Sunday 24 February 2019

Bill Bowyer - The Last of the Magic! A dream that suddenly stopped.

Bill Bowyer - The Last of the Magic
Please CLICK HERE for full AUDIO/VISUAL page
Picture - Elephants never forget - by  Nigel A JAMES

It's the people one meets that make up our memories of life. And, Bill Bowyer was the most popular boy in my primary school class. Everyone liked him. Bill Bower had something unique. And, Bill Bower's birthday parties were the best of them all.

To begin with, Bill Bowyer lived in a house that was bigger and better than anyone else's; and the big red Rolls Royce that was parked in the drive was something very impressive. We were all very young. But, it was the swimming pool that was the best. The ultimate symbol of wealth and success. The Bowyers had money and this showed in Bill Bowyer's parties. Bill Bowyer's parties were summer time fun. In and out of the pool, exciting games, brilliant food, and drinks such as Coke that were normally forbidden. Bill Bowyer's parents, I believed, were very laid back. Bill Bowyer's parents were fun.

But, looking back, I have no memory at all of Bill Bower's mother. I can only remember his father. Mr. Bower, as we all all called him, was a very nice man. Always happy and always smiling, and always very great fun. And, once, Bill Bowyer's father even took us for a ride in his car. His very big and impressive Rolls Royce. I remember squashing into the back with 5 or 6 other kids whilst 3 or 4 others sat in the front. The smell of real leather and the purr of the engine are still with me today. A ride in a Rolls was better than magic.

And, then came the end of the summer. The last of the magic. The start of our last year of primary school. In we all trooped. Into the class room. But, there was one empty desk. Bill Bowyer's. We were not worried; something had happened; that's all. Our teacher then told us the news.

I sensed a touch of sadness in Mr. Ladlowe's voice as he spoke. “Bill Bowyer's parents have had to leave town. Business has taken them a long way-a-way. Bill Bowyer is not coming back. He has gone to live with his aunty in Scotland”. That's all we were told. We were, of course, very upset. But, not for too long. Children quickly forget. Bill Bowyer was quickly forgotten.

But, people never stay completely forgotten. It was 8 or 9 years later. I was reading the paper when a name caught my eye. Bowyer. I had to read the article 2 or 3 times. Bill Bowyer's father had just been released from Reading prison. His crime was embezzlement in a very big way. Bill Bowyer's father had never been rich.

I never found Bill Bowyer again. I looked for him. But, to no avail. But, however crooked Bill's father might have been, Bill, himself, was, in those days, a really great friend. And, I hope Bill is still being Bill. But, who knows? Crime can be tempting; but Reading jail is not a nice place. Be careful, Bill Bowyer. Father like son!

avail – use – to no avail = to be of no use.

crooked – criminal.

embezzlement – to divert money in a criminal way for one's own use. (normally white collar crime).

                                     Picture - Elephants never forget - by Nigel A JAMES

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...