi was often heard saying, old age is a lousy excuse for just doing nothing!

Getting work published is no easy thing and Oskar Magocsi kept going and going and never gave up. His best sellers all spoke for themselves. They were paths to the stars and far away worlds.

Down to Earth and up to the stars
Oskar Magocsi and 4 brilliant books.


advised – (to advise/advised/advised) - beraten
all in all im Großen und Ganzen
defying – (to defy/defied/defied) - herausfordern
copies (copy) – Exemplare
excuse Ausrede
fuel - Brennstoff
rejection - Ablehnung
incredibly – unheimlich/unglaublich/erstaunlich

killing time Zeitvertreiben
lining up - line up(s)anstellen
lousy– miserable
no clearance to go – kein Start Erlaubnis
not about to – noch nicht
nothing better to do – nichts besseres zu tun
passed on – (to pass on/passed on/passed on) – starb
upfront – im Voraus
small ads - Kleinanzeigen
sucked intohineingesaugt
thumbing durchblättern
yet another – noch einen

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I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...