Sunday 24 March 2019

(B) - Marga Frank - Calling All Children - Listening Magic!

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Marga Frank - Calling All Children
The Little Dream Man for Little Bedtime People

Stories that come in from the air are moments of magic. And, radio is a wonderful thing for little listening people. And, the best stories of all are the ones that send children to sleep with dreams in their pockets and smiles on their faces. And, this, in Vienna, was radio for children as it once used to be! And, it was all thanks to one woman! Marga Frank.

It was 1955. The age of new radio in Austria. A period of excitement when things were invented as needed and methods didn't come from a course. And, it was then that Marga Frank started a program for children. The Little Dream Man. And, The Little Dream Man was something quiet special.

The Little Dream Man began every night around bedtime. Its little listeners were all on their way to their beds. For, about to start was something they loved. Stories that ended each day on a high. But, of course, the telling of good stories wasn't all that it seemed. It was an art.

Each story had to last for exactly 4 minutes and 45 seconds. No longer no shorter. And, and this was a challenge. And, it was the magical thrill of these beautiful stories that made The Little Dream Man successful. But, there was more. The program was live every evening just before six, meaning, 365 stories each year! But, everything always happened on time, and, as the years went by, so did the stories.
And the generations moved on as well. The Little Dream Man was so popular that it lasted for almost 40 years. And, its first little listeners grew up to become the grandparents of the last little listening dreamers. And, then television arrived. And, the Little Dream Man fell sadly asleep.

And, Marga Frank was happily still with us until not long ago. And, with her 90 long years, was able to look back on a life of providing great listening pleasure. And, Austria, too, said thank you in a very big way. Marga Frank was awarded the Austrian medal of honour for her work. The highest honour of all! And, quite rightly so. For she – after all - was the one who sent millions of children to bed every night with smiles on their faces and dreams in their pockets. Dream on little children.

Sunday 17 March 2019

(B) - Brad'l in der Rhein - A wonderful meal high up in the mountains.

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Picture - Gmunden in Upper Austria

Brad'l in der Rhein
Sepp and Sabine Ammering and the Hochsteinalm

The Austrian mountains are full of surprises; and the best ones of all are the ones which are reached by difficult paths. It was just after Christmas. We were a very small group. Just 5. We had switched on our torches and lamps. The darkness was total and the going was slow. We had ice under foot. It was dangerous. We had to be careful. Uphill in the winter was no easy thing. But then came the lights. Welcoming beacons shining out through the darkness. And, there was the hut of the Hochsteinalm. And, we were hungry.
Whilst Landlord Sepp Ammering was making his guests very welcome, Sabina, his wife, was at work in the kitchen. And, our meal was fantastic. A typical Upper-Austrian dish called “Brad'l in der Rhein” which roughly translated means pork, potatoe dumplings, and cabbage all roasted together in the same dish in the oven. A perfect dish for cold winter nights in the mountains. Of course, there were other things, too, and all just as good. And, the Schnaps at the end of the evening was just the right way for saying goodbye.

But, of course, there's more to the Hochsteinalm than just fine mountain food on cold winter nights. It's not only a wonderful place for hiking in summer, it's home to many interesting animals as well. It has something for everyone and especially for children. For youngsters there's something behind every tree! The Hochsteinalm near Gmunden and Traunkirchen in Upper Austria is not only a great place to go - one can stay there as well. They also have wonderful rooms. The hut is a great place to stay.

Maybe, one day we'll meet in the mountains and finish our day with a wonderful meal. Brad'l in der Rhein at the Hochsteinalm. Sepp and Sabine Ammering.

For more details,-

Gmunden in Upper Austria

Monday 11 March 2019

(B) - Franz Zweigelt - An Austrian Hero

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Picture - On The Way to the Wine Harvest - by Nigel A JAMES

Franz Zweigelt

Austria is famous for many famous things. Its food and its wine are amongst the best in the world. And, the Austrians love wine in a very big way. And, one of the best wines of all is a beautiful red called Zweigelt. And, Zweigelt is all thanks to one man. Franz Zweigelt.

In 1922, whilst working at the Klosterneuburger Wine School, Franz Zweigelt developed the Zweigelt grape. This grape was strong, tasty, and extremely resistant. And, it definitely saved the Austrian wine making trade. This grape was resistant to disease. But, the Austrians had very little resistance to Zweigelt.

Soon, Zweigelt had become the most popular red wine in Austria, The Austrians could not get enough. And, overnight, Franz Zweigelt became a popular man. A national hero. He was loved and admired. A Zweigelt red was one of the best in the world.

Franz Zweigelt was born on the 13th of January, 1888, in the small Styrian village of Hitzendorf. Franz Zweigelt wrote many scientific books in the course of his life. He was also the publisher of two scientific magazines.

Franz Zweigelt died in 1964 on the 18th of September. In 2002, the Franz Zweigelt Prize was awarded for the first time. A prize for excellent wines.

Zweigelt wine is a very important part of modern Austrian culture. The name Zweigelt stands for Austrian quality and standards. Zweigelt will never be forgotten.

On the way to the Wine harvest - by Nigel A JAMES

Thursday 7 March 2019

(B) - The Ice Cold of Fear - An Escape -

Please click here for full audio/visual page.

Photo - Where Katalin grew up in Hungary

Katalin Rath - The Ice Cold of Fear! - A true story from not so long ago  

Budapest 1974. Autumn was passing into winter and the cold was increasing each day. But, in the hearts of two very young people was the heat of excitement. Katalin and Ferry were getting ready to flee. Their native Hungary had become too small for their dreams and they needed more. They needed freedom. But, legally leaving the east was no easy thing. Permission was needed. But how?

The answer was relatively simple.

Having just completed their medical studies, a trip to Leningrad was nothing unusual. Many students did it. And, to this end, Katalin and Ferry had joined the Hungarian communist youth organization KIS. And, because Katalin and Ferry were two party members, the ministry of the interior had automatically approved their application for travel to Leningrad and a two-day trip to Helsinki. A ministry stamp on their already KIS approved application forms had been nothing more than a matter of form. If KIS says yes, then everyone else says yes as well.

But there was something that neither KIS nor the ministry of the interior had known. KIS had only approved a journey to Leningrad. By using a very special pen, Katalin had carefully added the trip to Helsinki herself. A dangerous thing to do. And, it, if discovered, would have meant life behind bars for Katalin and Ferry.

And, there was one other risk too. A top secret risk. Katalin and Ferry had two essential documents to take with them. And, these were their future success; these were their medical Diplomas. But, how to hide them in their luggage? Katalin decided the best way of doing so was by sewing them into the lining of one of their cases. And that's what she did. And this painstaking work was hard and took a very long time. The stitching had to be real and old and perfect as well. And, this was the hardest of all.

And, the test was not long in coming.
At the airport, everyone's cases were being thoroughly controlled and, to Katalin's dismay, the entire lining had just been ripped out of the woman's case who was in front of them at the check. This, too, could happen to them. And, sure enough, their luggage, too, was thoroughly searched. But, Katalin's stitching stood up to the test. Katalin and Ferry were through. And they and the rest of the group took their seats on the afternoon flight to the north. Leningrad was waiting for them.

And, despite being constantly followed in Leningrad, Katalin and Ferry enjoyed every moment. Soon communism would be a thing of their pasts. The west was just hours away. And, then came the next test. Their short stay in Helsinki. But, what to do with their luggage? They were being carefully watched! Two big cases for just one night in Helsinki? Definitely suspicious. They had to go down to essentials.

Katalin kept a cool head. She'd had an idea. As scheduled, Katalin and Ferry joined the rest of the group going to Helsinki in the hotel lobby. And, all they had with them was just one plastic bag. Enough for a very short visit. And then, just as the group was leaving, Katalin's and Ferry's plastic bag broke and their belongings fell on the ground. Quickly, Katalin fetched one of their empty cases, and, in front of the group, put in their belongings. Perfect for shopping, she grinned. Thirty minutes later their train pulled out of the station. And, Katalin and Ferry didn't look back. Leningrad and the east were now firmly behind them and all had been so very easy. Helsinki and freedom were now very close. Katalin and Ferry closed their eyes and relaxed to the rhythm of the tracks. Katalin slept.

But then, with the border in sight, the train suddenly stopped with a jolt and a screech! Katalin and Ferry woke up. Border guards and dogs were waiting to board. The Russians were leaving nothing to chance. And, once again came the feeling of freezing cold fear! And, as the guards and their dogs made their way through the train it became obviously clear that this time, things were going to be nasty!

But, once again they were lucky. And, once again, it was the people before them that got all the attention. And then, having controlled and searched the entire train, the guards and their dogs disappeared. The train would soon be moving again. Finland was now very close. They could see it quite clearly. Soon they would touch it as well.

But, soon took longer to come than expected. Nothing happened. The train just stood there and waited. The train didn't move. Ten minutes passed. An hour went by. Two hours went by. What was happening? Nobody knew and nobody dared ask. The risk was too great. Freedom was just down the road. But, would they ever get there? Everyone was nervous. And then, with a jolt and then another jolt, the train started moving. Slowly at first, then faster and faster. But, still the silence remained. No one believed they were moving. And then, all of a sudden, they saw Finish plates on the cars. They had gone over the line and passed into freedom! They had arrived. And then the cheering broke out!

And the rest was relatively easy. Katalin and Ferry waited until the group was about to leave for the station before jumping. They simply slid away from the group and walked round the corner. And then, just to make sure, Katalin and Ferry hid in a park. And then, after dark,, Katalin and Ferry made their way to the port and then to Sweden by ship. And, there they stayed for almost a year.

And, Katalin and Ferry did everything from cleaning toilettes to serving in restaurants. There was nothing below them. And then they moved on. Both became dentists, and Katalin became a celebrated artist as well!

And Hungary?

Now living in Vienna, Hungary has become part of their every day life once again. Family is family and the ice cold of fear is a thing of the past! Now is the future they dreamed of. Escaping was then. Now they are home!

Katalin and Ferry came out of the cold and into the west, and then, back again to the east. Katalin and Ferry – They took the risk and succeeded.

Selected Vocabulary

approved – bewilligt
blessings – Segnen
brake into - einbrechen
close – eng/knapp
escape – Entkommen
essential – unentbehrlich
fear - Angst
flee – Flehen
Guardian Angel – Schutzengel
jolt – Stoß
jumping (jump/jumped/jumped) – springen
leaving nothing to chance – nichts der Schicksal überlassen.
luggage Gepäck
lining – Futter
matter of form – Selbstverständlichkeit
naked – Nackt
obviously – offensichtlich
painstaking - sorgfältig
permission - Erlaubnis
plates – Kennzeichnen
pretence - Anschein
risks - Risiko
scheming – intrigieren
stamp - Stempel
stitching – Nähte
suspense – Spannung
thoroughly – genau
to this end – zu diesem Zweck

Where Katalin grew up in Hungary!

Monday 4 March 2019

A - The Ice Cream Boat - Hoping from island to island with delicious ice cream,

Please Click here for full audio/visual page.

Photo - The Ice Cream Boat by Nigel A JAMES

The Ice Cream Boat

Greek islands are famous for very many things. There are the turtles that lay their eggs on the shore, the soft sandy beaches, and the tasty Greek tasty food. And, there is one more thing, too. The ice cream boat.

The ice cream boat is a mobile floating ice cream stand and it goes from island to island. It is very popular. The ice cream boat sells not only ice cream, it sells soft drinks, sandwiches, and mineral water as well.

And, little Susie? Her favourite ice cream is strawberry ice cream. And, Greek strawberry ice cream is the best in the world. Little Susie loves Greece.

VocabularyWortschatz - Szokincs

beach – Strand - part
famousberühmt - hires
favouriteLieblings - kedvence
floating – schwimmenden - uszo
Greece Griechenland - Görögorszag
Greekgriechisch - gorög
island – Insel - sziget
popular – beliebt - nepies
shore – Strand - part
strawberry – Erdbeer - eper
tasty – schmackhaft - izletes
turtle – Schildkröte - teknösbeka

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...